We recently received an interesting email from this Chinese Australian girl, who felt we didn’t feature enough Asian Australians here, and suggested we might want to do a post on her to try and redress this imbalance (this is in spite of the fact that I’m an Aussie myself, as is our hostess
Sachiko). She certainly has a good point though: we really haven’t featured many Asian Australians at all. However, the sad reality is that Asian models still don’t have much of a presence here, even though we actually have a lot of Asian babes. Also, most of the glamour photography done here is, quite frankly, embarrassingly bad (and it seems that most of our makeup artists don’t know how to work with Asian girls either). So it was with great relief that I discovered that Jessica’s photos were not only very high quality, but that she was also very attractive, with a remarkably curvacious yet slim body.
However, the most interesting part of all was her bio – it turns out she is a whole lot more than just a pretty face (and sexy body!). Her bio – plus many much more revealing photos – can be found after the jump.

Name: Ying Ying (aka Jessica)
DOB: 13 September 1989
Height: 170cm
Ethnicity: Chinese
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Country of residence: Western Australia, Australia
At heart I’m a concert violinist but very passionate about all forms of art. Music has been and still is a huge part of my life (I started learning violin when I was three as my father is a professional violinist) and has taken me all around the world. At the moment, I am putting myself through university so violin performances have taken the back seat and I am currently teaching violin and musicology. I’m completing a bachelor of science in the discipline of physiotherapy. This year in 2009 I’m hoping to gain entry into a Law and Commerce degree. Starting my own teaching business and settling into university has been the main focus in my life for the past two years leaving not much room for anything else. 2009 is a welcomed year as everything is finally falling into place for me and I am able to pursue my hobbies again. As you can guess, music is making a come back on the top of my hobbies list (It is a hobby but it also happens to be what defines me as a person the most as opposed to my prospective career paths). I use to regularly collaborate with different artists mostly in the asian community to organise charity concerts and galas- I’m hoping to continue doing that this year. Art is severely neglected in the Australian society and I feel the public has been deprived of an element in life that I couldn’t imagine living without so I am doing my part to keep it alive. Being brought up in Australia, I love being outdoors and being active so I participate in a wide range of sport and having the general attitude to stay fit and healthy. I am also a member of the Australian Pistol Association – there’s nothing like having a bad day then getting even at the shooting range haha…don’t worry I’m perfectly safe and harmless. Being an art fanatic I love photography. To be able to ‘catch that moment’ and preserve it in time is priceless. I spend most of my time behind not in front of the camera (for the simple reason that I’m just not photogenic enough) and its only recently that I decided to swap roles and model for a change. I’m also a literature enthusiast especially concerning poetry and philosophy in the appreciation of it as well as composing my own work.
I am passionate about everything that I do and about every single person in my life. Sometimes people confuse my passion with my temper. I am demanding but never without reason. I expect no less than a vision to strive for perfection from everyone else because that is what I will strive to give to you too. I like the simple things in life but I enjoy the complex things just as much. I believe a girl can have the smarts, wit, feminine charm, class, beauty (inner as well as outter) to command respect, power and success. I think too many women these days forget that external beauty is not everlasting and a mere ‘win’ in God’s lucky dip and as a result become an empty shell with no aspirations, goals or substance. Who said we can’t have both? 😉
I am ruled by my emotions and am impulsive- not so good for the purse but I like to live my life in the now and live it my way and without boundaries except moral. I have a dark side which is my alter ego. I have a lingerie fetish which only seems to get worse. From the outside I am conservative. Mystery is intriguing so I’m going to leave the rest to your imagination…
My own personal communications with Jessica have confirmed that she is indeed exceptionally intelligent, accomplished and emotionally mature and self assured for someone so young – a refreshing change from the shallow attention seekers who (sadly) so often get featured here, and who seem to dominate the web these days! Personally I was also quite struck by how Eurasian she looked – not just her face but also her body. As it turns out, she has a fair bit of Russian blood on her mother’s side. This can be seen quite clearly in the following very nice (and quite revealing) photos, I think: