Lily Koh’s website is much in the same style as past AS features Tussinee and Tailyn. Her paysite features explicit nudes and some girl/girl action; no hardcore though. These petite, darker Thai girls are not everyone’s taste, but they definitely have their appeal in the wide assortment of Asian beauty. There are a huge number of free, more explicit images of Lily on Asian-Thumbs. Click

Links for Lily Koh
Lily’s Official Website
Lily on Asian-Thumbs
Lily’s promotional blog
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Sorry for the long time in between postings, been super busy. 🙂
NorthMan, every1 will forgive you, with such a post!
Legend has it that Lily was a normal farm girl until one day when she hit the big city and got discovered. True or not, I love her petite, tanned loks.
Long legs, slim, beautiful face, perfect skin, Lily is just what south asia dreams are made of. At least mine.
Doc, don’t bother to watch the explicit images, you won’t enjoy much. I do. 🙂
I like…
A “bar girl” for sure…but incredibly sexy.She’s far from innocent…yet does’nt appear jaded.She rocks fishnet like …yeah!To borrow baseball analogies here: “I’d sign her.She’s a five tool player.”
Her web people could do a little better with the text.
I really like that first picture.
Curtis, there is a large, wallpaper sized version of that picture here.
This girl very hot or very mature, if I use to what Dr. Lee terminology.
What do you say Dr. Lee?
2 words “good lord”
i know what doc is going to say :)) i have to agree with him on this one..except for the first pix..that is nice…the other pics give me the wilies….but thanks NOrthMan. :))
LawBoy guessed what I think about this girl (and these photos – I do like the first one) correctly, but I am nonetheless very happy to see you posting again Northman!
And for the record Niners, for my taste she isn’t very hot, and she certainly isn’t very mature. 🙂
Let’s wait what Doc will type and comment.
Ooooh weee! daznlover says she was a normal farm girl before got discovered…well she just made me squeal like a pig on the farm just now, after seeing these shots of her. I’m lovin the third shot down with the knee high stockings on…Oh boy.
Lily looks better than the other two models that were mentioned, but models like Lily are way too petite for my tastes. Give me a Thai woman with some curves like Thitima Charoenmak.
Man, them long legs and little butt of hers has got me all worked up. Not to mention that exotic breed of hairless asian feline of hers. Meow!
Maybe its just me, but she looks rather plain.
Oh now…what’s wrong with plain every once in a while. Variety is the spice of life. And she is pretty spicy, let me tell ya’
Plain is something to settle for and not something to desire.
Cool! Got it.
The first photo is beautiful… Wow.
I think Robin has settled for her also. I guess I’m not the only one. Too bad she isn’t anything to be desired.
Great body no doubt. Personally, I think Tailyn has a nicer body but I’m not convinced that she has always been female. Tussinee is my favorite overall of the three.
If I ever have any doubts on a girls sexuallity, or if I think there might be even a slim chance she was once a dude, it’s game off.
I agree with Mr Hood and the good Doctor, the first pic is a keeper. Lovely nipple shot and he face looks rather lovely in that shot.
LawBoy, what’s happening, I thought you appreciated these tanned babes. I’m not recognizing you anymore. 🙂
This has to be so very funny. In this small thread alone, 50 percent think she’s hot and the other 50 think not so much. Even hot, pretty looking babes (by my standards) can’t get a wide agreement. I guess that’s why life is so diverse and the beauty is really in the eye of the beholder…
Someone said she has a great body? Her body looks like it’s still going through puberty. Not enough curves in my opinion. And the reason why people think she looks pretty in the first pick is b/c the photographer utilized the “angles” method.
What surprises me is that she is actually news to many readers here. Her thumbnail galleries have been appearing regularly on Asian Thumbs for a long time.
Tussinee still rules.
She’s actually news worthy?
northman you have to redeem yourself bro :)) looks like it is just the first pix….the other pix she looks like a bar girl…no offense North… 🙂
i take that back…maybe it is the phototgrapher…what do you think doc and adam…can she be helped with a better photographer?
