A little while ago one of our readers suggested we should feature webcamgirl Kona Kalani. And because it has been a while since we featured a camgirl, I figured I might as well do him (and Kona ;-)) a favour.
I hope I also do you a favour with two free galleries you will find inSome facts:
Name: Kona Kalani
Place of birth: Hawaii
Ethnicity: totally mixed with korean blood (unconfirmed)
Height: 5’1
Weight 95lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Bust: 32A
kona kalani/blackthong
kona kalani/milk-pouring

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Is this girl mexican? I think her name should be Nah Satal. See what I mean.
Sorry, here’s the pic I meant to show in that last comment.
I have no idea where you get that name and why you’d specifically say Mexican or why you’d want to put picture 6 when pic 9 is the exact one featured here… Don’t mind me I’m just confused.
When I click the link to her site she has one sample picture that makes her look unbelievable young but thats probably the lure, not really for me. Also 95 pounds? I know that just about any model we’ve featured I could bench press that weight but 95 pounds? I think I could probably curl that, just an observation. Any critique I’ll just say not really for me, good selection however.
Webcam girl and internet pinup, also. I didn’t know her yet. I’m not surprised she’s only 95 lbs, she’s really small also. Wonder if her ethnicity is mostly korean. She could be filipina, from what I see. Hot body and her webcam previews seem very naughty (good thing).
If we could feature some more webcam asian babes around here, I’m thinking about one or two thai babes, with incredible looks and boobs that would make arf and LawBoy skip breakfast… 🙂
It was a total joke and f*up, bigstusexy. Please forgive me. I was just saying she has no ass at all and she doesn’t look that asian to me. Sorry, I am pretty stupid sometimes.
Sachiko is only 85lb! She is a lot smaller than most people think – 5’2″ with quite long legs for her height. Asian girls can often be a lot lighter than they look – you can’t judge their weight by the standards of caucasian women. Still, even by Asian standards, Sachiko is still very light! I also have to say that Kona doesn’t look like she has much Asian blood.
85! Wow! I will say this, they don’t look like they are at starving weight with ribs that have grooves between them… man that gives me ideas and fears as well.
HAHAH @ bigstusexy’s comment on curling/benching. i can totally picture you in the weight room benching something and figuring how many girls you’re lifting, like “well, i’m benching 300 right now, so that’d be a little more than 3 kona kalanis, about 3.5 sachikos, maybe 3 teanna kai’s right on the dot.”
Christine, maybe like this. If a man see a girl with unproper weight, in his mind, the girl is very fragile. But anyway, we can not compare girls with man in weight.
I wish I could be like christine and do all that crazy math stuff. I feel sleepy.
I think I read somewhere before, the reason it’s hard to judge an asian woman’s weight, is due to the fact that some of them actually have hollow bones, like birds. I sometimes wonder if they actually are part birds. It’s funny, because I’m really big into bird watching too. Always been a hobby of mine. How ironic.
If she is Asian at all it’s very watered down. She’s cute but not for this site, IMHO.
Yeah arf, I think Sachiko must have hollow bones or something – if you go by the usual BMI chart she would be severely underweight, but her favourite thing to do is eating, believe it or not!
At the other end of the scale, I think I must have solid bones. 😉
That’s funny Doc, I sometimes think my wife’s bones are made of steel.
wow, she looks really young. Asian women tend to have really small bones, and Konas weight is fine, I mean it’s not like you can count her ribs from the pics.
The most important, they have strong bones and we are happy when look at them. Not fragile one and we dissapoint when look at them.
And maybe Kona’s dna is not dominant, that’s why she doesn’t look like asian woman.
Her colored hair is not match with her face and body. Looks like too shine.
Whatever this girl is (looks Filipina to me), she’s dinky–I’m a sucker for that–with an appealingly long torso, nice little shape. Her butt is disappointment.
Arf the bird comment is a laugh! Lots of good stuff in a short post.
Thanks Bubalabobo. I was sleepy when I wrote that.
Petite type and nothing wrong with her butt! 🙂
this is pretty nasty…looks like porn to me….Not prettyh like most pics
Hello everyone. This is Kona Kalani. I just wanted to clarify the confusion whether or not I am Asian enough. I am half Korean and the other half is Hispanic mix. I am going back to my natural black hair color so I may look more Asian in a few months. In person I look Asian but maybe you just can’t see it much in these photos. Well hope you visit my site. 🙂
Welcome to Asian Sirens Kona!
Thanks Dr. Lee