She was mentioned before by NorthMan and is known as webgirl jlh25f (aka Sasha). Thanks to Zamscan I had a chance to check out some of her video’s and to be honest I was shocked. Not only because it was porn but I’m almost sure I’ve seen her face before (but can’t remember when and where).
Another thing is that when I did some research on her, I found exactly the same message as she posted here on Asian Sirens on other forums and message boards. Conclusion, her iFriend club is spammed all over the net which makes me even more curious about who she is and who is behind her porn videos.
It’s obvious that her real name is not Sasha and based on some of the photo’s I digged she is also known as Jenn (or Jenny, Jennifer, etc). She is half Korean and Italian, approx. 20-25 years old, probably from Manhattan Beach, LA and although I don’t think it’s true, she mentioned that she graduated UCLA in June 2005 and planned grad school at USC.
Who can help to identify this girl? I’ve already collected some interesting links to pictures and videos that can be helpfull in the search for her real name or the people behind her porn videos.
Some other tidbits I found on Sasha:
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Sexual Pref: Bisexual
Height: 5’3” Weight: 120 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Build: Tight figure
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Measurements: 34dd-24-36
Some selected pictures:
Some selected videos:
Also check out Zamscan’s collection:
Some other tidbits:
Yes, I did speculate in my reponse to ‘her’ message that ‘she’ posted the same message elsewhere. I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t get a response!
Did you send ‘her’ also an email?
I’m wondering if someone here has access to her iFriend club and can tell more.
You can find an overview of her iFriend-appearance here:
I didn’t bother to go that far.
here are some videos
do we all suffer from “playboy syndrome”?. well, at least, i do. i don’t mind, even enjoy it, when a beautiful, shapely & neatly trimmed (a PB thing, hehe) woman appears naked in any of PB editions, but scoff when a similar woman spreads ( very, very literally) in a penthouse/hustler or gets into very crappy amateur porn .
and yeah. they all are college students.
i’m a part-time sumo wrestler, by the way.
jimmerz41, any idea how large thes files are?
Nik2, I don’t have a problem with porn but I have a wrong feeling with this one. Her webcam appearance at iFriend is spammed too much over the net.
Did I tell you guys I am a part-time Martial Arts expert?
If you can find more info about Sasha with Martial Arts than that’s fine to me
I’d better stop teasing you about having small hands then.
Go ahead, make my day!
Still nobody who has seen this face before as well?
marco i dont know how big they are but they are roughly 1-3 mins each…
the only way to save them is view them and look into the cache….but this the backdoor of ifriends
// had to change this part because of layout problems
heres some more vids:
Thx jimmer for the additional links.
Hmmm, almost 3,000 views for this item and still no clue she is
I about shit when I saw this chick doing this HC stuff a while back. Who is she? I don’t know for sure, but where I first saw her was as “Jenna” on Images from Asia a long while back. One of my favorites.
Btw, thanks for the RS links. Had some there I didn’t have.
Thanks for the tip Dogma, it could be her but I have to see some full images before I can judge myself. Both Jenna from Images from Asia and jlh25f have a tattoo on the same place.
Mike (or anyone else), can you send me some larger images of Jenna?
Hmmm, I think the tattoo of Jenn is slightly larger than the one on the back of jlh25f:
Sorry to revive such an old topic, but I noticed their tattoos are the same characters — 愛美和, love-beauty-harmony. While it’s possible that’s just a template that any two-bit tattoo artist has, I’m going to venture out and say it’s the same girl.
Just got an email from the real jlh25f:
So it would seem that not only does she not understand that linking to another site is not a breach of copyright, it would also seem that she isn’t actually as willing as ‘her’ earlier messages here suggest.
doc can you email her back and tell her i can take on her case for free :))
wow..what the hell (who the hell???) have these two been scarfin down??? have you seen the lastest vids?
slow down!!!
Awesome vids- I remember these! can anyone upload them where I can download them? The rapidshare links don’t work anymore
Yes, they were awesome pics and vids. Has anyone found anything new on this girl? I’m still blown away by her.
