How many Chinese sex scandals do we have to have before young models and actresses learn not to have their pictures taken having sex? The latest one centres around famous Taiwanese model Maggie Wu and well known playboy Justin Lee. A total of 16 explicit pictures and a 13 minute video of Lee and Wu have been leaked and widely shared online. The aftermath has led to several women accusing Lee of rape, and of course, Wu has had an emotional breakdown. To any models reading this: apart from my advice above, you might be well advised to avoid wealthy playboys too.
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dang…that is one lucky guy…
Yeah they should avoid those damn playboys, they can make their dirty videos with me, I’m broke.
Maggie is f-ing gorgeous.
These girls need to figure out that they are the ones who should keep the vids and pics so they can save their image. That being said, I am grateful for the leaks and jealous of the out of shape man who got to enjoy that delicious woman.
Shape doesn’t matter to these celebrities – only money does.
Great close-up shots! Enjoyed looking at them!
Women like the nonchalant free, not give crap attitude. No one finds nice guys sexy. Problem is that Justin and Maggie have missed that one thing that is so crucial that separates a man from a boy. Discretion. Justin doesn’t have any. Now he has his mummy trying to clean up after him. I have nothing against playboys. In fact I consider myself somewhat a lover and seducer of women. But posting your indiscretions online and having your mummy bail you out… well… it’s just not sexy is it?
Thanks to Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton for the whole sex tape thing:
Aside from the sex scandal, Maggie Wu should avoid high-heeled shoes for a while. Her toes are getting that deformed shape where they turn into one another.
As far as this scandal, so what? Justin Lee gets to brag, and these models get nice dinners, fancy hotel stays, and a guy who knows how to use their narcissistic personality for his own gain.
@mcantrell: The girls should not keep the video to “save their image”. They are not your mother. They did not carry you for nine months and raise you- changing your diapers. Don’t put every woman on a pedestal! (Unless of course, they look like Miss Malaysia 2012)
At least the sex tape helps boost their career. I know that’s how that is in the states but not sure about China…….
@french: I’m not saying that I care if they save their image or not. I don’t know them. But if they know the potential consequences, they should take appropriate preemptive action.
It would be nice if China and other asian countries joined the 21st Century and realize it’s just sex, it’s not the end of the world. Europeans figured that out long ago, and even in the US though people wring their hands it’s a momentary lapse of reason and then life goes on. Like my wife says “In China, you can do anything you want as long as you don’t get caught.”
People have sex, sometimes they do it for things or money. This is not a new development, it’s been going on since the beginning of civilization. The funny thing is that even though these women aren’t doing this to change perceptions, they are in fact. As more and more of this becomes commonplace, the stigma was will dissipate and then it will be nothing more than gossip rag stories for a day or two.
well she’s quite a gorgeous celeb, especially cleaned up. he, on the other hand, looks like a skinner, slightly younger Bobby Lee. tsk tsk.
You’d think they could afford a better camera/video camera.
She doesn’t appear to be enjoying herself.
@Wingsfan19: But I bet she feels validated. If she pulled out a cell phone and took a call in the middle of this it would not have surprised me.
Yeah, from the hotter but poorer other boyfriend.
BTW, it has always been my rule to stay away from wealthy playboys, so I concur with the Doc.
in case you guys want to see the whole motherload of pics and vids, you can find em here:
download the new update 3 Dec – the 33.2 GB.
It has most of all of them. Unfortunately there is only 2 vids of Miss Wu. One is a short BJ vid (less than a minute), and the other one is hard to see anything but he’s plowing her – that’s less than a minute as well from his iPhone…
also, I might add that from what I read, Maggie Wu and him dated for a while, he kept cheating on her, left her, then she tried committing suicide. THEN she got very popular and skyrocketed to fame. This will sink her career in Asia for sure unfortunately – no one likes tainted girls… with such explicit pics and video out there – the competition for hot girls is fierce and there is always another one looking to become the next starlet. Non of the girls from the Edison Chan scandal survived, just having more media scrutiny. Maggie should move LA and start a new modeling career here, that might work.
: )