Xanny Disjad


Xanny Disjad may not have my favorite hairstyle, but she’s a cute girl with a body that would make Kaila Yu jealous. She’s an amateur model located in Bangkok. Here is her portfolio as well as her official website. She also has a Calendar available for sale. Do it. You know you want to. You’ll be supporting young models everywhere.Stats:

Age: 23
Ethnicity: Thai
Located: Bangkok












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0 thoughts on “Xanny Disjad”

  1. She has the exotic Sheena thing going on in a very girlie dare I say Lolita package to be sure. A natural winner in my book and when she fills out she will be smokin’ hot if she stays in shape.

  2. First pic is a winner, wow.

    I like her hips, she’s got potential.
    Also great photo over the balcony.

    Sometimes her eyes look so cute, like a she’s asking to be taken care of. I’d take care of her. 🙂

  3. Awwww…daznlover, you’re so sweet. 🙂 She really is a lovely sexy woman sent from above. And I agree with you on her perfect waist to hips ratio in the balcony shot. The kind of sexy femininity that’s puts a smile on my face.

  4. I think she may have cut her hair herself in front of a mirror, perhaps she didn’t even have a mirror. She’s still cute though. I like the last picture, nice arse!

  5. If you check her Model Mayhem profile, she does not do any nude shots, so do not plan on any in the near or distant future, it’s a Thai thing. There is quite a gap between Thais who do nudes and those who do not.

    She has a smoking video on her Facebook page!

  6. I’m liking the curves too….that “take care of me” look in shots 4 and 5 is a killer…Oh go then!….she also looks a little blackanese in the 5th shot…quite nice

  7. I dislike her website.

    She is very pretty.

    I thought if you were a Thai model you had to be on Mr. Beef’s (or whatever that guy’s site is called) website?

    Good job Travis, thank you!

  8. She seems to have small scars on the inside part of her upper arms (right above the elbow). You can see a bump in the last photo…on the right arm, however, it seems to be more like a dimple…

  9. That balcony shot is one of those flukes where everything accentuates the curves to maximum effect – I don’t think her body is that spectacular in reality. And as with most Issarn Thais, her face doesn’t do anything for me either.

  10. Now that I could take a good look at all her pics and sites, I have to say that this time I don’t agree with the photos Travis picked for the article. On iStudio and ModelMayhem she has some fantastic photos that could have been used.

    She defo is not the thai bar girl that we’ve seen in some other posts. She’s very different. Good marketing approach, she has facebook, twitter, website and she uses them often. Plus, she is a college student. And she looks great in so many photos.

    I like this classy outfit

    And I really love this smile and that lovely wai

    The wai (thai greeting) is one of my fav things in Thailand, after the smiles and the girls. 🙂

  11. daznlover: Thanks!

    I would join those rioters in Thailand in support of her…I got free time.

  12. I think a lot of people don’t care for the more exotic Thai features… the nose, etc. Personally I like cute Thai girls and their own particular look. This is a very cute Thai girl. I enjoy seeing her play with her clothes and poses, very cute indeed.

  13. I agree with luvasianwimin. Thai women in general seem to be a hit and miss with many guys, which is unfortunate. It feels like most guys like the ‘eastern asian’ look of lighter skin, less overtly ‘ethnic’ features, things of that nature.

    I think she looks very nice and sexy, a natural body.

  14. Spartan like the Lolita observation as dead on. She dangerous, alluring and that skin tone is what really makes her truly exotic. Geez I am drooling here. Why did the redshirts have to make a trip to Bangkok right now a no go?

  15. The well known models don’t do nudes. I think it is actually illegal in Thailand. Some magazines have nearly nude but they always keep the naughty parts (barely) covered. Although, Thai Penthouse has nude and I don’t know how they can do it because nobody else does (maybe big money involved).

    Xanny’s style of photos is what the famous models do.

  16. Hi Asian Sweetheart. Penthouse? Big money involved? You should not speculate about things you know nothing about. Stick to categorizing which models you think are appropriate for Thailand and which ones you look down on. Xanny is just having fun as a young and beautiful girl. She could not work as a fashion model and she probably knows it. But she is good at what she does and she knows that too. It doesn’t matter what well known Thai models are doing. I would bet that Xanny reads international magazines and could care less about Hi-So local models.

  17. asiansweetheart writes: “Xanny’s style of photos is what the famous models do.”

    Xanny’s style of photos is what the famous photographers do. The famous models do what ever they are told to do, (within reason and budget). Xanny knows top photographers because she has modeled professionally. Most notably for a large juice company where she first got noticed and gained some portfolio pics. She is a university student and pretty good in front of the camera as you can see. Wish her good luck.

  18. You seem so angry Mr. Adam. Last time I posted a comment on Sirens you got upset because I don’t like the type of models you shoot. Now you attack me again, and one comment wasn’t enough, it was two!

    You shoot very nice photos, but many of the models you shoot I think are not very attractive. I guess that make you angry so that’s why you attack my comments about Xanny. I just said I never saw her in all the entertainment mags and forums I read.

    I think you know that no famous models do nude. That thing called “public indecency law” we have in Thailand might be part of it, plus the fact that they would never be able to work again in mainstream entertainment.

