I can’t beleive I failed to post this here when we first published it; totally my bad. But all the same a Chinese hottie who doubled for Zhang Ziyi wants YOU! (maybe). More pics and even contact details (that have been verified) after the jump!Here’s a few more pictures, and the full story is here with contact details. So c’mon all you single Siren lovers, give this girl what she wants!

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So she’s looking… And she’s attractive.
I guess I may fit the requirements. 😉
Where can I find more about her? I’m a bit picky too, you know.
come on guys, you’re better than this. seriously. or, at least, i hope so.
no we’re not 🙂
Ha! LawBoy – you are funny! 🙂
I am glad i can amuse ya Bill 🙂 you owe me a Tiger beer in Bangkok 🙂
lawboy, this website sounds perfect for you
So, anybody call or e-mail her yet?
ha ha christine…sorry sweetheart i already have a lifetime membership to those sites….:))
CEC..i think doc has..and if she wants to come to the US, i can do her paperwork for free…:)
Christine, you don’t find Korean girls like Kim Ok-bin or Chinese girls like Zhang Ziyi attractive? You seem to have extremely high, like out of this world standards. I don’t get it. Maybe this is more your speed?
HAHAHA no, arf, i didn’t mean my comment above in that i don’t find zhang ziyi attractive. i think zhang ziyi is gorgeous! i just think that it’s stooping a bit low to try to wed this girl because she wants a foreign husband.
i actually think korean girls are the most pretty if i were to choose between chinese, japanese, vietnamese, and korean girls (though i know there’s a popular vote for vietnamese here, it seems). that’s precisely why i didn’t think kim was that gorgeous, because at my school i’ve seen a lot of really gorgeous korean girls and i just didn’t think kim looked any different, or any better.
for instance, i just did a search on facebook for “korean” and pulled up a large group akin to a korean american association at my school, and here is a sampling of the good-looking members, all thumbnails because i don’t want to link to these people’s actual photos:
thumbnail 1
thumbnail 2
thumbnail 3
thumbnail 4
thumbnail 5
thumbnail 6
thumbnail 7
the thing is kim has all of these people doing her hair and her makeup and putting on her fake lashes and getting her contact lenses and doing clothes-fitting for her…can you imagine what these girls would look like if they had that same help? i guess for this reason, i just don’t think that kim is that great looking.
and! this is what she looks like without photoshopping, just a standard camera, full makeup, and ok-lighting: kim ok bin. esp. in this more realistic photo, i guess i just don’t see how she looks any better than the girls in the thumbnails from my previous comment, you know?
i looked up more about her to write this comment and something came up about her figure – so i guess the truth is that she’s not really as full as the video lets on, and she has a slender body. but being slim/slender isn’t something atypical to korean women, so i could see her being more attractive to you if she had an unusually voluptuous figure or if she had a better ass. for instance, jeon ji hyun is unusually curvy for a korean girl.
I think I could love your friend in thumbnail 5 above, christine, too bad she appears to be taken. But like I said before, maybe it was that long hair and bangs and them legs that did it for me in that video of Kim. Also, I don’t find her that particularly unappealling in your picture just now. Looks like a normal girl to me. Maybe I’m different.
That’s exactly the point arf – she looks like a normal girl. Given the reaction Kim’s gotten here (including from you), shouldn’t she be a little better than ‘normal’? I maintain my opinion – she’s just bland.
Could anyone tell me what is the movie tittle that has her as zhang naked body?
I’m sorry Doc, but the word bland just doesn’t seem to be a very fitting word for Kim Ok-bin. To me, she’s more normal in christine’s picture because of her different hair style which is a bit on the plain compared to the long luscious hair she has in the dancing video. I guess she just isn’t SoCal looking enough for some people’s tastes. Oh well, I love her just fine. Kim is all mine then.
As you should know from my posts, I normally don’t like the SoCal look at all. Kim is just really ordinary.
christine, you’re over analyzing again and spoiling the fantasy for us. 🙂
Why did you have to dig that Kim photo? I admit she’s more regular in that one. Still, she has some hot legs, there is no trick in that. 😉
I vote for thumb 5 above, too.
daznlover – you are correct sir!
Thumb number 5; here-here! 🙂
Ordinary it is, then. Just how I like em’, I guess. I wonder if Zhang Ziyi’s nude body double would be considered ordinary. If she is, let me have er’.
uh she looks like uh—“buto-buto”
Nan de “buto-buto” deuska?
Do you go to berkeley christine? I only ask ’cause my friend is the one in thumb 5 whose lady apparently arf and others “could love”. Small world.
Yes, Christine does go to Berkeley, so your ID could very well be correct.
TMPI guys, but, well, it’s up to christine.
So, shinebox, your friend is the girl (humm) or the guy (who cares lol)?
wow brain and beauty…what a hot asian woman you are :))
yeah, daznlover’s right, i remained pretty e-nonymous about all of this stuff because i’d rather not disclose this kind of information since i feel like i’ve already divulged a lot, but shinebox is right
Attractive, but not my type. Enjoy, guys. 🙂
5’s my least fav. 1 & 3 I will be dreaming of for sure.
I believe 5 is the hottest. Do we have a thread on the Socal asian look? There should be. I would like to know how many guys prefer the Socal asian look to others. I think socal asian girls with a dark tan are soo much more beautiful on average than non Socal asians :))))) Actually its the socal asians that I’ve met that turned me onto asian girls and ive never looked back 😉
Oops, I just read the “A New Year, A Slightly New Asian Sirens” post when doing a search for socal and the controversy that resulted from the helen su post. I take back my last comment about a socal thread if it were to spark an unwanted discussion. I am unsure if it will but if it didnt it would be a nice topic to discuss 🙂 Possibly some picture posts of favs to complement it.
If you want to discuss this, I suggest you do it here:
Suffice it to say, my opinion could hardly be more different from your’s: IMHO, “SoCal” Asians are the least attractive Asians overall, along with Issarn Thai girls (the latter being an opinion I know I don’t share with the majority of our readers). Anyway, please respond in the above thread.
Has anyone tried contacting this chick?
Good question 🙂
This photo is done by me when I worked for a magazine, there are more of this series in following link here: