Women of the East 2006 Calendar

Women of the East 2006 Calendar

I just noticed that photographer Mark Thompson is still producing Women of the East calendars. No idea if it is new work or film material from a few years back. Funny to see that the subtitle says ‘The Hottest Asian Sirens on the Planet’. Good to see you are still there Mark and yes I know that you took the domain asiansirens.com a few years back πŸ˜‰
Women of the East 2006 Calendar

Models featured in the calendar are: Francine Dee (cover), Felicia Tang, Kera Kenner, Tina Lee, Kitchie, Lelani, Ranee, Grace, Anna, Candace Kita, Leanna Scott, Christine Mendoza, Tera Patrick, and Charmane.

See also:

Import Model Leah Dizon

Import Model Leah Dizon

Leah Dizon was born in Las Vegas on September 24, 1986. The 5.5 ft lass is the daughter of a casino dealer and-through many years in high school theater-is a self-admitted nerd because she loves the acting community. Armed with the smarts and confidence of a girl years beyond her 18, this sexy Filipina/ Chinese/ Caucasian beauty aims to get her degree in the arts and eventually pursue the Hollywood dream (via: BNM).
Import Model Leah Dizon

Import Model Leah Dizon

Import Model Leah Dizon

Some selected links:

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What’s up with Tiara Lestar?

Tiara Lestar (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Just a few months ago (almost) nobody outside Indonesia had heard of Tiara Lestar. Then the Dutch Penthouse (and soon after the Spanish Playboy) came with her first nude shoot and her international career was ready to fly. With enthousiasm she started her personal blog. Interesting postings, nice pictures and a lot of exposure from the local media. But what happened then?

Since december 2 she didn’t post anymore. She talked about an issue with her relationship but so far no follow up. I know issues with relationships can be tough and I truly hope Tiara will solve her problems but starting a blog means you start a relationship with readers as well. Tiara, if you read this please let us know what’s going on. There are a lot of fans who want to know how you are doing…

Miranda Josepha de Ling

Dutch model Miranda Josepha de Ling (aka Mira, Miranda Josepha or Miranda de Ling) was born on June 3, 1983 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, a small city in the Netherlands. Miranda’s roots are from Indonesia and Europe (Belgium and Germany). She lives and studies in Amsterdam but her dream is to move to the US one day. Huh? Okay, whatever…Some links:

For our Dutch visitors: