Thai supermodel Methinee Kingpayome

Methinee Kingpayome

On AsianSweethearts blog I found this very beautiful Thai fashion model and actress Methinee Kingpayome. There are many photo’s to be found online, I selected a few galleries for you.Some facts:

Birthday: 11, Jun 1972
Height: 178cm
Weight: 48kg
Measurements: B87cm:W64cm:H92cm

Methinee Kingpayome on the web:

Methinee Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @
Kingpayome @

Methinee Kingpayome

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0 thoughts on “Thai supermodel Methinee Kingpayome”

  1. She is a supermodel in Thailand. That means that she is one of the top models and known by virtually everyone in the country.

    If you want to say “international” supermodel then that not would apply because most westerners don’t know her.

    Just a “model” would be someone in the ranks of thousands of models, not a top model, and not well known even in her own country.

  2. asiansweetheart is correct. Methinee Kingpayome or “Leuked” as her knickname is known in Thailand is Thailand’s most famous Super Model and everyone from the poorest noodle vendor to the most informed socialite refers to her as a “Super Model”. The Term International SuperModel is different meaning a household name around the world. Leuked has worked internationally and is currently enjoying success as an accomplished TV and film actress as well. She is also a very serious fitness enthusiast and is the spokesmodel for Thailand’s largest fitness chain. I guess she is a “hard body” model now as we used to say back in California. Very good at everything she does and stlll going strong.

  3. There are no Thai supermodels. A supermodel, at the very least, should be well-known internationally.

  4. Insanity expresses a strong opinion above and all opinions are welcome here I am sure but he might have added “in my opinion” . Super Model as a term is not in the Dictionary yet, so English language experts might be at a disadvantage here..
    Super Model is a glamor industry related slang term. The industry that created the term is the glamour magazine industry. Cover headlines love big adjectives. Since I have been a contributing photographer to glamour magazines for 15 years, I feel I have a strong sense of what the industry means when they call someone a super model. I can tell you that a model does not have to be internatonally recognized to be classified as a super model by magazine editors. If you insist that a super model needs to be intenationally recognized you would be at odds with professional magazine editors around the world and they are the ones who invented the term.

  5. Nice to see you contributing Adam! As you know I’ve disagreed with your use of the term ‘super model’ in the past, but in this case I agree with you. I think it is fair to call Methinee a Thai super model, but obviously not an international one.

  6. I checked Wikipedia for the term. They say a supermodel is a “top” model that is highly paid and known globally.

    Of course now you need to define what it means to be known globally:

    Does that mean someone in every country knows her? Then most top models would be supermodels since there are at least a few people in every country that know them.

    Or does that mean that they are well known in every country? Then there aren’t any supermodels – western “supermodels” aren’t supermodels at all since most of the world’s population (that is, Asians) don’t know them.

    Or does it mean that insanity knows them? Then we need to get the list, because it is probably limited to models designated as “supermodels” by western media.

  7. It would have been better term if she was called Thai top model. Then again, since most of us in cyber space now know her, I guess she can be called supermodel.

  8. In the USA there are three hot ways to dubb a model a “Super Model” within the American Market. The “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno, “Sports Illustrated” Magazine and lately, “Victoria’s Secret” catalogs and videos. The models who are lucky enough to score appearances within these 3 projects become household names in the USA and the rest of the world. But other models who get paid just as much for their work, ($200,000 or more for strutting their stuff for one weekend in Milan showing off the new Bill Blass collection), are equally paid , often more well known in Europe and never heard of in the USA. Would it be fair to judge a super model’s status based on what she gets paid or which TV show her PR agent scored for her? There are plenty of Super Models in Europe that Vogue and Elle feature as Super Models on their covers that no one in the USA ever heard of. Please consider that the English language especially when adopting slang terms is an evolving and living thing. As the slang term Super Model is a relatively recent term, various dictionary sources may be well outdated. Again, I point to common use among industry professionals as a better source for defining this term then online dictionaries. Magazine editors and fashion designers are the ones who use this term in the workplace and shape it’s real meaning. A super model is a model who has risen to the top of his or her field and has wide recognition within the industry regardless of geographic borders. I am absolutely certain that there are models in China that are Chinese Super Models with billions of fans that we never heard of. Maybe Asian Sirens can do something about that 🙂

  9. Adam Yurman: “I am absolutely certain that there are models in China that are Chinese Super Models with billions of fans that we never heard of. Maybe Asian Sirens can do something about that :)”

    We certainly do our best! 😉

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