I wouldn’t normally even consider posting an ID request with only low quality screen grabs, but this girl has some very distinctive tattoos on her spine, which should make it possible for someone to identify her (see after the jump). She calls herself Asia, is apparently only 4’8″ tall, and a mix of Chinese, Japanese and caucasian. These grabs are taken from Playboy’s All Nite Party Girls.

yes someone please tell me who she is…very cute!
I wonder if the black girl is asian as well……
um..which one in the first pic is the one in the second pic? I’m having just a little trouble doing comparisons. And pics 3 and 4 don’t help decide the issue.
So..do we want to know both girls identities?
I, for one, would.
Asia, the shorter girl in the first pic is the 2nd. Daisy Marie, the taller girl is a famous pornstar. Some sites say DM is 1/4 Filipino, so I’ll let you decide. Asia is in all the pics for 1-4. The reason for the wardrobe change for Asia is because she appeared in two episodes of All night party girls.
What does the back tatt say?
I think it’s off a Led Zep album 😉
Any front shots so we can see what’s on the other side? Y’know just for comparison’s sake…
I haven’t got any clear full frontals unfortunately.
Luke: To quote the great Led Zeppelin, “I’ll be her Back Door Man”.
Maybe the tatt says “FRA-GIL-E”….must be Italian…..
Thank you terry2k. Could the back zipper, sorry tat, say “open other end”? 😉
French: I do believe you mean the great Doors:-)
But she could squeeze my lemon til the juice runs down my leg (LZ).
That’s right! The Doors had a song called “Back Door Man”, but Led Zeppelin had the phrase “Shake for me girl, I want to be your back-door man….” from the song “Whole Lotta Love”.
And she could squeeze MY lemon too! But not at the same time ’cause that would be weird. She is hot.
French, my fault for focusing on song titles instead of lyrics. Please keep your lemons well away from mine;-)