Miranda Josepha de Ling

Dutch model Miranda Josepha de Ling (aka Mira, Miranda Josepha or Miranda de Ling) was born on June 3, 1983 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, a small city in the Netherlands. Miranda’s roots are from Indonesia and Europe (Belgium and Germany). She lives and studies in Amsterdam but her dream is to move to the US one day. Huh? Okay, whatever…Some links:

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0 thoughts on “Miranda Josepha de Ling”

  1. It’s a shame a model react this way. It’s not like we are stealing her photo’s for our own gain?! We are delivering free publicity and are linking to the source. Some people just don’t get the internet…

    Miranda has to learn a lot about marketing I guess… but Marco can elaborate on this, he is after all Mr. Marketeer! 😉

  2. I don’t want to call her an idiot but rather unfamilair with the internet. Why removing some nice illustrative photo’s? Why approaching us in a rather aggresive way? The only result is that the images are removed and that the positive comments are overshadowed by negative comments…

    It’s a shame as Miranda is one of the few Asian models (and from what I’ve seen from her, a very professional model) we have in the Netherlands. Fortunately I got an email today from another Dutch model who is more cooperative. Carmen Woo let the visitors of Asian Sirens know that she recentely updated her website. I will do an item on Carmen soon!

  3. U didn’t remove the pictures, u just replace it (!) and they still in your directory folder.

    And I don’t need your erotic site as publicity of my modeling career. So I ask you one more time: delete your blog with my photo’s and my information.

    Please read my last mail. If you do not reply, I’ll send a signed formal letter to the administrator of the site.

    Yours sincerly,

    MYO CHAN, Miranda Josepha de Ling

  4. O no, not again. First they go nude for the camera and than they complain when the photo’s are shown on the internet. Don’t they learn on the model school how internet works these days?

    And btw, since when can you force weblogs not to write about you? As long they are not discriminating or write down your personal address than it is freedom of speech isn’t it?

  5. True. There is something called ‘freedom of speech’. You can write whatever you want about anybody as long as you are not discriminating or excite hatred.

    But I guess that is something they also don’t teach at model school 😉
    Hmm… I see a job oppurtunity here: internet-marketing for models 😛

  6. Alright Miranda, if you have enough savvy to find your pics in our photo directory (even though we neither link to them nor display them), then you should have enough brains to figure out that apearing on this blog will not harm you one iota. If you’re referring to the fact that we still write about you and link to your photos on other sites, then all I can say is good luck finding a legal leg to stand on.

    On the other hand, being such a bitch about this definitely will harm your career – we are one of the most widely read sites about Asian models and performers on the net. If you’d asked nicely we would have been more accomodating, but we don’t respond to threats, as the law as very much on our side here – we neither display any copyrighted material nor say anything defamatory about you. Quite the opposite in fact.

    BTW, I guess you could say I’m the administrator of this site, in as much as I am hosting it. Do you and your lawyers fancy a trip to Australia?

  7. Lee……I don’t disagree with what you and the other guys are saying here. But please, can you refrain from using words like idiot and bitch? I know you can still express your opinion without using such rude and insulting words.

  8. I guess this reflects my Aussie background, as we use this sort of terminology more freely than many other countries. I shall refrain from using these terms in future, although frankly I find her ‘threats’ and dismissal of Asian Sirens insulting. Regular readers will know I rarely compliment a model as highly as I did Miranda, but instead of thanks, we get this.

  9. Yep, we should not call her names just because she does not like our site.

    She is a beautiful woman, who just doesn’t got the whole internet/blogging thing figured out yet. I am sure Marco would be happy to help her out in that department 😉

    Look: Google is on our side! 😉

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