Asiansweetheart’s blog is a great place to check out some beautiful Thai models. Thai singer and model Odette Jacomin is one of them. A gallery and a Wallpaper gallery elsewhere.Some Odette on the web:
Odette @ asiansweetheart.net (Lite cover gallery)
Odette @ asiansweetheart.net (1)
Odette @ asiansweetheart.net (2)
Odette @ women.sanook.com (Lite cover wallpaper gallery -15 photo’s)
Odette @ eotoday.com (Fashion photo’s)

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sensational stuff.
Here’s the latest work of Indonesian sensation Tiara Lestari:
I think that Tiara photo’s an old one- I’m sure I’ve seen that hat before.
And I don’t think this posting is about Tiara… 😉
this chick is much much hotter than Tiara, Tiara without make up can be found everywhere in Indonesia
If I am honest, I would have to say Odette is a bit too ‘western’ looking for me. But hey, I was thinking “Let’s post something else for a change!” 😉
Glad you like her hotbytes, personally I am more into the ‘darker’ type.
Although the Tiara discussion is off topic in this thread, I have to make the point that it is an old pic and that Adam Yurman has the rights to resell his photos of her as he sees fit, and will probably do so for some time yet.
Doc, what pic are you talking about???
Many Thais think Odette has a nice body but they don’t think she has a pretty face. They consider her looks to be too baan awk, meaning “up country” and not refined. But many westerners really like that kind of look. And I think she is pretty sexy, especially in her latest photos.
I’m talking about the pic indcouip refers to in his post above.
With the red hat? It has been censored! Weird! I don’t think Adam has anything to do with that! 😉
No, that’s just for Indonesian consumption.
Okay, back to Odette now!