Natalise was recently one of Maxim’s Girlfriend of the Day (thanks for the lead Gene). They only keep the last 5 girlfriends online as far as I can tell so if you missed it on Maxim, I have copied the mini-interview to my Asian Divas Yahoo Group.
Natalise is a Stanford graduate who is pursuing her dream of being the first big Asian American pop star. A good place to start is her official website (warning it is Flash based but was fast loading on broadband). In particular, she has a video clip and also music clips along with a photo gallery, bio, news, etc.
Here is a photo of Natalise performing:
Using google, I found a couple articles about Natalise written in 1993 (I later found they are also on her website but hard to read due to font size) in the google cache and have reposted them for convenience at:
Singer Natalise’s sky-high dream
Of Love and Natalise – SF Weekly cover story
Natalise is also on MySpace like most musicians and models. On MySpace, you can find more pictures of her and maybe get to know her better. Here are her MySpace pages:
Natalise music page including downloadable music clips
Natalise’s regular MySpace page