Vanessa Jin’s iStudio page says that she’s Chinese and from Shanghai. One of those is wrong, since Jin is a Korean name. A lot of these models seem to have names I disagree with, but I can’t find anything on them, so there’s not a lot I can do. If you ever come across them and they have a different name, please post them in the comments.Stats:
Age: 23
Height: 5’9
Ethnicity: Chinese? Maybe?
Located: Shanghai

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She looks Chinese to me – and a pretty sexy one at that! It’s just a stage name – perhaps a slight mistranslation into English.
Has she had surgery? It’s probably more prevail ant in Korea than in China (although it is still popular there). It’s getting harder to tell the different nationalities apart. She is beautiful but imagine waking up to her the 5th year in…..
The first picture, I think I may be in love! From there, not as much. I do not understand why these women think they have to starve themselves. She is not a bad as some, but I never liked bony “corners” poking into me!
i don’t think it’s starving. my mrs eats more than me (honestly) and she’s still a stick. some asians have “really” good genetics. i like this girl. her body is perfect for me.
Woozers! She makes me want to stroke, snuggle and kiss her on the nose like a big ol’ sexy cat.
Beautiful… and also, I know a lady that’s from Shanghai and her name is Jin. So I think the name could be correct.
nah she might be part chinese but looks mostly korean as she has more slender legs and none of the chubby cheeks that i find apparent in chinese women. and some work done to her face maybe as most korean models do.
Neither long slender legs or facial surgery are at all unusual for Chinese girls these days.
She could quite easily be Shanghainese…. Love the side profile in pic 4!!….
I am always perplexed by Dr. Lee’s self-professed expertise on how these beautiful Asian ladies had to have surgery in order to look as stunning as they are. Asian comes in all sizes and shapes with all sorts of variation in their facial features. What you’d written does not stop the ignorances/stereotypes out there in the world pertaining to Asian women. THANK YOU.
Jin can in fact be a Chinese surname. The most prominent character with this pronunciation stands for gold/money/precious metals. There was also a Jin Dynasty. I don’t know if all the women in this particular period had her legs, though.
jin is not gold, that is Kin. furthurmore, jin is japanese. 金=Gold、神=God.Also pronounced kami、But here is jin.
Also, koreans are more prominent in the “chubby cheaks” than chinese. If chinese have that feature it would be more-so northern chinese. Southern chinese are usually are mixed with vietnamese, and laos. So they are skinnier. If you want to be extremely specific, she is closer to japanese-chinese considering the facial expressions matches that of prominent looking japanese female. Especially the eyebrow’s thickness. Yet the rest of the body resembles the classic chinese.
Could have sworn I’d seen her on here before, but I guess I’ve been spending too much (possible?) time on istudio. That profile shot in the yellow shirt kills me!
Gotta say hats off to the site posters who live in China (or any other Asian country). Coupla weeks in SE China & I was sportin’ wood most of the time. Funny – siren quality material pops up where you least expect it. A day at Expo was dullsville, but the chance street encounter of a girl, breasts freely bouncing under her blouse, or the girl on the elevator, or the one living in the apartment downstairs…yikes. So, to longtack and the rest of youse I heartily say, “Saaaalute.”
I think she is Chinese too. But I am pretty positive her last name cannot be Jin.
jin’ may well be 金,a Chinese surname and the word for ‘gold’ that in Korea (where it may be the most common surname) is pronounced ‘gim’, closer to dialects such as Cantonese and others nearby….I imagine that while sharing a nice glass of wine with this young lady under the right conditions questions of a linguistic nature would be far from one’s mind…..
Jin can definitely be a Chinese surname — I have a Chinese friend with that name.
As mentioned above, in Chinese, it usually means “gold,” and is the equivalent of the Korean surname Kim (the most common Korean surname). It is the 64th-most-popular Chinese surname, according to a 2006 ranking, listed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_Chinese_surnames
Conversely, the Korean surname Jin can be the equivalent of the Chinese surnames Chen (#5) or Qin (#74).
