Vanna Marie is a very attractive model from Long Beach. In some ways I feel these photos do not do her justice. I feel I have seen other, better photos of her in the past, but for the life of me I can’t find them. I am a sucker for small, pretty models though so maybe I’m biased.Stats:
Age: 29
Height: 5’0
Ethnicity: ?
Located: Long Beach, CA

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She’s a hot ticket. Beautiful eyes and a killer butt. I like ’em petite too.
very attractive is right! great find travis! she has a nice behind 🙂
NICE TRAILER! Makes my hands twitch! The tats are unfortunate and add nothing to this beauty.
Wasn’t rapt in the first pic. I mean she looked sultry, but I thought uh oh..
is she a tranny?
BUT, pic 2 made me forget that entirely!
Wow, that bikini leaves little to the imagination!
Pic 4 started to seal the deal for me.
I wanted that ‘killer’ arse!
And then in pic 5 I so much wanted to pluck that bikini bottom out of her bottom.
Now, excuse me, before I check out the links, I am going back to drool over pic 2!
nice and tiny. yes please!
She looks so beautiful in this shot I think.
If you mean her boobs, AZN, yes, they are just lovely.
Oh … then I see she is only 5 ft. Even nicer – a great little package!
She’s smoking hot. Love her sultry look.
@travisstroup u r right. Some of the photos does not do her justice.
I like that she states she helps her Cambodian family. Her website writing is real, not washed over with the usual statements. The website layout itself does not do her justice – it gives me a headache.
She is pretty fine, and 29 years old! I like that. I see too many models who are perpetually “24 years old”…
I was just in Long Beach, in the Westminster area (thanks to suggestions from my AS brothers here) and can attest that the food is terrific and the women are just stunning. The Long Beach airport is like an extension of Vietnam, Cambodia, China, and probably Thailand too.
Back to Vanna, she be fine! (get a better website please)
Vanna…Vanna…Vanna! WoW! I just blew a fuse when I first laid eyes on that gorgeous gluteus maximus of hers.
looks better with less make up
I like the warrior princess shot. However, I was amused that if I saw a 5 foot warrior princess coming at me with that kind of sword I’d probably say to myself ‘wow, that’s the cutest dwarf I’ve ever seen’. Then I’d be cut down, true, but it’d still amuse me.
Very happy to see another older model (29!) posted here. 🙂
That said, I must admit that I prefer them a bit taller than 5′ (5’4-5’8 is perfection in my books) but she erases any points deducted for her diminutive stature based on that delectable ass she flaunts quite nicely. That ass is perfection!
@ HerlequinsCrest: Agreed on your assessment. She looks a bit man-ish for my tastes with all of that makeup. Less makeup softens her look considerably.
My bad: “HarlequinsCrest”. ^_^;;
This young lady is why I like living where I do.
That’s an ass that just keeps giving.
Sometimes tats, sometimes not. A time thing or a fake thing. Other than that, she’s a keeper!
EARTH to DOC: Missing your ‘check-in’ on this one??
To be honest, I’m not sure what I think about this one. In some shots (e.g. pic 2) I find her face excessively harsh and angular, but in others she looks quite pretty. I guess she really needs the right makeup, but I’m not sure which look represents her in real life. As for her body, it’s impressively trim and taut, but her lower body isn’t as slim as I prefer – she looks a little “bottom heavy”. I think she’d benefit from a good boob job.
Oh NIGHTHAWK..Doc was probably just out ‘getting a life’.
Yeah Doc I’d agree and say maybe a little breast augmentation might balance her body out. Probably a push up bra in the last pic achieves that look to some extent.
Then a reshoot of pic 2 would be just heavenly!
@longtack: yep, I certainly was, with some of that local talent I mentioned previously. 😉
Um, I didn’t see any tats, and believe me I was very closely perusing every inch of Vanna. And let me be the first to say that if wheel of Fortune ever needs a new Vanna, I’d be happy to buy a vowel (or anything else) from her.
I also like that she’s only 5 feet, but is still well proportioned.
wooohoooo doc, I ought to be extremely jealous of you. But it also means the day is nearing for their entrance on to the catwalk of AS?