Hey bro’s,
i have seen the chick on http://www.youporn.com/
(but please just enter the youporn page if you are not one of those prude american religious, what ever guys, since this is porn as the name tells) the direct link is http://www.youporn.com/watch/151995 and you can find 5 more vids… i havent checked the links above… so i dont know if i give you some links to already mentioned vids but check it out… its really woth it! just the guy is very lame. his rhythm suxxx ass and yeah she is just wasted on him…
by the way i am a part-time samurai!
she is very hot and youporn has a bunch of her vids. nationality?
heres another youporn vid of shasha. All i have to say is yummy. Here is the direct link:
Just got another message from our friend “Sasha”:
It seems she still hasn’t figured out that the vidoes she’s referring to are actually on iFriends.com, and not on this site!
i can take your case doc
love to negotiate with her in person :))
Just make sure she gives me appropriate “compensation” when we win the case.
Just learned that her name is Sasha Brooke, but sometimes she also goes by Jenna. She has done some stuff in the past it looks like.
Here is a look at her doing what I believe is the “Greatest Blowjob EVER”. If you’re a fan you better download it, its a matter of time before she sicks her lawyer on em’.
http://www.tube8.com <–Best porn site
Search “Miley Cyrus Look Alike”
Wow, I Luv her, Wow
She should sell dvd’s and make real money over that IFriends thang.
Have you see the latest post from JHL25F on the iFriends website?
Bad news everyone! I just got out of the hospital from a CAR ACCIDENT which left me with 2 broken ribs. I am ok but just want to chat and hang out! Please come show some support! I was driving home from PALM SPRINGS after visiting with my mom and decided to drive back home alittle later then I expected. I ran into trouble with sleep deprivation and sad to say I PASSED OUT AT THE WHEEL. After I veared off the road and into the DESSERT SHRUBS i luckily crashed into dessert debri which stopped me but ended up breaking out my windows and throwing me into the steering wheel where I sustained 2 broken ribs. I’m happy to be alive and would love to see some of my closest friends here at ifriends in my healing weeks ahead of me. If you could ever find time to come chat and hang out this is the time I need it. I have mounting issues and need to continue ifriends to survive. Sad to say I have to sit online with broken ribs just to make ends meet. LOVE YOU ALL AND PLEASE COME SHOW SOME SUPPORT. I’M IN SERIOUS NEED . XOXOXOXOOXOX SASHA JHL25F
Funny thing is, her breasts now look massive. I think “Broken Ribs” means breast enlargement! This girl will do anything to make cash
Also, to follow up my last post, She still is on cam during nude masterbation shows. I had broken ribs, I could not move, how can she still do her shows?
FYI, my Antivirus software (Avira Antivir, one of the highest rated AV programs on the market) finds suspicious code every time this thread opens.
Now, I am protected, as it denies access to that file, and it might not be anything (as it is a result of a heuristic detection), but I just thought I’d let you all know…just in case.
Ha ha! That’s the most creative cover up for breast surgery I’ve ever heard! Can anyone point me to photos of her new “massive” boobs?
Iamcool96 so tell us about her webcam shows, are they good?
Maybe she is healing already. She’s quite sexy, I’m curious about her boobs also. I’ll take a peek at her cam show sometime.
Thats classic. Car accidents have a side affect of bigger boobs.
Yeah stuff like that does happen though fellas. I was shoveling the other day and I slipped on the ice and cut up my knee and much to my later surprise my penis was longer. Amazing eh?
I was just thinking… maybe it’s the airbags?
Don’t bother, she is a waste of money. Spends 20 mins “getting to know you” at $ 2.99 per minute. Then abruptly leaves while having “computer trouble”.
To update my last post, here is what she is saying now:
HUGE 38DDD TITTYS.Southern California, Manhattan Beach Girl Next Door..23 yrs young & LOVES to have FUN..Come play with my Big Tits & Juicy Round Ass..I’ll be waiting! xoxoxooxoxo Sasha
In my previous post, that was on her profile on 2/4/09. This is from 2/10/09.
I need to find her doctor. This might be the quickest healing from broken ribs ever. What a miracle.
Here is a link to two photos (she is wearing the same shirt):
The only true free site to view and download.
To find Sasha
http://www.tube8.com <–Best porn site
Search “Miley Cyrus Look Alike”
All these others are pay for sites.
Tubes are funny, but for the almost as real thing, nothings beats a real cam site. There’s an asian girl on the other side who can roleplay or just strip or play herself or whatever, on my request.
Iamcool96: for 2.99 a minute I rather meet a girl over dinner. At least I eat something (and may expect to eat her for real).
For some real webcam action, then maybe we should look somewhere. I know a few great asian webcam models, but some times I still get disappointed with some gorgeous asians who promise a lot. Looks and sexy attitude are just two different things. It’s an endless search!
