The Top Asian Model Calendar Is Now Casting!


This post is aimed at our female readers, although I’m sure the guys will enjoy the pics. 🙂 The number one Asian model calendar, Pacific USA, is now casting. This is the calendar shot by Adam Yurman which launched the careers of many of the world’s most famous Asian models, including Sung Hi Lee and Tiara Lestar. Perhaps you could be the next superstar Asian glamour model!

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0 thoughts on “The Top Asian Model Calendar Is Now Casting!”

  1. Adam’s work is always high quality stuff and the pic above is a fine example. In fact I think searching for Tiara led me to AS in the first place. Talia Lee deserves a feature article.

  2. That’s funny, searching for Sung Hi led me to AS, and I’m glad it did:-)

    I probably wouldn’t make the cut for the calendar:-(

  3. I agree. Adam’s calendar is always the best one out there. He does such a great job of showing off his models.

  4. Ooooh my stars…Talia Lee looks supreme on the cover above. I would probably have dizzy spells if I were to witness her beautylicious body at the beach in person. I think I wanna buy this calender now.

  5. tiara is smoking hot…i’d hope that any girls that are even half as hot as her would consider trying out for this!

  6. You never thought of that because you were probably as dizzy as arf Luke. 😉

    I’d like to enter a dozen of my 22yr old students. um let me rephrase that! ..for the calendar. They are just as hot as Talia.

  7. longtack, if I had a dozen 22yr old students as hot as Talia, I don’t think I’d be spending very much time on AS!

  8. I think you’re right Longtack, if I’d known boobs were out in the previous post I might have shown greater dedication. Just goes to show the extra effort pays off.
    It does appear as if she is more comfortable in front of the camera in the pic above compared to the older post.
    Now how about the next project for your students is based around fashion photography…

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