LawBoy, what’s happening, I thought you appreciated these tanned babes. I’m not recognizing you anymore. :)……
i like tan babes, just not tan babes that may be a dude in disguise 🙂 adam, being in thailand, are the ladyboys hard to spot…how much danger are we making mistakes ? 🙂
Nothing wrong with tanned “babes.” But there is nothing special about this chick.
Not quite G, she does have beautiful, sexy lips. That I think is her best feature.
I dig the belly chain in picture 4. Almost looks like barbed wire!
I’d take lithe and youthful honesty of Lily before the silicone-pumped cynicism of Tailynn. But this picture should put to rest any doubt that Tailynn was born as anything other than a smaller-breasted female:
No surgeon is that good below the waist … right, Doc?
LawBoy, a dude in disguise? She’s all woman, check her gallery. 😉
Her tits aren’t big enough… She’s not curvy enough… She’s too dark… Too light… Too “primitive”…. Too this… Not enough of that…
Essence of Asian beauty or essence of way too picky dudes? Sheesh!
blueskies, i think it’s less that we’re being picky and more that we’d rather appreciate some legit asian beauty instead of asian pseudo-beauties.
Everybody has a different definition of beauty. In my definition, this chick doesn’t take the cake. She doesn’t have any striking features whatsoever.
this girl certainly is pretty slender, and she has lean long legs. she also has a nice stomach but i think that anything above the belly button needs some work. like what guernica said, she looks like an adolescent with such a lack of curves….anddddd that’s a little creepy.
i think her face is alright but it’s nothing unusual? it’s like pulling some skinny girl off of the streets of thailand and asking her to pose nude (granted that the girl you’re pulling off of the streets isn’t a prostitute with 10 lbs of makeup on). maybe that’s her allure? just the fact that she looks so girl-next-door/ordinary?
btw, guernica, is your username from the city in spain or the painting by picasso involving this city in spain. or neither?
christine – I hope this doesn’t offend you, b/c it is not my intention to do so… but are you bi?
Wouldnt it be both? Picasso created the mural to dipict the chaos that occured when the city was being bombed.
i was wondering if your choice of the username was made independently of your knowledge of the painting, so no it doesn’t need to be both – though, it is hoped that if someone were knowledgeable about guernica, they would know about that bombing.
Are you a fan of Picasso?
guernica – no, i’m not bi. i’m completely hetero but i log on here because i believe that it’s important for girls to also participate in discussions of this sort, since there’s huge disparities between what men think is beautiful and what women think is beautiful with regards to womens’ features. if more women chose to talk about issues like pubic hair or what being as skinny as that girl in the pink bikini in the previous post really means, maybe there would be less issues with women trying to achieve an unattainable image or with esteem issues. additionally, we could come to understand each other’s (men and women’s) thought processes regarding sex and sexuality a little better, so that physicality is less of an awkward topic, or something that’s taboo to talk about.
guernica, i’m not really a fan of picasso. personally my favorite art movement was probably impressionism. in particular i really enjoy degas’ paintings of dancers.
Well spoken.
christine – What would a beautiful women look like in your eyes?
i think a beautiful woman would exude both femininity and strength. a woman’s attitude/personality constitutes a lot of her beauty, but considering looks only, i think that a beautiful woman ought to have that extremely feminine hourglass figure. she should look every bit female, with gorgeous childbearing hips and an ample bosom — all of these characteristics aesthetically just highlight a woman’s fertility, her best gift! but at the same time she needs to be strong – so, probably muscle tone in the right areas. my reasoning is that this communicates that she’s unmistakably woman and has the ability to be independent if she chooses to – put in the spare on her own if she gets a flat tire, not need to call a guy for help if she’s moving something heavy, whatever.
tough and sexy!
Sounds good. So runway/fashion models don’t cut it for you?
absolutely not! 🙂 how about you, do you like women who look like runway/fashion models?
My wife is a runway/fashion model. Does that answer your question? I like my women tall and slender looking. With curves of course.