Iamcool: your Rapidshare link doesn’t seem to be working – please re-post.
Here are the links again:
Hopefully they work
Trust me, I will never waste money on another chat host again. I was sitting alone in a hotel in Korea and needed to give myself some TLC, but I ended up more frustrated after.
It would have been money better spent in an AMP getting the happy ending.
Looks like 38DDD is an exaggeration, but congratulations to her doctor for fixing here ribs so quickly.
As for chat, I’ve never engaged in one because I’ve never understood the attraction of it, but each to his own I guess.
Chats on webcams have at least two advantages I can think of. They are great for instant action and the woman requires no explanations.
Of course, also no risk of STDs and most of the fun. Iamcool96, I know the feeling, but other chat hosts out there are just outstanding. Just a matter of finding them.
Sex chats are just like porn, except the action is live and you run the scenes. Plus, there are things that a man wouldn’t ever see outside a chat room, unless he is rich to travel across the world and try lots of women. And there are a few more advantages, specially for sex and fetish lovers.
Too bad you didn’t get what you wanted, Iamcool96. Sasha is actually very sexy, nice curves, good skin, hot breasts, and nice ribs.
If she’s willing, I’m sure she would be great on cam.
That’s too much. I want a good sex scene and jack off, that’s it. I want to reduce the amount of porn I watch. I think of it like drugs and alchohol, the more you do the more you’re addicted. Plus the more you do, the harder it is to arousal. I give 30min to an hour for sex and I see now my time is up. Till next time Shasha, Love Mike
Hi Guys,
Another quick update. JHL25F is now (and I mean right this second) doing girl-guy shows.
Doesn’t it usually take 6 to 8 weeks to recover from “Broken Ribs” (took me 8 weeks, to feel normal and couldn’t move for 6 weeks without pain)?
Too bad she is such a liar. I hope her “fans” wise up and stop using her service!
If i didn’t like a girl I wouldn’t waste my time bashing. I would move on to girls I liked. Oh, that 30 min to an hour for sex is 5-10 minutes a day, 30 min to an hour a week. I have more to do that lust all the time.
I haven’t seen her after her breast augmentation. I know from some of the last videos I saw of her (which were horribly dubbed, btw), that she was getting chubby. Anyone know where you can get her latest stuff?
hide7432: direct insults are against our posting guidelines – I had to delete your last comment.
Tell her I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.
Hide, think of it this way. The longer you take, the more pleasure you give to your partner. Well, unless your parter likes it fast too, some women do.
There are so many other sexy girls on webcam out there, guys. If you’re not happy, move along and find the next asian hottie on cam. Trust me, they never run dry.
Many of these girls just take this as a acting job, they all say what guys like to hear (I like you, I have no boyfriend, if only I had met you before, etc). And it’s usually for the sake of a brief chat and brief cybersex. Don’t take the girls too seriously. But take their sex performance seriously, that is the thing that should be excellent!
I was trying to get her to talk to us on this post.
I saw her replay last night and it would not let me leave a review if it did my review would have said “my money back!” she was riding her boyfriend in the video and his penis wasn’t even inside her. The video was so fake!! What a rip off however in the same forum on ifriends i did find this list and I saw 2 girls from it but it contains all the websites of themodel and pornstar hosts on ifriends. http://www.hotifriends.01dir.com
That is absolutely priceless. She not only has fake breasts, name and attitude, but she only does fake sex.
I can understand fake orgasms, but at least let the dude penatrate and what kind of guy would agree to this arrangement, seriously?
Is anything about this chick real?
She’s such a Lushish Babe, I wouldn’t mind if she took all my money and left me homeless.
Ok, here is the latest, I figure everyone needs another good laugh, considering her last couple of correspondence, basically begging for money and her “broken ribs”, here is the latest:
Hey there guys/gurls this is SASHA “JHL25F” I have some NEWS for you all. I have invested in the NEW IFRIENDS 3-D LIVE WEBCAMERA and softwares. This is being shi 5;pped to me today threw FED-EX so I expect to have this NEWEST FEATURE running before the end of the weekend or no later then Monday March 30,2009. Be sure to che 1;ckout what is required for this new 3-D camera and I can’t wait to get some feedback on what it looks like. I’m so excited and can’t wait to now offer 3-D LIVE & SHOWS. I’ll keep you posted and be sure to get your 3-D gl*sses/headsets ready. I’m not sure what is required but it’s going to be HOT HOT HOT! Love ya all and& can’t wait to play in 3-D!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO SASHA <br>Here’s a few helpful links to help you understand this very rare 3-D LIVE OPTIONS: <br> iFriends 3-D Sho ;wcase: Live videochats where chathost offers fully immersive 3-D experience (For best experience, visitors should wear 3-D LCD goggles. Learn more.) <br> <b ;r> <br> <br><There are no available 3D videochats at this time> <br> <br>To learn about about 3-D options pull the front browse page down to bottom and y 111;u can learn more about 3-D options. xoxoxooxoxoxo Love ya
So she took the money from people who felt sorry for her, because of her “broken ribs” and “invested” it in a 3D camera. Hopefully people will wise up and quit “investing” in this chick.
