Vanessa Minnillo Joins Cast of Fantastic Four Film

Vanessa Minnillo

I know, we probably feature Vanessa here way too much. But hey, she’s a nice looking (half) Filipina. Not everybody likes her, but for those who do, here is some news. Vanessa will apparently have a (likely small) role in next year’s Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer film. And, she’s dumped two boyfriends in recent months; Derrick Jeter and Nick Lachey. Who’s next? She has a MySpace page now too. For more pics, click
Vanessa Minnillo

Vanessa Minnillo

Full size images HERE

Links for Vanessa Minnillo

Vanessa’s MySpace page
Vanessa’s official website
Vanessa’s Wikipedia page
Vanessa’s IMDB page
Vanessa’s page
Vanessa on Asian-Sirens Sept. 2005
Vanessa on Asian-Sirens Sept. 2006
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

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0 thoughts on “Vanessa Minnillo Joins Cast of Fantastic Four Film”

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s one of my favorites if not MY FAV!!! She’s soooo damn cute. Just think, she grew up in Angeles City, Philippines and could have easily just been another Bar Girl. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!

  2. She can dump me next!!!!! ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,…..just give me one night Vannesa, one night…..ha,ha,ha,ha……Hey a guy can dream

  3. It does seem as though that original Maxim shoot didn’t show her in the best light – judging from her more recent photos, I’d say my initial opinion of her was a little harsh. Still a little too western-looking for my taste, but not bad. I’m still not sure about her as a person though. 😉

  4. [Just think, she grew up in Angeles City, Philippines and could have easily just been another Bar Girl.]

    She got lucky, good for her!
    Lots of hidden beauties in the Philippines… but, it’s life, most are out of our sight…

    [Not everybody likes her (…)]

    I wonder why anyone wouldn’t like this gorgeous gal? 🙂

    She looks really classy in all her pics. Shows good taste.

  5. Love the Vanessa..What is it with Fantastic Four films?…the last one had and Entertainment Tonight host (like Vanessa) as the love interest too (Maria Menoudos). Maybe they figure they’ll get better press if they hire the press.

  6. One thing about Vanessa that is unusual for a Filipina, she’s tall. 173cm (5’8″).

    I guess she must have gottten some extra height from her Dad’s side which is Italian/Irish.

  7. I included that last pic of her because I think she looks really sexy even in casual street clothes. 🙂

  8. I can understand her dumping a zero like Nick Lachey but Derrick Jeter? Hey, Derrick is the man! Jeter would rather lose a shot at another World Series than be seen with a less-than-smoking hot babe.

  9. Yes, she’s a natural beauty, no make up and street clothes and she’s indeed sexy.

    From her profile on the net I also read she didn’t have an easy teen life, with her folks divorcing and other nasty stuff. Good to see she seemed to take it easy, not going to extremes, as far as I can see.

  10. As far as just watching the movie to look at Jessica Alba, Fantastic Four is great. The problem is that many of these comic books that they are making movies of do not transfer well into live action. The best one in my opinion is Sin City which also had Jessica Alba in it who was smoking hot and a delicious little Devon Aoki. So I’m hoping that they do a better job with the second FF.

  11. With Vanessa and Jessica, it can only be better! 🙂

    I agree, they are pushing the movies for profit lately but seldom they try to produce them as a good story that will stand the test of time…

  12. offense but in the last pic she looks pretty ordinary…i guess make up and airbrush can do wonders….like the old saying goes “show me a hot girl and i will show you a guy that is bored boinking her”

  13. does she have the typical phillipino look or is she mixed? if this is what Phillipino girls look like, i am booking my next trip to Thrilla in Manila….:)

  14. She’s mixed, not having the 100% typical filipina looks because she’s got a good part of western blood. Many mixed girls over there and plenty of beauty.

    That trip will be worth doing, for sure, because filipinas are very beautiful in general and very warm and nice usually (granted, some exceptions to watch out). Great lovers too. 🙂

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