All posts by Asian Sirens Admin

Asian Women Thinspo or Pro Ana


There’s a strange trend that’s happened online over the past few years known as “Thinspo,” short for “Thinspiration.” Those that follow it believe that they’re using photos of ultra thin women as motivation to lose weight. Opponents believe that it’s simply another term for pro-ana, and it promotes anorexia, which is of course obscenely unhealthy.

Because Asian women are often naturally skinny, many of the photos are “Asian Thinspo” photos – especially Korean women and runway models – because they tend to be stick thin and are not generally associated with anorexia.

Below are varying degrees of thinspo. Some models, like the one at the top, seem perfectly healthy to me. Others, as you can see if you search for “Thinspo” online or browse sites like this, look much less healthy.

So, questions for the audience:

– How do you feel about ultra skinny women?
– What do you think about “Thinspo”? Is it anorexia disguised or a motivational tool?
– Is there a difference to you between the women that are naturally skinny and those that are starving themselves? What about in attraction?

Discuss anything you want related to this type of conversation in the comments.







Calamity Chang

When American burlesque was in its heyday, Asian striptease performers were practically unheard of. However, with the emergence of “neo-burlesque” in the mid-1990s, a few Asian ladies have taken to the stage, doing the retro “bump ‘n grind” acts. One of the most prominent being New York City’s “Asian Sexsation” Calamity Chang.

Above is Calamity doing her “Nunsploitation” routine at a show entitled “Meat My Friends,” hosted at Full Cup in Staten Island. See more of Calamity at her official website and you can follow her on Twitter.

Sherilynn Macale


Sherilynn Macale was a very popular blogger that looks to have very recently shut down her blog, and all of the photos that went with it. Still, many of the images remain. She was also a dominatrix for a while, and supposedly had some sexy photos that I don’t care to look for since they’re not easily available. Hopefully she gets back into modeling soon.Photos:





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