I know that some readers of Asian Sirens will appreciate this picture. It was taken on Tuesday during a military parade in Pyongyang honoring their 60th anniversary.The big news was that Kim Jong-Il failed to show because of poor health. You can see more pictures of the military parades here and more pictures of asian women in uniform here.
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Oh yeah, look at all those hot North Korean communist military legs. Rawr.
This is the most hilarious idea for an Asian Sirens post ever. Well done.
Wow, the North Korean army has affirmitive action! Who would have thought? 😉
I saw them marching on Korean TV news-they stay stiff-legged all the time-has to be the most jarring,uncomfortable march ever!
Funny on so many levels.That can’t help but end up being a poster someday.
I bet most North Koreans does not have access for pornography let alone female nudity by Internet since the sites are blocked. What a pity!
nice spreads 🙂
So many possible jokes, so little time.
Very funny, Randy.
Now, let’s have some nudity!
I think the 5th women from the left in the 3rd row is pretty hot.
i would say the 7th woman on the 10th row is a little hotter 🙂
We saw this on the TV news and were astonished at the goose-stepping North Korean army gals – seen guys but never gals do this…a first. Love those sexy shoes…mmm.
Seems we have different tastes LB. You keep your army woman, I keep mine! 🙂
I’ve often wondered what North Korean women are like as sexual partners. You don’t see many of em in the states.
But, that country suffers from mal nutrition and God knows what else. I wouldn’t want one unless I met a healthy knockout.
I hope Kim Jong il dies as well as Castro.
I want to see America open up diplomacy with those countries but its obvious that under the current administrations (here and there) it isn’t going to happen.
I’ve never been so flaccid while browsing the net…