I’ve noticed that the discussions here often veer off into politics and religion, which some of you enjoy, but many of you think is off-topic and inappropriate. So if you want to go to an Asian babe site where this sort of discussion is always very welcome, come on over to my blog – I’ve just done three posts in a row on religion/atheism, one of which was inspired directly by the recent Tila Tequlia thread here. (The image above is taken from the full nude version of my Blasphemy Challenge video, linked to in this post here.) If you enjoy discussing this sort of thing, come on over and post your thoughts!BTW, you don’t need to register to comment on my posts if you don’t want to, and my blog has a lot of nifty features that aren’t possible with Asian Sirens’ software: automatic reply to/quoting, and editing your comments up to one hour after posting them. Plus registered subscribers can upload their own custom photo/avatar as well!
THE Place To Mix Sex With Politics and Religion!
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While I’m here, there’s something else I’d like to ask you guys about: as I am in Australia, is there anything I can do about an internet stalker I have who is in America? He’s posted many ridiculous messages saying I’m some kind of ‘mindless whore’ manipulated by a ‘pimp’ (that’s what he accuses my webmaster/photographer – Dr. Lee – of being). I thought he’d eventually get tired of this, but he’s been doing it on and off for over four years now! Now that I’ve launched my blog, he’s at it again – I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to post here as well.
sachiko…you surely can contact me for this:) what state is he in?
His IP shows he is in Chicago, Illinois, although he usually tries to claim he is in some other country, and always uses a different name to pretend he isn’t just one person. Since I publically pointed this out though, he’s started using one of those services to give himself a fake IP – but that doesn’t really matter, as we already have his real ISP (AT&T) and location. So do you really think there’s something I can do about it?
yes. u can email me . i will be back in the states next week
I don’t know if going through the motions to find this guy and “Whack Him” is the best for your future LawBoy. Just think about it before you do anything rash 🙂
Thanks LawBoy! I’ll get Lee to contact you later, as he has been tracking this guy since he first started posting this stuff.
Yeah, I’ll be in touch shortly.
(this might be an inappropriate comment)
i never do the wacking 🙂 wouldnt it be funny if i ended up getting cases from AS :)) for Sachiko, it will be probono or boner :)) j/k
Hot damn 4 years! my personal best is 2 years lol jk
Pro boner, LOL! Lee has a lot of Vietnamese friends, and I’ve found I really like them – very earthy and funny! And LawBoy is certainly a prime example. 😉
Anyway, no worries about the jokes guys – I guess laughing at the situation is a healthy way to deal with it actually! I guess I should be thankful this guy is only posting nasty messages about me – at least he isn’t threatening to kill me or anything like that.
sachiko…you are safe so far because the cheapass couldnt afford the plane ticket to aussie 🙂 🙂
Hey LawBoy! I’ve just sent you an email – let me know if you don’t get it.
hey doc..i got the email but i cant reply…stupid internet service here. but i will get on it as soon as i get back to the states..go ahead and shoot me the infor.
Pro boner… Gives a whole new meaning to the practice. lol
Sachiko loved the photo!
I’ll head over to your blog to read some more. And happy birthday, a few days later! 🙂
but really, Sachiko, I’m sure you’re a really nice girl and all, but you’re not the type of girl we all log on for.
I don’t know if i’ll be censored out, but I had to speak up for the masses.
this site is great, fun and cheeky, let’s not get serious and self absorbing.
you’re not the type of girl we all log on for
Read the responses above leche, or other threads such as the Tila Tequila one Sachiko refers to – and you dare to presume to speak for everyone here? Besides, the point of this post is that her blog is a place to go for serious discussion if that’s what you want – so what are you complaining about?
lust is blinding you, man
I’d log Sachiko any time, any day.
…Holy crap I make lame jokes. Anyway, Sachiko is hot. So you don’t speak for everyone, Spanish milk.
leche: I am Sachiko’s webmaster and photographer!
Besides, even if “lust is blinding me”, that completely disproves what you’re saying anyway!