It’s been a while since we’ve had a Chinese body art model featured here as AS, so it’s time to introduce everyone to Xiao Ke. She brings a definite energy to the camera and has a glimmer of cheekiness about her also. Some readers were asking for the girl next door type from the Mainland Sirens series and here you have it. Can’t really get much more girl next door than Xiao Ke, even down to her small subtle hand tattoo, that’s so common to see on Chinese women in recent years.
Age: ???
Height: ???
Located: Somewhere in China
Xiao Ke @ Mainland Hotties
Baidu Image Search
Galleries N.B. use the links at the bottom of the page, not those in the middle.
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If she’d trim that forest downstairs just a wee bit she’d be perfect.
Let me be the first to say: nice tits! Pretty face too, and the rest of her isn’t bad either.
hard to see past the awful photography, but I believe she deserves better…
Beautiful woman, awesome body, but looks much better when she smiles!
Especially pic number 3.
And a welcome return to nudity at AS. The bush is just fine by me.
She’s somewhere in China huh? Hey that’s right where I am too! Must keep my eyes peeled.
The first pic looks like fake boobs but the others I would have guessed naturals, Doc? Either way I like her look especially in heels.
@Luke72: to be honest I’m not sure, but I’m leaning toward natural.
In pics 3 and 6 it looks as though she is about to ward off would-be attackers with a strong squirt.
That is a rather unique place to get one tattoo, in my opinion. Usually for those that get only one or a few, it’s on the shoulder area, back/tramp stamp, or on the ankle.
On the wrist it is very conspicuous, so I wonder what the meaning/significance of it is.
I highly doubt she’s a gangsta.
I don’t know what you’re talking about Doc. They’re clearly fake. They don’t move when she lays down, they’re rounded on the inside towards the chest, they don’t sag in the slightest when she stands up and when she raises her arms they stay equally round without stretching. I don’t see anything to indicate they’re real, let alone potentially real.
Actually Travis, my initial impression agreed with yours, but there was one shot in particular of her lying on her back that made me think they’re probably natural. It’s in the Baidu set, and she’s got her arms stretched behind her head. There’s also another shot (two down from the other one) where she’s crawling, and the hang looks fairly natural. Small implants could produce the same result though, so I’m not sure.
Ah, I’ve just taken another look. The shots where she appears to be natural have a lot of Photoshopping, which blurs out the edges of her breasts, making them look more natural than in reality. In the clearer shots though, they do (as you say) definitely look fake. So actually, I think you are probably right: they are fake, and I was misled by Photoshop blur into thinking otherwise.
Strout, we’ve had this discussion about the tattoos on the wrist before. I recall mentioning they were common among Chinese prostitutes. Hand jobs suddenly take on a whole new dimension, with a bluebird (usually) ‘flying’ about.
I dont think she is that beautiful overall but somehow she’s quite sexy. weird
Yea, but in her case I don’t think she’s a prostitute longtack. And she doesn’t strike me as being a gangster. I can’t quite make out the design but it must mean something to her since she doesn’t appear to have other tats.
I agree, this girl is beautiful. Those lips and those eyes of hers could drive me wild.