Wonderful shot of her in profile in the yellow dress.
Would love to see that same pose from behind!
She’s delish!!!
I think she looks great. I also love the fourth shot in the yellow top and sexy slim waist with sexy hips.
Kin? There’s no “kin” in the Chinese Hanyu Pinyin system at all. As others have already said, Jin is most likely 金 but it also could be 禁, the latter being a more obscure last name. Also to clarify, the Korean last name Kim/Gim originated from the Chinese last name of Jin some 1500 years ago. During that Korean Three Kingdoms era, many noble clans sinicized Chinese last names and gave their subjects those names as a means of bestowing honor. In the case of Jin/Kim/Gim, it was mainly adopted by clans in the Silla Kingdom and the rest is as you say, history.
Back to the topic of Vanessa, she might be living/modeling in Shanghai now (just like every other aspiring model in China), she actually looks somewhat southeast Asian to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually came from Southern China (such as Yunnan) and has the ethnic heritage of Dai, Miao, Yi, or even Hmong.
@Dr. K Know: If you want to show me up, you’d better get your facts straight first. First of all, it was Envy who claimed this girl had surgery, not me. I merely said that facial surgery is very common amongst young Chinese today, which is a fact – hence it cannot be used as evidence to say somebody isn’t Chinese. In Vanessa’s case, it isn’t very obvious whether she’s has had any or not, but it would hardly be surprising.
any chance this lady can come and visit me in Gympie??? it’s been 2 weeks here now, and i swear the local females are growing bigger and hairier each day…..
gotta get me a ticket back asap….
I’m in Hangzhou (quite close to Shanghai) – for a month – and while I was taking advantage of a hotel lobby’s air con yesterday, I SWEAR I saw this girl amongst the bevy of delicious models here doing a fashion show. Gotta get tickets!
…oh and I do feel for you kroos!
I am a little worried, however, about what dbldipper is saluting with.
Pics 4 and 5 of Vanessa are my favourites.
Here’s an interesting link I found about the frequency plastic surgery around the world.
In terms of plastic surgery per capita in Asian countries, I was actually surprised. I would’ve thought South Korea would’ve been much higher on the list given the opinion of some of my Korean friends and my personal experience with Korean women. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan is right about where I thought they’d be given they all have a large number of well-off women with plenty of disposable income (or men that don’t mind spending money on their ladies).
Now China isn’t on this list and I’m not sure why. It could be due to lack of data though I think it’s for another reason. Common perception about mainlander plastic surgery may have been skewed a bit by what people see in the larger, more glamorized cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou or Shenzhen. 55% of the Chinese population (600+ million) do not live in urban areas and most have to make do with less than $200 a month per family. Even in the big cities, large portions of the population is made up of blue collar/migrant workers that earn about $250-350 a month. Plastic surgery probably has never entered the minds of these folks. Personally, I’ve had quite a few hands on experience with mainland Chinese girls and only 2 of them has had plastic surgery (boob job and double eye lids). The trend is definitely picking up steam though from what I can tell.
Interesting link, but out of date (2002). You can be certain Asian countries would have risen up through the ranks since then. Even now though, China probably wouldn’t rate in percentage terms, due to their enormous population of people too poor to undertake plastic surgery. But if you looked at the percentages in the major cities, I’m sure they’d be very high, and the total number would be huge.
@longtack – not to worry about the dipper’s salute. ‘Ol Woodrow is saved for the fairer sex.
Spent a good portion of the trip looking at noses. I assume that it is possible for nature, in her wisdom, to select certain beauties for an enhanced or at least “Westernized” version of the proboscis. However, most of those that I could spot (when I wasn’t gazing at other parts) had the traditional Asian flatness between the eyes.
