William Sparrow – Sex Columnist

Hope this post finds all Asian Sirens readers well. I have been a bit quiet lately and apologize for my absence, but I see that you guys have been getting on as usual. I have been busy, moved (back to Thailand) and I have now been officially named a ‘sex columnist’ for Asia Times Online under the heading “Sex in Depth”.The first few columns haven’t been particularly “sexy”, thus I had no picture I felt appropriate to accompany this post. I am pleased by the legitamicy that this new position brings with it after my years toiling away on my own site Asian Sex Gazette, working for a ‘real’ media outlet lends a bit of credibility to my endeavors.

The column runs on Fridays at Asia Times Online and today’s is located here; titled “Cell swingers in Cambodia”, it is about former Khmer Rouge leadership on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity requesting conjugal visits.

Last week’s column – which went to #1 (annoying my editor) over the other stories on the site – was on the Japanese lolita (or ‘lolicon’) industry facing a first time child porn crack down and can be found here.

The debut column is titled “When kissing cousins aren’t so cute”, which made #2 in the stats, kind of speaks for itself – you can read it here.

I promise to get back to posting regularly here. I look forward to seeing your comments on the stories so far and in the future. My best to all! Don’t forget to visit Asian Sex Gazette when you get a chance – it is being updated regularly again, at least once a week.

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0 thoughts on “William Sparrow – Sex Columnist”

  1. It’s no surprise why your column is doing so well. You do great work and you write about stuff that many people are interested in reading. Keep it up.

  2. great articles. wow, never knew that about british mulisms. also the lolita story is apalling. it’s sad things like this still happen in the world today.

  3. So, let me get this straight. You are payed to write about sex. Some people are just damn lucky, aren’t they!?

    Just kidding :), I enjoy a lot your thorough and well written articles, it’s great that you got your new paper column. Good luck!

  4. misterpoll.com has an interesting poll. Go to the site, click search, then choose all polls, enter “filipina” in the search box. Search comes up with a poll: do you spank your filipina or asian wife. Pretty interesting poll

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