Sherilynn Macale


Sherilynn Macale was a very popular blogger that looks to have very recently shut down her blog, and all of the photos that went with it. Still, many of the images remain. She was also a dominatrix for a while, and supposedly had some sexy photos that I don’t care to look for since they’re not easily available. Hopefully she gets back into modeling soon.Photos:





Dom Vid

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0 thoughts on “Sherilynn Macale”

  1. And I’ll be the second. However after the preceding post I’m even more paranoid about the possible presence (or possible post-op past presence) of bulging bits or bollocks in the lady lower-lips location.

  2. Love the picture of her walking on the beach. The others? Not so much–are they even the same person?

    I hung out with a woman who practiced as a Dom for a while–before we were together. But even though she was out of the “business” she still had a couple of “slaves” who cleaned her house and did her laundry.

    I never really understood the whole Dom/Sub, SM thing. I enjoy relationships and sex between equals. And have always figured if you had to go to bizarre lengths to get off perhaps you weren’t doing it properly to begin with. But to each their own, I suppose.

  3. Here is another girl who has an account on okcupid. Can’t say whether the account is real or fake because she admits to modeling around the world, but I won’t post it just in case.

  4. she is really fucking sexy. something about her is really sizzling. i think its the legs and the face. i usually prefer longer hair though

  5. I still think Asian Siren Lucy Lui was hot as a dominatrix in the movie Payback.

    I don’t get the dominatrix thing either. When you grow up the youngest brother of many AND date pushy American women- you get used to being beat up and talked down to. Why would I PAY someone to do that to me?

  6. Luke 79, that’s a very sexist thing to say, and I’m offended.

    They should do the cleaning AND take the garbage out.

  7. Bigfoot is right. It doesn’t even look like the same person in all the pics. Too bad they took down her domination video. I wouldn’t mind watching that.

  8. wylde8: Date one of my American ex’s….then you can LIVE being dominated rather than watch it in a video. 🙂

    CEC: You have a good memory. That Michelle Phan is still looking hot.

  9. French, I’m in the US too, so I know what you’re talking about. That’s why I’d rather watch it happen to someone else than experience it first hand!

  10. Take your domineering aggressive modern American female, cover her in tattoos and put her in mining/oil rig workman’s clothes and feed her up enough so she’s bigger angrier and hairier than a congo Gorilla, and then give her a vocabulary consisting of just a few words and all of them beginning in “f”. Then clone this specimen a few thousand times and set them all loose on the streets with double prams (the spare baby space used for carrying the booze and smokes).

    This my friends is Rockhampton. Please for the love of God, more naked asian ladies please!!!

  11. Things haven’t been easy around here lately. First sushi, then girls who get men to clean and do their laundry for free.
    Maybe the world is coming to an end!

  12. Man, I read the gossip link that Travis provided….it seems the dominatrix here has a lot of haters…. A LOT of haters. They say she photoshops (her skin color and chin) all her pics and that she is a fake…..This gossip thing is tough- so happy I am a dude and not a chick.

  13. She apparently started blogging when she was a young teenager. That’s a lot of time to make people jealous. I’ve never heard about Xia Xue having these sorts of problems

  14. Her chin is clearly photoshopped….that link Travis provided shows the before and after photos of her walking on the beach. She made her chin pointy, widened her face, altered the shape of her eyes, made herself a couple inches taller, and lightened her skin.

    As Bigfoot said at the beginning of the comments: Is this even the same person?

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