Yoon Sun Hee: Korean Racing Girl

Yoon Sun Hee

Korean cutie Yoon Sun Hee. Could not find a lot about her. But I did find an extended gallery available here and a small gallery here. And we’ve got a few photos in
Yoon Sun Hee

Yoon Sun Hee

Yoon Sun Hee

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0 thoughts on “Yoon Sun Hee: Korean Racing Girl”

  1. Beautiful girl. Long black hair, slim body, nice legs, teasing lips ….. I like this Korean Racing Baby.

  2. My…my…my…she is so hot in that video of yours, CEC32. I can’t get enough of them legs. Her face is just so perfect too. I’m sure some will disagree though…that’s cool.

  3. There not even close to being good at billiards…but I just didn’t seem to mind a bit. I was like totally fascinated. Oh boy!

  4. No arf, you meant; “they’re” (= they are).
    Anyway, that tournament was designed to show off the girls, rather than their billiard skills (or lack of).

  5. Ooops…did I say that out loud? That is pretty stupid of me…and embarrassing. I’m really not that retarded…just tired. Thanks CEC32.

  6. 2.44, 7.08, 11.03, 13.04, 14.06
    Those are the times of the best poses in the video. :)))

    The second girl is also a AS on her won, very hot!

    CEC32 is that usual for models to show off on billiards there on tv?

    Yoon Sun Hee is pretty weak playing that. So that’s the perfect sport for teaching her some tricks… Lots of good, occasional, contact from the teacher. 🙂
    What else do you know about her, CEC32?
    Yoon Sun Hee doesn’t look arrogant about her looks, that’s nice in a model.

  7. Man…daznlover…you really got it down, which poses you liked best in the video. I thought sure the tournament was designed to show off their billiard skills. Guess I was wrong…:)

  8. I kinda enjoyed 0.22 thru 0.33 seconds into the video during the introductions. A couple of nice leg shots, like I love to see.

  9. Gotcha, daznlover. According to her brief bio at Daum.net, she was born in 1984 and she’s listed as a “racing girl/model”, which means she hasn’t branched out to movies, TV, whatever, yet. If and when she does, she’ll be listed as a “talent”. Her fan cafe (fansite) is here, but you’d have to register with Daum with a Korean ID number to access it beyond the home page. However, you can see more photos of her here.
    As for the Racing Girl Billiard Tournament? Well, that’s a fairly new, but good, concept.

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