Vanida is a lovely model that I noticed by accident while browsing some sites looking for a radio station, hoping it was playing a non-local baseball game. I found her here, but I think she’s given up modeling overall. Too bad. Pretty girl.Stats:
Age: 28
Height: 5’4
Ethnicity: ?
Located: Oregon

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I’m no expert, but a decent looking boobjob. Nice skin!
sexy girl. i especially like the last 2 pics
Great, tight body, nice boob job.
I like her a lot…here’s more http://www.modelmayhem.com/portfolio/622817/viewall
Too bad she’s dropped out of sight.
Beautiful. Relaxed poses. Lovely vibe. We can count ourselves lucky that we have these photo’s and Vanida can take her career in another direction. Good luck to her.
I did a search of her name and it appears to be Thai. I found this link not the same girl, but they share the name Vanida and might be worth a feature.
I think that was the girl from Girly Berry who was posted as Wanida? or something like it. Very sexy indeed.
@Duane Alexander
Yes, she does look Thai to me.
Its really sad that this girl quit the industry. She has an amazing body and beautiful eyes. Wish she had more pics.
OMGawD!…I love this woman.
Great work Travis. Where you find the main post pic (blue bikini bottom)?
triple thumbs up
Beautiful eyes, pretty smile, great rack and a nicely toned body — what’s not to like? Go ahead, I dare ya:-)
she is representing good ol’ portland!
Thai pronounce V as W. This gal is a W for us.
Great body! Nice smooth skin!
Apparently, I need to search for more baseball. Score!
Awesome body… Now, quitting isn’t nice, is it? 🙂