Category Archives: Web Sites

Lunar Babes: Gorgeous Asian Babes For Your Lonely Nights


If we ain’t posting here, you can always visit! 😉 “Gorgeous Asian Babes For Your Lonely Nights” so they say. They’ve got some pretty Asian babes alright, but too bad most are unidentified (although I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you guys!).

The navigation is a pain with pages that keep loading like forever so you scroll and scroll… but enough with the negativity! They got loads of (non-nude) pics! (thanks to Luke72 for the tip)

Photographers: the next generation


It seems a lot of photographers nowadays just don’t want to be ‘just a photographer’. Maybe they aren’t making enough money, maybe they just can’t stand the work-pressure of shooting all those beautiful women, or pherhaps they’ve read an internet-marketing book. But the fact is that more and more of them start to do stuff on the web that goes beyond selling their photos. Calenders, behind the scenes videos, interviews with the models, ‘Girl of the Week’ contests, etc., it all comes with the job of this ‘next generation’ photographer.

Kim Mizuno, famous for his East West calendars and his work for Playboy will soon launch a new photo-portal: MZ Women.Up and coming Roley Chiu already surprised us with Rollsonline some time ago, and will soon launch a new site: The STIR-project. Asian-Sirens will have an exclusive interview with Roley when the site is ready!


Another good example of a photographer who knows his marketing is Greg Hadel with his


Personally I really like this development (more stuff to post about!), and I can only imagine that you do to. So let’s show them our support! 🙂