    That law includes photogs and publishers, so like I said, I don’t know how Penthouse does it because nobody else does. Usually when somebody is getting away with something in such a public way there is big money involved. I think you know that. But if it’s something else and you know then why not comment…well, maybe you know but you can’t say so maybe that’s why you tell me to shut up about it.

  19. Well to me it seems like the ‘mainstream’ Thai models tend to be the lighter skinned ones, usually half white or more towards Chinese features.

    There are many though that like darker skinned models, though Xanny IMO isn’t that particularly ‘dark’ complected.

    At any rate, Xanny is one heckuva sexy Thai girl, and I would definitely like to see more of her.

  20. Dear Sweetheart, I hope that shows I am not angry. I have just promoted your website, (above link). Now back to Xanny. She is not really a pro model. She is a part time hobbyist. She could care less what Thai top models are doing and folks at Asian Sirens enjoy seeing her plenty so it’s a win win. Open your mind a little. Not everyone has to be white and rich.

  21. Hey asiansweetheart, I couldn’t help noticing that you’re using Adam’s latest calendar as your dating site’s cover photo! So I guess you must find some of his models attractive at least. 🙂

  22. It’s a small world, guys. 🙂

    And Xanny is very good looking for a hobbyist, with quite some good promotions going on. I’m impressed with her work and her looks. 😉

  23. Oh dear, I didn’t realize I was featuring work Adam has done. That’s terrible. I’ll be sure to remove it, hehe.

    Of course that photo is not nude. They are covered. That’s what I am talking about. The big stars can do daring photos like that but they still stay (barely) covered.

    And BTW, I don’t have a dating site anymore. I stopped doing that a long time ago. All I do now is my blog.

    The photo on the home page is the banner for the Pacific USA calendar from calendars.com. There are some beautiful photos in that calendar. Adam did that? Uh oh, that’s gotta go 😮

    Well, so I guess I can’t comment on Sirens without getting picked on by Adam for having my own opinion about beauty, you know, “white and rich” like me 😉 I just wondered about Xanny because it said she was Thai but there is nothing in Thai about her.

  24. Dear Asian-Sweetheart, Don’t disappear from A.S 🙂 I am sure there are lot of guys here who love your website with all it’s sexy photos and enjoy seeing the kind of models and stars, (considered beautiful by Thais), who appear in the Thai mainstream. Heck, even I like many of them. From your post, speaking of Thai models and nude glamour, Thai super model, Lookhed has posed nude and actually got summoned to the police station for appearing nude in public for a shower soap publicity stunt. She still gets plenty of work though. Jim Thomspon Silk has featured nude fashion models silhouetted behind translucent scarves in a big fashion show that caused quite a stir. Plenty of nudity in the mainstream. Do you not approve? Or is it just a revalation and you are shocked? Anyway, peace, I’m not such a bad guy.

  25. Dear asiansweetheart,
    Just so A.S. readers can enjoy your site which is a real who’s who of sexy Thai models, I will include a link here.
    And I am proud to have made it as the banner at the top of your home page. Hope it is not down by the time readers see this. You are welcome to use my photos anytime. We are on the same team really although you may not agree.

  26. Hi Adam, and thanks for being so kind. I was kidding a little with some of the things I said, maybe it might be called trolling a little.

    I knew Luukked had done some daring stuff, didn’t know she actually got called by the police. I never saw the shower soap stunt, sounds interesting. She’s so big she could practically do anything.

    Actually, I was just looking at the 2011 Pac USA calendar and the cover girl is a cutie. I’m going to replace last year’s with that one on my front page. Nice work!

  27. Dear AsianSweetheart, “Luukked” , Thailand’s sexiest Super Model (old school), thank you for helping with that spelling. The local English newspapers write it many ways. She got “Summoned to the police station” which means that what ever Khunying threatened the local police commander with a transfer to the Lao border for letting her traverse Silom in the back of a pickup truck nude, taking a shower, made an effort to reprimand her. Pokyman a likely source when she and hubby were in power. You should post some of your recommended cuties on A.S. Folks around here would love them. Stay safe.

  28. it is nice to get a reminder of the past sirens, and the tasteful nude shots are a welcome development 🙂

  29. Hey Ben, nice to see you visit here! I’m in Brisie myself (as is Sachiko) – perhaps we could get together sometime. We haven’t done a photographer profile for quite a while now too, so perhaps it’s time we did another one.

  30. Hey Lee,

    Small world eh? What side of Brissie are you on? As for the photographer profile, absolutely!…I’m working my butt off trying to promote AoI (as well as do all the web design, seo, shoot for it, edit for it, drum up submissions for it etc – it’s pretty much a one man show) so any extra juice I can get going that way is most appreciated 😉

    And of course I love Asian models (which should be obvious from the site) so a profile here would be a nice paring 🙂

    You can get me at submissions@artofimagery.com if you want to discuss it.

    Cheers mate,
    – b

  31. Hi Ben,

    I know what you mean – I do everything on Sachiko’s site (all the shooting, web design, hosting, tech support etc.), plus I host, do tech support, moderate and manage AS! Fortunately though, I have lots of help from Asian Sirens’ very capable bloggers here. 🙂 Anyway, I’m on the south side (actually into Logan) – I’ll be in touch with you soon.

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