Dutch FHM ‘girl next door’ election


Just noticed an e-mail from Dutch FHM in my Hotmail. Something about an election: ‘Girl Next Door 2006‘. It seems you can no longer vote, but the top 10 is now available to check out at their site. And there will be some photo’s in the upcoming FHM (february 8). And a new election…? Eh.. so do we get to choose which of these girls will enter the next round? Or is this allready known at FHM? Well whatever. My vote would have been for Anh! (also check this photo!)

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0 thoughts on “Dutch FHM ‘girl next door’ election”

  1. Ohw, and for those of you wanting to meet the girls: there will be a party in Uitgeest on march 10. The winner will be announced there! Tickets will set you back € 15,- Euro’s at Ticketbox or at the counter of Bob’s partyplace. But hey, you will get a free subscribtion to Dutch FHM for 6 months. Isn’t all that worth a ticket to Holland? 😉

  2. Is this the first Vietnamese girl from the Netherlands you’ve featured Robin?

    I guess that’s her on the far right in the bikini pic? If so she definitely is the hottest girl here, Asian or not.

  3. If she is Vietnamese (I trust you on this one doc ;-)) I guess she is the first Dutch.

    I looked at some photo galleries at the site, and initially there seemed to be two Asian girls. But it looks like Anh is the one in the bikini pic. She made it to the top 10, and there are 10 bikini girls. I agree, she is very hot!

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