Battlestar Galacticaβs Grace Park and Tricia Helfer pose together for the November 2009 issue of Maxim Magazine. At Kineda.com you will find the pics and a nice behind the scenes video of the photo shoot.
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Love Grace Park.
Pretty face with great lithe body.
Thanks for the post.
Nice Grace Park nipple surprise for those with fast ALT + PRTSC fingers.
Just before the 1:00 mark.
love her. awesome.
I dunno, I think she looks emaciated. Cute, but emaciated.
The only thing better would be if you could see her organs through her skin.
Cute, but emaciated. -myrke
Love me some Grace Park!!
Her pics aren’t bad at maxim.com either
Absolutely loved her in Battlestar Galactica, and while she looks like a vamped up crack addict in these pics, she still looks extremely sexy.
I’m a fan! ^___^
Very pretty, but needs to eat more!
She’s great in The Cleaner, along Benjamin Bratt.
She does look emaciated when compared to her 2007 Maxim shoot, but she’s still stunning.
Grace always looks great. She just needs to throw caution to the wind and stop teasing us.
Eat, Grace, eat.
Welcome back Marco! Maxim certainly seem to know how to make Grace look as hot as possible. π I guess I like ’em slimmer than a lot of people here – for me her body looks great in these shots.
Oh my God, it’s Marco. Didn’t even realize that. :O
They look both sexy and pretty, such an Angel.. ;o)
What a great cover story for maxim.. Nice and Sexy.
If you are a Grace Park fan, you may enjoy this clip of her earlier “work” from the movie Romeo Must Die, where she is dancing and making out with another girl, with brief nudity (not from Grace unfortunately).
Here is better version of the photo shoot video.
To download use: http://www.pwnyoutube.com/watch?v=7vsN3wnoN9A
way toooo skinny….
Every Maxim reader I know is closet-gay. Subscribing gives them cover like a bad toupee.
Grace Park is a smoking hot Korean but she definitely needs to have a meal. Still beautiful though.
Why would anyone who’s gay subscribe to Maxim? makes no sense. I’ve had a subscription and I’m pretty sure I’m not gay.
@slackerking, Zhand said that every Maxim readers he knows is a closet-gay. He never said all Maxim readers are closet-gays. Furthermore, we have no idea how many Maxim readers he knows. Interestingly if he does happen to know a great deal of closet-gays, I would wonder why. I mean if they are in the closet, how is it that he knows of so many?
Haven’t seen such a sexy girl for a long time…
Smokin’ hot ladies – but OMG! Way, way to skinny anymore… They look like borderline little girls to me pretending to be ladies.
Maybe it is just me but I think they need more curves.
I like her skinny. She is taller than some too which makes her quite striking. I dont think she would be that remarkable if she was heavier.
well try googling around for some older shots. Maxim from a couple years ago, http://www.graceparkfansite.com/pictures/maxim.html . Smokin hot. I’m agreeing with the consensus, she’s lost too much weight. On the other hand, this could just be the horrible ‘red carpet’ lighting.
I’ll take her, skinny or not!
Does this mean the Holocaust-look is “in”? Probably the worst pic and model I’ve ever seen. To promote this “look” as sexy is atrocious.
I LOVE Grace…I just want more of her.
I’ve been a member for some time, and finally had to post.
Grace Park is a great favourite of mine–she reminds me very much of my ex. I am drawn to her elegant sexuality, the sheer femininity she emanates I love her slim, taunt, small-breasted, dancer-like body; her exquisite face; and her dark hair (God how I hate the garishly-coloured hair so many models possess.).
Wonderful to see her again. Thanks for posting the new pictures.
Agreed that her earlier Maxim photos are better — she’s lost a little too much weight. Still, though — wow!!!
Zhan, getting crowded in that closet? j/k but when you make a statement like that….
“Too skinny” “emaciated” “..eat’ “Holocaust-look”.
Can someone PLEASE tell me how they can look at these Asian model pics and still say WOW? IMHO this is a new low for AS…but then to each his own. Modeling firms have been excoriated for promoting this look.
I wonder if this is a trend with models being photoshopped to death, excuse me, to slimmest bodies.
Anyone heard about the Ralph Lauren Photoshop of Horrors? It’s disgusting what photoshop is used for, these days.
I’m firmly in the ‘leaner is better’ camp. A tight body just looks good in photos, plain and simple. In practical reality though, girls with more meat on their bones are more fun in bed.
Keep models supplied with a steady flow of crack!
I hope that last sentence was a joke IRIS Media.
Grace, what happen to you!
I say she looks great!