Anarose is an young model from Hawaii. You know, I went home and I looked online to see where I could learn to be a lollypop, but there are currently no classes available at the local junior colleges. Darn.Stats:
Age: 18 (!)
Height: 5’4
Located: Hawaii
Ethnicity: ?

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what a stunner!
more Hawaiian honeys please
She could make any man smile…there’s something so tropical about her. I feel almost giddy now.
Beautiful, with a nice skin complexion.
A bit young though.
Here’s a fave. Tis the season to go surfing maybe? And I’ve never surfed in my life.
Pic 3 is very sexy 🙂
Two in a row. Wonderful!
BTW, I hear there IS a lollipop school in San Fran, but it is an all male school. 🙂
That’s not a lollypop in pic 1 Travis.
is a lollypop!
While she looks younger than 18 there, in this pic
she looks more grownup:
Finally, you’ve seen the desktop strippers..well I want to hang a tiny lifelike Anarose Mina off my Christmas tree along with those balls in this pic:
Simply gorgeous! That said, I think in a few more years she will be even more stunning. At 18 she still has a bit of growing up to do to.
She’s a future 10 in my books.
Hmmm, surprised at the overwhelmingly positive reaction to this one. For me, she’s bland and unremarkable at best.
Confining yourself to this selection, Doc, yes, I agree: some are ‘bland and unremarkable’, but IMO (and we are all entitled to our opinions) the istudio portfolio has several astounding shots of Anarose Mina.
such as this one:
(attracting comments such as ‘absolutely gorgeous’ and ‘stunning image’)
Ten bucks says she will be an “extra” in that new “Hawaii 5-0” television series being filmed now…
Attractive gal…
Anarose is just but a girl
I wouldn’t want to give her a whirl
Doin’ 16 down deep in the hood
Gets you 15 to 20, no good
In ten years she’ll be quite a pearl.
I know she’s really eighteen
The models they certainly do screen
I’d rather still wait
It won’t be too late.
In ten years she’ll have the sure Siren sheen.
There is no need for alarm
Not to take away from her charm
Cute certainly she is
She’ll do well in this biz
To look certainly causes no harm.
(shrugging shoulders) She’s okay….but doesn’t quite stand out. Needs to do more to put a shock in the system, you know what i mean?
Doc, you’re the perfect companion for a trip to Philippines or Thailand. I’ll check the ladies while you keep the beers cold. 🙂
Anarose seems just ok in some pics, but wonderful in others. 18 sexy years old…
She looks pretty hot most of the times.
I’m a fan of the dark hair and the brown skin tone. And on my opinion her origins are either from Hawaii or from the Philippines.
Yummy. She’s a pleasant variation from the norm for me. 18 is quite young, but she doesn’t flaunt her age like many other models do, so it doesn’t bother me.
Breathtaking, has everything going for her that I want going for her. I’d seen the profile before, good to see some more pics. Will check back in a few years.
I just returned from a week on the Big Island, and there are so many ‘girl next door’ beauties there…so plain and extraordinary.
While I agree that Anarose’s face isn’t breathtaking, I find her sublime.
I’m not sure why some – surgeon’s in particular – wouldn’t like a girl that doesn’t have a nose job or a boob job?
Life is full of simple pleasures…exquisite gems in uncomplicated packages.
Anarose – to me – is one of those. But maybe I’m just a snob for the simple beauty…!!!
I’ll have a Blue Christmas without her!
Anarose is a stunning wahine
I’ll take her in that pink bikini
She’s a jolly young elf
Who I’ll keep all to myself
And away from the Doc, that meanie:-(
Sweet & sexy girl, but those basket shoes in the first pic are a bit of a turn off… I’d prefer high heels there.. 😉 Pic 3 is superb though!
Being a lollipop is easy, just pull your pants down 🙂
i likee this girl so velly much
and i like her lack of tatts and such
i’d write more i would
but alas im tired
i need to work
before im fired….
When I go to Hawaii next Spring I’ll be looking for her.
very attractive girl…not ridiculously hot but not bad at all
wrap, not wrap very cute!
See, this is why people go to Hawaii!