YouTube to Pay Filipina Comedienne

Remember how Filipina comedienne Christine β€œHappy Slip” Gambito quit nursing to focus on online video production? Seems her dedication is about to pay off on YouTube — because starting tomorrow, they’re sharing ad revenue with her.

She’s one of the first they’ll do it with, too. Good to see an Asian honey make top dog on such a huge site.

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0 thoughts on “YouTube to Pay Filipina Comedienne”

  1. I’m sure we’d all like to see her naked, Lawboy, but I doubt it will happen.
    By the way, I wonder how many users will get banned from her chatroom for making “inappropriate” comments? If it’s quite a few, then she may get the idea as to why most are REALLY “tuning in” to see her.

  2. maybe i prefer more feminine asian hotties. she is pretty but somewhat strange….when she starts talking..i can watch it but have to turn the sound off:)

  3. Oh…i guess I missed that Mac posting you did back in Feb.

    Anyway, yeah….I’ve been watching more of her videos and she’s really fun and funny.

  4. She’s funny at times, but if it weren’t for her exotic beauty, she wouldn’t get a fraction the viewers that she does.

  5. I thought the ‘Mac beauty’ vid was hysterical, but I have to admit that I found everything else of her’s I’ve tried to watch tedious and self-indulgant. I enjoyed the candid video Mike posted a little while ago though – I think she is best when she is just being herself, instead of trying to play a character.

  6. The whole “You Tube” phenom is self indulgent and most of the videos give me douche chills. Like watching a high school presentation. Im embarassed for these people.

  7. Wow….this chick really shoud have stayed in nursing school πŸ™
    Cause she blows as a “Comedian”….
    Sorry, just not seeing the humor-

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