36 – 23 – 35 = Is that close to that hour glass figure you like?
geez guernica, looks like you’ve really lucked out with your wife! 🙂 you and steve could get together and have a dressy dinner with your wives/girlfriends, take pictures and make the rest of the guys on here a bit jealous — a bit being an understatement of course
talk is cheap guernica 🙂 post a pix bro… 🙂
Man, them long legs and little butt of hers has got me all worked up. Not to mention that exotic breed of hairless asian feline of hers. Meow!”…
ok arf..she looks better on video than her pix…
Lawboy – I did post one.
i saw..oops…nice pix dude…
LawBoy, deep down inside you have to have some cravings for this chick. Maybe? And, I think there’s a big difference between looking like an adolescent and actually being asolescent. Not all girls have the thick hour glass figure…butttt that’s OK. As long as they are actually 18 or older. Opinions are like buttholes remember…we all have one.
arf…i like her videos better than her pix…i actually do not like the adolescent look for sure. for me a dark skin exotic like thitima is much more my taste and she looks more like a woman than an adolescent….just dont it for me fer sure deep down or skin deep arf :))…butttt her video is quite intriquing…
Has anyone downloaded any of Tussinee’s more explicit videos? I found them on TorrentSpy. Quite entertaining.
If a girl is modeling K-Mart’s new line of ‘fashion’ in a strip mall in Arkansas and she walks down a ‘cat walk’ does that make her a runway/fashion model?
Like LawBoy said, “Talk is cheap…”
If we want to talk any further about our readers’ girlfriends, let’s do it here:
I have to say though, “runway fashion model” rarely impresses me, as I usually don’t find fashion models very attractive at all. Check out the backstage photos here for example:
Hey Errorl Flynn……could you email me? Thanks man! My email link is HERE.
OK fine! Maybe she isn’t all that wonderful. She just brings back memories of Thailand, that’s all.
WOW, her body is like exactly the same as that of my girlfriend, i sure like it 😛
Ive always preferred Joon Mali over Lily, but Lily is still def. cute. It wont be long before she goes the way of tussinee (hardcore). At least, thats what im hoping for.
Curves, curves, curves. Let’s be realistic, most thai girls aren’t that curvy. And many look really young, it’s difficult to say if they’re 19, 21, 23, even 25.
Lily definitely poses as a over-18 teenager, and she is just the petite type. Hard to find Thitima types in thailand, LawBoy. She is too tall and curvy for their standards. 😉
Some of you guys don’t like thai, fine. More for the rest of us. 🙂
christine, are you writing some kind of paper on the asian beauty and the male and female perspectives? Just wondering…
And I do like an independent and strong woman, but please, don’t start changing tires or moving stuff around without asking for a man to help out. I mean, give us a break, we need some opportunities too… If you women start doing everything, how will we impress you? Think about it… not good. 🙂
Daznlover, you are right. most of thai girls has no curve. Or should be said most of Asian.
Come on dazn, that’s a bit condescending isn’t it? If Christine wants to change her own tyres, that’s up to her. And if that’s all the guy has to offer, I doubt if he’d be of much interest to Christine anyway. 🙂
oh, there will be other ways to impress me for sure *giggles*
christine – you’re looking for a bf through Asian Sirens?
HAHAHA yeah right! but just sayin’, changing tires and moving heavy things are not ways to my heart. and neither are those ‘other ways,’ but there are plenty of ways to impress a girl!
and, if you took that wisecrack seriously maybe you need to lighten up, fella
oh btw daznlover, i’m not writing a paper or anything — though it would be cool to take a class on this kind of stuff. i’m sure i would learn a lot. i guess gender issues are interesting to me, period!
Come on Guernica, just because a girl comes on here and jokes around a bit doesn’t mean she’s come here to look for a boyfriend. Personally I would like to see a lot more of the feminine perspective here, but if we jump to these sorts of conclusions, we won’t have many takers. 🙂
I know it was a joke. I was trying to joke with her as well.
“oh, there will be other ways to impress me for sure *giggles*”……would it help if i tell you my nick name is Hung Lo ? :))
LawBoy, what is the meaning of Hung Lo?? I’ve never heard before.