Anyone think she works for AIG? Seems like she handles her money the same way!
It’s not her fault she hasn’t found a Sugar Daddy to fulfill all her needs. She too young to be able to navigate in this cold cruel world.
I click notify me but I never get notified, what’s up?
hide7432: I think your obsession with this girl is pretty unhealthy, and quite frankly will not get you anywhere. Stop fantasising and go out and get the real thing, before you really do something stupid.
I’m barely hanging on but I think I’ll make it. Thanks
What about me being notified when someone replies? I have the box checked and never get an email. What gives?
We had to disable that feature because we were getting thousands of bounces from dead email addresses.
Thanks. Maybe we can pool some money together and persuade Sasha to give us a private show.
No thanks – my impression of this girl is far from positive.
I didn’t say I’d trust her, just like to look.
Gosh darnnit…where’s Sasha’s private show. Man, my day is ruined and I can’t stop balling like a little baby.
Maybe she’ll marry me, and be my lover forever and ever.
if you get married she’ll probably only be your lover for about 12 months!
I’m thinking 12 hours, if you’re lucky…;-)
All I need is 2 minutes.
If you married her, she would only stick around long enough to clean out your bank account. She only cares about one thing, money.
2 minutes is too long, she would be done with you in 2 seconds.
Besides, have you seen her lately? “BIG TITS/PLUMP RUMP!” (per her iFriends profile). Big Tits means fake tits and plump rump means large cottage cheese ass. Photos on this page are no longer acturate. They seem like there are 5+ years old compared to today.
Trust me, she is not worth your time or obsession. I post these items to caution you from wasting your money. I have the inside information as somehow I got on her spam list and can’t seem to block her.
I am sure there are penlty of other women out there to obsess about, that are worth your time. This chick is not one of them.
Yeah obsess with other women, how about some real asians? It’s getting tiring, too much attention to this thread.
I mean, I know LOTS of sexier asian babes on webcams. And some girls you can even talk to and be friends with. So why stick with this thread and this girl… get over it, man, expand your search.
She might have major faults but I’ve seen her shine. She has IT or we wouldn’t be talking about her.
For goodness sake hide7432, a lot of girls “shine” – get over this unhealthy and pointless obsession.
If she looks that much different now, I want to see a pic. I’m not paying her prices to take a look.
If I was obsessed I’d pay to see her.
Well I guess you’re cheap as well.
Nothing wrong with being cheap (usually).
hide get over her
unhealthy obsession
find real girls instead
I never gave up on real girls but these fake ones are better on the budget. They also are easier to replace.
Hi Guys,
I did a little more reconnaissance for you. It took me some time, since this chick re-posts old photos of herself, but here is a photo of Jabba, I mean JHL25F, and a screen capture of her “reviews” (Apparently iFriends chat host can remove bad reviews, which I wonder why they have the section to begin with, after all, who is dumb enough to leave a bad review from a customer when you are trying to make money, I digress), this photo include two real ones:
As for her photo, notice the double/triple chin. I couldn’t find a free photo that showed her stomach or butt (and I deleted the emails that showed them), sorry.
I think she would give her career a boost if she posted some “Hammertime” on http://www.Tube8.com
I sure do miss Sasha.
Here is another review from the iFriends website of your dream girl JHL25F. My opinion is that is shows how she truly is. Hopefully this will help you with the apparent addiction you have to her:
Notice the first post, I hope the dude got his money back! If my previous posts don’t deter you, this testimonial from an outside party (not to mention the last reviews I posted) should help you.
1 out of 20 ain’t bad. Everyone else seems to like her. Why not quote them?