Sadly, I can’t make any guarantees – the hottest Asian girls are often relatively conservative. But I haven’t given up yet, and I’m enjoying myself in the mean time. 😉
OMG!! She makes me want to roar!!! Look at that ass!!!! Best of all she is a petite package with long hair!! She makes my loin tingle – a rare thing these past couple years to be sure!
Also I agree with Doc, slap a top end on her and she would be a total “tour de rock your world sexy”!
TAT REF for WF19: Photo #4, upper left arm; Photo #7, left breast. (Temporary Tats..???)
RE: tats. The breast “tat” is not one. If you look closely (blow up the picture), you will see she has some sort of covering over both nipples. The one in #4, I will assume a temp. In that case, love her, especially the last picture, in “normal” mode.
maybe she has a ‘thing’ about showing her nipples. Are they un-photogenic or something?
she covers them (nicely) here too:
Her best pictures above are pic #5 and #6 from the top down but pic #2 is kinda okay because of the body however the makeup is terrible in that one.
I thought she was Filipino, thanks for clearing things up by stating she is Cambodian. We need more babes from Cambodia in tiny bikinis!
And the tat is fake so she is a keeper.
Would benefit from a boob job? Be careful what you wish for!
Not a great job!
Yeah, longtack you’re right…she does seem a little shy about her nipples. I still likey though. Bet she smells good.
Sir Wankalot: This boob job is, as the Doc might say- “Unfortunate”.
I was in Long Beach three days ago- lots of pretty women, and sadly several with the “bolt-on 1/2 melon” breasts.
WHY?!?!?!?!?! She is now a commodity, just like this 5-foot tall “model” with a great arse we saw a couple of months ago:
Who manages their careers? Who are these plastic surgeons?
Oopps: I meant that the Doc uses the word “Unfortunate”- not that he would apply it here in this case…
It could just be me, but does anyone else feel like her butt isn’t quite the same as it is in the first few shots? When it gets to the multi-colored bikini, it looks…smaller?
For crying out loud Travis. If those shots aren’t as good as you’ve seen of her, I can’t imagine how great she looks in the “better” ones.
This girl is sensational for me. Tight, petite, killer curves. She even looks great pre and post boob job. I want more!
@shoujobot: I suspect a little Photoshop enhancement of her butt in some of these shots.
As for her new boob job, I did say a “good” boob job! Still, even as it is, it does make her body look more balanced, just as I thought it would.
That was fast! Doc only mentioned a boob job 24 hours ago and she already got one after all. 🙂
I like her a lot. This is the kind of girl that reminds us why the word ‘curves’ is in the dictionary!
Legs, ass… I totally surrender to her. On top of that, she does charity which gives her bonus points in my book.
Coming from a camp after fleeing the Khmer, she sure had a hard childhood. Who would say a girl from that camp would become a model and end up in the US?
I guess I must have a lot of influence these days. 😉 As her boob job is so new, maybe they just need time to settle down a bit. 🙂
I hope so, because her mind and heart seem to be anything but common….anyone that strong and to have gone through what she did has EARNED things in life most of us never will.
I think she really sizzles in this shot. Just so dazzling hot.
great ass, nice face but her breasts are average. she definetely needs implants. not too big. they will enhance her look even more
DrewII : She got implants, and is now back to being 23 years old…
@ARF – I concur. I had the same thought. Shoot, it is like she fell out of a dream! I only wish I could keep her!
Pretty curves on a small woman. Fantastic little booty. I like last pic the most.
One question though: what makes them “models”? Having a portfolio & pictures online? Except import car scene & perhaps beachwear, I cannot think of a market for 5′ women.
Sometime I think modeling is sort of competition between women. Just like having more shoes & handbags than other woman.
Nik2: Agreed…I know a lot of women who spent a few thousand dollars on “professional” pics and clothes because of all the attention they get at nightclubs- thinking that means they could be a model.
But then, they find out that modeling work does not come to them.
In New York, I met a group of Asian “models” who do nothing but live off of their boyfriend’s credit cards, and do the occasional “bar opening” for a flat $300 for the night. It is a competition between them- how many handbags? How many trips to Vegas? How many fancy dinners?
As for 5′ tall models, there is always a market. Just like larger women have a market, ethnic women, etc…Ever go to a BeBe store? Half the merchandise is sized 0 – 2….
the hottest woman ever on this site. looks different in every photo. enough to make me register and comment for the first time.
beautifully done!