This nude Chinese model most definitely has a name. Most definitely. I guarantee it. In fact, I bet you she has vowels in her name, and I bet you those vowels are used to make sounds. At least in the transliterated version of her name. I would not be surprised if her name also contained an X or a Z or an A or a U. Maybe even a Y or an I.Stats:
Age: ?
Ethnicity: Chinese?
Located: ?

(Visited 104 times, 1 visits today)
I wonder if her name contains a T, an I, another T, and an S? 🙂
This girl could quite possibly have the most impressive pair of seemingly natural breasts I’ve ever seen on an Asian girl – not only huge, but beautifully formed as well. Plus she’s cute, and has a nice body overall. She also looks very healthy and natural in general. I’m in love (or lust)!
Are you sure they’re natural, Doc, and not the work of an impressive surgeon? I mean, they might be, but I’ve never yet seen natural breasts appear round (as opposed to flattening out) like in that pic where she raises her arms.
sooooo hot
Absolute perfection.
@AsianD: No, I’m not sure they’re natural – she could have had large natural breasts to start out with and had them augmented a little to make them even bigger, in which case it would be hard to tell. The way they change form in the arms stretched shot looks fairly natural to me (they will retain some of their form due to their sheer size), but they could be slightly augmented as well. I’d like to see here lying flat on her back to be sure.
Closest I find of her on her back.
Yep, that definitely does look natural, so I guess my initial impression was correct. Any more where that came from chickenman?
There’s this sexy Chinese teacher at my school with tits bigger than hers.
And I know I will never ever see them naked (although my fingers are crossed), so to make up for that, this model will have to be a substitute.
Thank you.
Thing is longtack, you haven’t seen her without a bra – I find it hard to believe she’ll be bustier than this girl (unless she’s also chubbier).
Doc, I’d like (love) to see her lying flat on her back as well:-)) Although I don’t think the word flat should ever be associated with her.
Face is cute enough, but not her best feature.
what i would give to suck on those. definetely natural. face isn’t the greatest but overall quite nice.
Name or no name, she’s lovely…and busty. It does make you wanna suckle like a little baby.
Cute enough.She could be the template for the Chinese “girl next door”.She’s not carrying her rack…it’s carrying her.
Goddamn those are some nice boobs.
I wish my X was built like that – I’d still be with her.
longtack…if you wanna see your teacher’s tits, you need to make the first move.
I’ve seen a bunch of Japanese animes where the teacher totally gives it up to the student on request.
If talking to her about it doesn’t work…try blackmale.
Cute girl with a glorious chest. What is not to like?
cute girl…i like the first pic. definitely her chest is her best feature
There is a colored logo in most of the photos. Surely one of the ‘eagle-eyes’ who visits AS will recognize it? I don’t!
This beauty has the light-colored skin that Chinese women crave, especially Sichuan ladies. Her figure is perfection, including the slender legs! She would knock your socks off dressed in traditional qui pao! (or a bikini..yumm!)
Usually, I’m not attracted from girls with a large breast but this chinese model do the trick…
Certainly her natural look but also body curves -being not too skinny- are the reason of my positive mood.
The last pic is really nice. Dang! I like this girl!
I wish I knew what she did for a living.
and where she worked…
I’d visit.
Just one small component missing from this lovely (and the curse of Chinese women…for Western eyes): If she had the ‘caboose’ of Jessica Wan…OH MY!
The Doc could fix this…RIGHT?? (Could this be the beginning of a new East/West conflict??) She is such a DOLL…I really don’t care about her caboose…!
As always: Thanks mucho Travis..!!
I wouldn’t want the surgeon’s knife anywhere near this girl – not even mine. 🙂
Thanks Doc…that was the RIGHT ANSWER! Our ‘mystery-woman’ is PERFECT…no alterations required!!
I’d love to see her lying flat on her back as well. Naked, btw and in 3D. 🙂
Glorious pair of tits. She made my day!! 🙂
Face looks better in this one
Hats off to this busty Chinese
We’d all love to give them a squeeze
But if she dropped half a stone
She’d be naught skin and bone
And be certainly perfect to please.
May get a rash of “you idiot” on this. A couple months in the gym or something would really benefit this lady. I’m not knocking (no pun intended) her figure, but she’d be pushing the “10” scale with a little more tone.
Actually dbldipper, I agree with you – she won the genetic lottery, but a little exercise to make her trimmer would make her even better. On the other though, I’m afraid she might start to lose some of that breast meat, which I’m not sure I would want.
Lots of “likes” to this girl with no name
She’s set the crowd here quite aflame.
But are the real? Are they fake?
Our hearts she would break
If man-made – such a shame.
Doc – if she were to be on a good program, the difference of a 3-4 kg along with some weights and toning wouldn’t change the top much. It looks like she has a fair amount of subcutaneous layer that would probably trim off the quickest. I think that would only enhance what she already has.
Yeah, if her exercises were well-targeted (i.e. only the waist and hips), she would become a living Goddess. In my experience though, when girls are born this great, they never learn to work to keep it, so sadly, they end up losing it when they get older. The less perfect girls who have to work hard to look good (or even have surgery) often end up keeping it better in the long term.
Oh for gosh sakes. Lovely woman. Who cares about some fantasy exercise program for a woman whose name no one even knows? Simply lovely to look at it.
I am not her student; she is a fellow teacher. Plus, she has a bf/husband who is also a teacher here (sigh).
I’ve seen her in a tight top (mmm) and she does indeed have a flat tummy..and wide hips. Sure she wears a bra which I am SURE isn’t padded and I am sure she can’t see her toes for the ‘balcony’.
Ok I perhaps overstated by saying my colleague’s boobs are bigger than Ms X here. But they appear as if they might fall the same if she wasn’t wearing a bra.
men are such suckers for tits. the want for large beasts must have been implanted in our DNA a long time ago.
and i like it. yum.
Actually, I kinda prefer the skinny itty bitty titty ladies usually… in the summer time especially!
Come winter however and my preferences get a bit more ‘cuddlier’.
I reckon you couldn’t get much better than cuddling up to his lady on a cold wintery afternoon!
By the way, Longtack, I know this is a long shot but I too have a well-mammeried chinese teacher acquaintance in shanghai. Given the relative rarity of breasts (with more actual breast than nipple) in china,….. by any chance are the love-cushions you are thinking of belonging to somebody called Afu?
If so…. i know where the hubby works… and I reckon we arrange for him to ….disappear….
nicholiservia. I believe you mean blackmail; unless of course you mean black male, which would imply a threesome, which I don’t know if longtack wants. (And hubby would make four!)
dazn, that’s an excellent picture of her!
I would love to put her on the wingsfan exercise program:
1) remove clothes
2) remove my clothes
3) lay down and think of China
I believe her Chinese name is Toh Nah See.
I wouldn’t say big boobies are lacking in Shanghai at all. I see a few nice pair every day, which may be small proportion of the population but they’re not hard to find. I work with a girl who has a lovely pair that I can’t help but look (stare) at every time she bends over. Either a big C cup or a D. I’m sure she wears a push up bra but I’ve seen enough of them when she bends over to know it’s mostly natural. She’s quite cute, got a tight body and single too.
Where did you get that info from Wings?
heaven help me!
Sorry, forgot to add a smiley:-(
English translation for her name is Toes No See*:-p
*boobs get in the way
Ah, I see. 🙂
No Doc, that’s her boyfriend’s name.
Pretty girl. I believe she is pregnant… and the belly is not the tipoff.
Who’s the father?
Probably me…
Probably not…