Hmm… Considering you two are the only people interested in this, perhaps you could exchange emails and converse directly? It is probably much easier to stalk her if you can contact each other directly. Who knows? Maybe this shared unhealthy obsession will help you two bond and become BFFs!
Then what would you do without us. You’d be all alone with your thoughts. Oh my!
You guys should forget her and watch some other freaking hot, kicking ass, steamy asians kinky asians on webcams. There are some out there, ya know?
And good persons too, if you’re looking for a nice personality (besides a great body to make you drool). Seriously, check the internet, there are some webcam goddesses out there. Just let it go. Start a new life!
hide7432: we’ll get along just fine without you, as we have for several years now. As I said before, I think it’s time for you to get a life – there are other hot girls out there you know.
hide7432 is hot?
I still don’t know what y’all have against this girl. If we guys were as hot as she we would give our shit away. She charges a reasonable price and has one complaint and the world goes nuts. She probably had to go to the bathroom and the customer became disgruntled. Here’s one more. If she came to your house half naked, what would you do?
That’s not the point hide7432 – there are other girls, and the rest of us have moved on. I think it’s high time you did too. Besides, if you read the quotes from emails she sent to us above, you will see she isn’t exactly nice (or very bright for that matter).
Then why is this site dedicated to her. I think y’all love to hate her. If you get one complaint out of 20 then she must be a bad person. No one will pass that muster.
This site is not “devoted” to her – it’s just one article out of hundreds. And I’m talking about the nasty emails she sent to us (which I quote above), not her iFriends reviews. Really hide7432, please get a life!
maybe this has already been posted but you can google her and find out she does porn
quite hot actually
She’s just defending herself, Dr Lee. That just makes me love her more.
No porn from Googling her. I wish
Defending herself against what? Getting free promotion on this site? I never said a bad word about her before she contacted us. You are really hopeless hide7432 – this sort of obsession is very unhealthy. I really think you should seek professional help – seriously. Even if that means a working girl.
i’ll find it and send to doc…nice BJ
I think she was defending herself because her image was posted and linked free, something she sells legally. Now I’m all for posting her naked ass from here to Timbuktu, and give me that image free please, but she has the rights to her own image and its defense. So call me a hypocrite but you have a vendetta that she doesn’t deserve. I’ll admire her beauty for as long as that last then move on to the next hot thing, just normal Alpha Male Shit. Also, The best lesson I’ve learn about women is, when they’re pissed off, you turn on the charm not run them off. I learned it the hard way.
Where are those FREE Vid’s of SASHA you sent to the DOC. The only one I have is of the GREATEST BLOWJOB ON EARTH from Tube8.com. Hurry my Penis is on Fire.
What vendetta? The videos she’s complaing about are not hosted by us – we only link to them. In fact they are hosted on iFriends itself! As such, abusing us is just totally idiotic. I’m not going to “turn on the charm” to her, as quite frankly I don’t care what she thinks of me. I prefer a woman with half a brain.
The only thing more sad and pathetic than this girl’s accusations toward us is your obsession with her – I don’t know how blunt I have to be before you realise how unhealthy your behaviour is.
I am not consumed by her or this page. It’s just fun. I won’t lose my cool over this girl. I would rather have Ivanka Trump and other choice cuts but she ain’t taking too much off. I still think Sasha is beautiful but I haven’t seen the boob job. I’m sure if she messed up her body with surgery then that would a turn off and she will be proved a brainless wonder. I reserve my final analysis on someone putting up a link to see her new BOOBS. LAWNBOY
I just realized that Lawnboy (as I called him) is LawBoy. I’m sorry for the mistake LawBoy.
Where did all my Sasha Loving Friends go?
We moved on the other hot asians out there. Forget her man or just forget us.
Jesus hide7432 – I don’t think you’ve broken any of our posting guidelines, but I think I’m going to have to come up with one to ban you under if you don’t give this up. For God’s sake, move on and get a life!
Don’t make him get a life, Doc. Some of us like not having one. That being said, yeah, moving on would be good.
Sasha got a repost at http://www.tube8.com “Miley Cyrus look a like”.
I don’t understand, y’all check this post like me but y’all think I’m the Weird-O.
We don’t check this post hide7432 – we see your endless comments in the latest comments list.
Anyway people: let’s just ignore hide7432 and maybe he’ll go away.
I finally went to the Asian-Sirens Home page and have to admit. I find this place fascinating. I think I’ll stay.
Sasha is the best.
Here to stay, Sasha is Beautiful!!!