Kyla Gray


As one of my favorite photographers I told Tony Yang that he was welcome to send me any model he wanted and I would give her a feature. While he has yet to send me a picture of one of these models hold a sign saying “I LOVE ASIAN SIRENS” or “I LOVE TRAVIS STROUP” (preferably the latter), he does still deliver, and I’m happy to feature Kyla Gray here today at his request.

Kyla wants to be in Maxim someday. So while I don’t usually ask anything from you guys except for your time and money and allegiance, today I’m going to ask you to Tweet and Tumblr Share this post as best you can, maybe even directing it @Maxim to get her noticed.Age: ?
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Korean
Located: New York









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0 thoughts on “Kyla Gray”

  1. OMGoodness!…Kyla! If I was into tweeting I would most certainly vote yes…give this hottie the spread she deserves. She’s sexy hot.

  2. Her tattoo at her bikini line reads “Park Eun-mi,” which is a Korean female’s name. It sure doesn’t look professionally done, so I wonder what the story on it is.

  3. ahhhhh Hell yeah!!

    A Korean woman with natural (ie, not pasty white anaemic) skin. Doesn’t have what I’d call the typical Korean look…. I wonder if she’s from Jeju….

    Yes please.

    Oh and CEC, I think your translation is a bit out. It actually says “Park on me”. As if we needed those instructions……

  4. Agree with majiemao….nice hair, too. I think some makeup would look great on her. Not a fan of any of her tats – no matter what they say, nor her piercing.

    haha, Kroos! still making me laugh.

  5. WOW! for her body and hair. smaller wow for her face. Love the last pic above. And if I could tweet, I would…except that’s another one that’s blocked. And I hear tighter net restrictions, esp of VPNs, are in store here for us in the PRC.

  6. I do not think the above photos are her best. Her tumblr and fb have some very nice ones. Her model mayhem site shows her at 24, which surprises me. I was actually going to suggest 18, maybe 19, made to look older. Maybe her best work was when she was younger, when her bad-ass look was not so refined. I think there is a beautiful woman there somewhere.

  7. I proclaim her hot….

    I love her hair but agree that she hides her face a lot….and I like her face!

    “Only” a 30″ bust measurement??? I am in love with her chest- she has good bras.

    Are you looking at that beautiful Korean nose! Love it!

    Her website is way low on content. The “about me” section is kind of blank. If she attends Rutgers, she should have more to say….

    Nice to see a non-Californian featured.

  8. Some are just so critical of a person. Makes me wonder how perfect they look to others?

    Anyway she is a beautiful woman tats or not. I’m not a big fan of tats on anyone personally. But if that is what they want and they are happy with it who am I to judge them.

  9. Tony is a genius. He really draws you in and makes you connect with these girls. What’s not to like about Kyla? Nothing. She radiates lovely energy.

  10. I agree with wknight on all the tats commenting. I’d probably never noticed the tattoo on her until it was brought up. I could maybe see if she had a full/half sleeve but even then, she’d still be hot to me.

  11. Thanks Arf! Sweet girls, the Jason tatt wouldn’t have been my first choice.
    I really like Kyla, the first photo is spectacular. I hope she does do Maxim or whatever else she chooses as I would like to see more. The quality pictures make a difference. It’s good to see photos without too much makeup.

  12. My new years resolution was to wake up next to Kyla Gray.

    Alas, much like the “fitness” and “less porn” resolutions of 2012, this resolution too sadly never quite happened….

  13. Still time, Kroos! Not yet midnight in my neck of the woods.

    Of course, you’d need to wake up next to Kyla and me.

  14. Actually dbldipper, as it drew closer to 12:00 here my new years resolution was slightly amended to “Wake up next to anything without a penis”.

    In hindsight, my phrasing was a bit open to misinterpretation and I’m kind of relieved to wake up in my usual state (ie, alone in foetal position in a puddle of my own pee).

  15. Yeah, I’d really hate to wake up without a penis. So I’d better be a good boy so as not to give the wifey a reason:-)

  16. Oh, and why does Kyla seem to cover half or more of her face with her hair? Her body may be better than her face, but her face doesn’t need covering up. Nice midriff BTW!

  17. I assume there is a stylist and the photographer may be asking her to. Perhaps she thinks it is her best look. Her face is lovely she should show it all off more.

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