Category Archives: Web Sites

Dutch FHM ‘girl next door’ election


Just noticed an e-mail from Dutch FHM in my Hotmail. Something about an election: ‘Girl Next Door 2006‘. It seems you can no longer vote, but the top 10 is now available to check out at their site. And there will be some photo’s in the upcoming FHM (february 8). And a new election…? Eh.. so do we get to choose which of these girls will enter the next round? Or is this allready known at FHM? Well whatever. My vote would have been for Anh! (also check this photo!)

Internet Adult Film Database

For those of you interested in adult movies, and I mean not only watching them, but also wanting to know more about the cast and directors, I suggest you take a look at The Internet Adult Film Database, the adult counterpart of the The database was the brainchild of the late Peter Van Aarle. Peter had collected data on adult movies since 1981. The beginning of 1999 brought the first baby steps of the IAFD. Initially search boxes only searched females (which didn’t seem to bother most people) and data was restricted to movies released post-1989. According to the site, it contains entries on over 52,645 movies and 37,023 persons (both actors and directors).
Source: Wikipedia

And for those of you who just want to watch the movies: click here 😉

Find Asian babes with Findr!

Find Asian babes with Findr!

On Fresh Creation I read about a new handy tool. Findr is a tool which has been created to easily find pictures on It works simple: enter an initial tag, ‘Asian’ for example, click ‘go’ and related pictures appear. At the same time related tags appear on your screen. Click a related tag, ‘Babe’ for example, and pics tagged with both the initial and the related tag are shown on the screen. Have fun! 🙂