When I saw badboy’s Sora Aoi post below, two thoughts immediately sprang to mind: she isn’t actually natural(!), and my vote for the prettiest natural breasts in Japan goes to another girl with a similar given name: Saori Nanami. Interestingly, talis posted a comment saying excatly the same thing, so I thought I should do a post on her here. Before we go any further though, we have to look at another picture to try and make sure she actually is natural.

I think the picture above is probably the best evidence we’re going to get. Although it isn’t impossible to produce this effect with implants, it is far more likely to be produced by natural breasts. Furthermore, as I’ve seen her on video I’ve seen them moving around, and they do have a natural movement (once again, not impossible to produce with implants, but difficult.)
On another note, I also think she’s darn cute! Here’s a few Saori galleries from around the net:
Most of these pics are taken from her lovely photo album Kuhn (which I have in my collection) – you can find a bit of info here. The most comprehensive listing of Saori’s videos I’ve found is at AV Idol.
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Is that enough evidence that she is the best ??
Actually her most comprehensive AV videos would be found (below link) since she debut as a Sexia girl. Around 1988 onto the adult video scene. WOW thats so long ago…
Between 1998-1999, she did couple stints with other labels such as Allure, Raising, Atlas. As for more on her career? it seems to have ended in 1999. Anything released after 1999 were just compilations of her earlier works.
Thanks MrMoopy – I should have said ‘most comprehensive English language listing of Saori’s videos’. But I think Save on AV has pretty much all the originals listed anyway.
I’ve just managed to find an English Saori Nanami page at AV Idol, so I’ve changed the link in my article to reflect this.
this is really a beautiful breast!
her breast is actually “talking”, like, trying to say something u know!
She gets my vote, I don’t care if they’re real or not.
i can see this kind of girls anywhere on the street here. the only one difference is girls here are dressed.
I still find her incredibly sexy.
Are any of her videos available completely uncensored? That’s something I’d love to watch.