I happened upon this website called Japanese Panties & Lingerie Erotic Dance Girls DVD. They sell DVDs of nude and scantily clad girls dancing around in panties and lingerie. The content is very amateurish, but there are definitely some cute girls in the mix. Here are the detailed DVD Listings. Click on each DVD to see lots of screenshots. There are also two short video samples on that page. For more screenshots click

Links for Japanese Panties and Lingerie Erotic Dance Girls
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I had to laugh at the wordy title of the website!
Also, if you are one to buy this kind of content, US$7.00 per DVD is very reasonable compared to most.
Seems like young japanese girls really have a lot of varied opportunities to work in the sex industry without doing hardcore. I bet the pay is pretty meager to do stuff like Japanese Panties and Lingerie Erotic Dance Girls. OK, time to stop talking about Japanese Panties and Lingerie Erotic Dance Girls. I’ll now let you guys get your comments in about Japanese Panties and Lingerie Erotic Dance Girls. Haha!
How do I get a job making videos like that for a living?
It’s all just softcore video, with that cost I can just go get a real porn video.
I just love the girls.
I like the thong-girls but wish you could just download the videos like a “normal” paysite.
My, my, my… I liked this a little too much.
It’s beautiful and in my face with their little Japanese buttocks. Splendid!
not bad…this is one of the hottest video ive seen
too bad i cant identify who she is…anyone have any idea =D ?
sacha…doc’s best friend 🙂
Thats Sasha. We’ve talked about her before, and yes, her videos are some of the hottest I’ve ever seen also. I especially like the lollipop one.
mc-kormick – if you have an ID request, please send it to the “Contact Asian Sirens” link in the lefthand column, and keep our threads on topic.
I’m really getting tired of saying this! 🙁
Cute panties and lingeries, but I prefer the girls.
Would you wear them on your head…Niners, if they asked? I would. 🙂
Arf, of course I would. Let’s make the party.