The increasing population of Chinese into the middle and upper-middle class certainly allows for an amount of disposable cash. Considering the numbers of BMWs and Mercs on the road, along with the ridiculous prices for living quarters seems to show that the country is becoming much richer and more able to throw a few RMBs toward plastic surgeons.
I’m not sure what numbers that the good Doc has in mind. I’m not sure of the publication date, but I found this Time article interesting.
Point is – they have the means and the ability.
haha dipper! You save it man!
Gotta agree with the increased disposable income among Chinese people. See Beemers and Mercs daily, but I was gobsmacked by my first Rolls Royce (black of course).
Re ‘need’ for plastic surgery, maybe it’s just models or wannabe models who think it’s a good career move, an investment.
Luckily, many ‘poorer’ Chinese girls will never need it.
wow…this girl is amazing. looks mmm mmmmm good!
She look so much prettier when she smile. Don’t you guys agree?
@Dr. Lee: I am not here to show anyone up, hopefully like myself, you are appreciating these ASIAN women for how they are. Why would you need to generalized or even assume that this lady or any of the other ladies had to have surgery, i wouldn’t begin to know. Again, i am simply saying that a backhand compliment like yours on this lady and previous ones are, in my opinion, very degrading to say the least. Why do we even have to assume how and what a person should should like?! No one is truly an expert on how a person should look like and these comments by you or anyone pertaining to these ladies is very distasteful. Let’s just enjoy everyone’s UNIQUE beauty.
Love the 4th and 5th pics. And yeah she looks lovely when she smiles.
She could work on her eyebrows, though. All in all, she’s a hottie.
Stunning. What a pair of lips! Jin House was the name of a large Chinese restaurant in our city, so the name is used and spelled that way….
@Dr. K Know: your point of view reflects a strange one that comes up here from time to time – as if speculation about possible surgery is a personal insult. It isn’t – it is merely objective information, and enquiring minds want to know. Indeed, “Doc, are they real?” must be the most commonly asked question here – and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. My subjective judgement is entirely independent of this.
Woodrow!?! what would Simon Townsend think?
is the yellow number a long singlet or a short dress? I would like to drop a pocket full of loose change near her and try to make up my mind.
Luke, I’m hoping it’s a short dress, meant to be worn with heels. But really who cares, as long as those legs and that perky backside are peeking out. And yes the view from behind, as someone hoped for, would be very welcome indeed.
1. There are more Jins in China than Kims and Jins in Korea combined. It is a common last name.
2. Batsu, all Japanese characters are Chinese in origin. Kanji = Hanji = Hanzi. I assure you, 金 is a Chinese character, means gold, is pronounced “jin” in standard Mandarin, and is a common last name.
3. Koreans are one of the recognized minority groups in China, and though I doubt it is the case here, it is possible to be ethnically Korean and legally Chinese.
In archaic Japanese language, Jin simply meant Man (person). Besides being all over Asia, including Thailand, where it means “idea” in a somewhat antiguated form of Thai, it is used as a Man’s name in Finnland, of all places. It’s also my name, owing to the fact that people have the right to petition for a name change in the US. But I wouldn’t imagine you’d want to look at 12 naked photos of a white yank. HAHAHA, have a nice day.
She’s Shanghainese for sure. I know that look… 🙂
Just about perfect (didnt’ like the last pic).
Looks Taiwanese or Chinese/Vietnamese to me.
…or Shanghaineese as the Ozman said, now that I take a second look
She’s a C sized – I’d usually prefer D but she’s too thin – set of implants from perfection. Hope I run into her on one of my annual visits to Shanghai.
if she does not remind me of a young Shu-Qi nothing will! Those lips are just too beautiful! I wish My Izumi had those, but i am just lucky that i have what i have.I knew there was something special About Taiwan..
So Beautiful..
what a babe!!!!!!
anyone have more info on her? i foinf one video on youku.com :http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk5NTA3MjE2.html is it her?
srry:D:DD found*
i would love to meet her in shanghai too, where there are like over 12million people. small chance but big hope.