There are few things that raise Thai hackles more than hearing their beloved country branded by foreigners as a sex paradise. Yet this reputation does not date back, as one might imagine, to the Vietnam War, when American serviceman flooded into Bangkok and Pattaya for rest and recreation and the sex trade thrived. Full story here.
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Interesting read. I’d probably sail away, too.
God bless Siam.
another way to raise the hackles, kind of, is to say their king is, by birth anyway, american!
it is interesting that thailand wins the prize, for better or worse, of being THE major sex stop on the debauchery express through southeast asia. camdodia is running a close second.
to make this point seem even more ironic, pornography is illegal in thailand and so is the possession and sale of dildoes and the like. (i hope i pluralized that correctly)
maybe i have not been paying attention too much, but how do filipno(a)s feel about their country coveting a similar prize? i do not want to seem as i am saying that southeast asia is a den of sin by no means and i really do not want to be seen as making offense. i am just curious about that and many points.
how do southeast asian men feel about western “blue-eyed devils” consorting and marrying women from that part of asia?
while it is common knowledge that prostitution on all levels was rampant during the american adventures there it is interesting to note that while the women of vietnam are equals to their thai counterparts in beauty, the reputation for their being “loose” has seemingly avoided them completely. i am not saying that there is no shortage of prostitution or other skin trades in vietnam, it just seems to be really hush hush there.
and singapore, the seemingly “melting pot” of southeast asia has managed to keep its sex industry under very tight wraps, and at least as i remember, go-go bars were a no-no.
In both Vietnam and in Singapore there is much tighter government control of all aspects of society and punishment for “debauchery” is nothing to take lightly. Of course both countries have a robust sex and prostitution culture but in neither case are they anywhere near as open about it as in Thailand (or PI).
“how do southeast asian men feel about western “blue-eyed devils” consorting and marrying women from that part of asia?”
i dont think we mind as long as we can get the “blue-eyed devils'” women in turn :))…so doc, stay away from christine you blue-eyed devil you :))
Funny, I’ve told numerous Thais that their king was also American (he was born in Cambridge, MA while his father attended Harvard), and not one of them ever got a single hackle raised.
And prostitution is actually legal in Singapore, which most everyone finds hard to believe. Limited to certain areas, but legal nonetheless.
Going beyond 17th century Ayuthaya, I once read a travelogue written by Somerset Maughm, dating from sometime in the 1920’s. In it, he had a few words to say about the enormous sex scene in Bangkok. Even then it was raging on.
LawBoy, I’ll take Christine, and you can have any Aussie girl you want. 😉
Christine has got quite a fan club here w/ you fellas. This is amusing.
how do southeast asian men feel about western “blue-eyed devils” consorting and marrying women from that part of asia?
This subject came up w/ one of my friends in mainland China. She says Chinese dudes think foreign men are “stealing their wives” due to the high male to female ratio. She’s set to marry an Italian guy, so I don’t think she really cares.
Christine and I have become good “pen friends” due to our common philosophy and shared interests, but I guess any girl who comes here on a regular basis is going to get some tail. Hey ladies, if you’re an Asian girl looking for love, don’t bother with a dating agency – just come to Asian Sirens! 😉
Dr. Lee is right when he says “any girl who comes here on a regular basis is going to get some tail” part. I was wondering if anyone was going to call me out for being an attention whore or anything since I’m an Asian girl on A-S. Thankfully no one has (and, really, those aren’t my intentions or else I’d be spreading pictures of my ass all ’round) buuuuut I can’t really say the same for the import models that sometimes drop by and leave comments like “she’s cute! BUT CHECK ME OUT TOO LOLOLOLZ” ;]
Oh…look at that, it’s almost lunch time…:)
For what it’s worth, Christine, I consider you a breath of fresh air around here and not an attention whore at all. It is important to have a female perspective on boards such as these, IMO.
Certainly the fly-by self-promoters are to be ignored, or at least understood for what they really are. They are not members of the community, rather exploiters of the community. Obviously, you are a valued member of this community.
I absolutely agree with Christine and Bigfoot Dean. Although Sachiko could be accused of doing self-promotion here (as indeed could I!), at least she does try to start some interesting discusions that many of our readers have enjoyed participating in (like her Blasphemy Challenge post, for example). We even gave a certain model who posted in the recent pubes discussion blogging rights when we first relaunched AS, but for the most part all she did was promote herself.
Christine on the other hand is indeed a breath of fresh air here, not just for her feminine perspective, but for her extraordinary intellect and very often hysterically funny comments. Call me an ass-kisser if you want, but Christine’s contributions are very welcome here, and I am very happy to be able to call her a friend.
Back on topic:
The “exotic orient”, Asian women as sex godesses or dragon ladies, etc, has been fictionalized & mythologized from Marco Polo to that Brit 100 years ago who wrote a fraudulent “memoir” of his longtime “affair” with a Chinese empress. They appropriated, concocted, distorted, and wildly exagerated various myths & legends, presenting them as their own factual experience.
The Asian Mystique: great book, well researched, by a Western woman journalist who lived in Asia many years.
Oooh! A chinese empress. Man what I would give for that experience. Even to be her little servant boy. Aaaah…happy thoughts.
Even to be her little servant boy.
Doesn’t sound too bad. Especially for Gong Li as Empress Phoenix in Curse of the Golden Flower. She may have been the only good thing about that film.
I would do any thing Gong Li wanted. And I do mean anything…:) Uh-oh, dirty thoughts running through my mind again.
Lee, since you gave the permission…
You are an ass kisser.
Thanks for the opportunity.
isn’t kissing an asian girl’s ass all what you guys pine for every time you come here anyway? he’s just livin’ out his dream, guys. give him a break.
LOL! Here is yet another example of one of Christine’s witty and very funny comments. 🙂
And redlaw, you never miss a chance to have a go at me, do you?
Just for the record, I’ll kiss Asian ass. Caucasian ass. Latina ass. Black ass. Just so long as it is female ass.
I’m sure I have missed more than few opportunities, Doc. I will only wait for permission these days. Thanks again for the opportunity.
me too…i am an ass kisser as long it is not male :))