I had an email exchange recently with a right wing extremist who took exception to the political opinions I express in the FAQ section of my web site. Apparently he even posted something I never actually said on several mesage boards! When I pointed out to him the fact that I never said what he accused me of, he then accused me of altering my FAQ! This is in spite of the fact that (as regular visitors to my site will know) I have not changed anything in my FAQ since we launched our site a year and a half ago!
Anyway, this poor deluded individual got me to thinking about the relationship between sex and politics.Many people say sex and politics don’t mix, but I think this is naive. Politicians (and religious leaders) have been using sexual supression to control the masses for millenia. A recent example that applies particularly to sites such as this one is 2257, which seriously restricts what American web sites can post on the net. The Bush administration’s pandering to the religious right is restricting what you can see on the internet, and it will only get worse if you don’t take action.
Anyway, that’s my opinion on this volatile issue. What’s yours?
P.S. The photo above is another shot from the same fashion session as the last pic I posted here. I thought it was appropriately ‘serious’ looking for this subject!