If that is your nick name, then what your family name is.
doc will have to explain this one to you Niners 🙂
Hey Niners, LawBoy’s “nickname” is a joke. 🙂 I salute your enthusiasm in posting here, but we joke around a lot here (especially Christine and LawBoy), so don’t take anything we write too serioulsy. Humour is one of the hardest things to understand in a foreign language unfortunately. 🙁
hey niners, it is actually funnier when someone dont get it the play on words….see if you can get what i am getting at… 🙂 🙂 thanks doc for explaining….
i could have told Christine my nick name is Long Wang, but that could have offended my fellow chinese brothers. 🙂
Here’s a better name you can try LawBoy…cream of some young guy. The girls go ga..ga over that one…:)
arf…i know that but you have to use it in the right context. 🙂 like, “Christine have you try this new chinese dish. Cream of Some Young Guy? but this lose a lot of meaning if you cant say it with a chinese accent….henced me no use it 🙂 so solly 🙂
no sank yoo lawboy, i no eat dairy
i dont think it is part of the dairy food group christine :)) so solly again
we better talk about the topic at issue otherwise doc will get upset….lily is too skinny and needs more curves… 🙂
Chinese cheese… is there such a thing?
How about some good ole’ tapioca. Does the body good. That’s what I’ve been told.
lol lawboy i was replying to the “try this new chinese dish” comment but i know what you’re getting at. actually i don’t know if girls would jump at the idea of jizz
Speaking of jizz…I just read tonight in a new issue of stuff magazine that female jizz actually contains some forms of sugars, like fructose and glucose. It comes from a gland that I forgot the name of. That is just so awesome, and I’m still lovin’ Lily Koh’s little brown body. Me so cwazy!
hey arf…stick to this story and tell all the girls this and maybe they will be more enthuse about jizz….you can also tell them jizz is good for their teeth because of zinc. :)))
There you go LawBoy…some jizz toothpaste. You’ll make millions…:)
re: 1st photo.
I wonder what she looks like under all that retouching. Likely cute in a Classroom A Go-Go kind of way.
was wondering if any of those that have commented here are actually asian?
1st photo, playboy style (retouching). Hey, it’s allowed. 🙂
4th photo, a more real Lily. Still pretty.
yummy, I would guess most of us aren’t asians. Just asian lovers.
Some of us have asian better halves.
I’m asian.
i’m australian 🙂
are you really, lawboy? do you and the doc hang out, ever? hahaha
i am a shrimp on a barbie kinda guy 🙂
i had to google that phrase to understand it. news to me, ha!
Note that we call them “prawns” – the “shrimp” thing was actually we Aussies having a subtle dig at the Yanks we were advertising to! 😉
ha ha…christine doesnt know about Crocodile Dundee..she must be really, really young. 🙂
My goodness, I just realised: Crocodile Dundee came out before Christine was born! 🙂
yeah, soooo young. googoo gaga…mommy? ::drools::
btw just checking, if this site is running on australia time, is the timestamp off by 12 hours? (i.e. should it be 8:21 PM)
Actually, I think it’s running on Dutch time (Marco set it when he originallly put up the AS blog). But as the time stamp is indeed exactly twelve hours out for me, it is easy for me to convert in my head! 🙂
Hmmm, I just checked and it actually isn’t on Dutch time either! What time is it on? Robin? Marco? 😉
No clue!
How young is christine?
young enough to be in college!
I entered university when I was 16.
i have you beat, i’m sorry.
That’s cool.
btw, just wanted to mention that “young enough to be in college” doesn’t refer to people who enter college earlier, even though i did. your comment completely misses the point, as i just wanted an ambiguity to my age that would be based on the average age of college students (which is 18 – 22, +/- 2).
to put it extremely bluntly (but let it be understood that i’m not trying to attack you), i’m pretty sure no one except for you would care to know that you entered university when you were 16. as a suggestion, with your trust fund money, maybe it’d be easier to pay someone to compliment you and stroke your ego instead of fishing for it here with non sequitur comments like that one – it doesn’t take an aerospace engineer to see that that’s what you really want with the frequent mentions of your wife, knowing models (e.g. “does anyone want this chick’s number?”), your opulence, and intellect. i’m not doubting the validity of your statements, but “show us your girlfriend” post excepted, none of us here are really boasting about our lives on a website called ‘asian sirens,’ and there’s a reason for that *cough*off-topic*cough*
Man, I sure love Lily Koh’s little brown butt. It’s not quite perfect, but it is oh so nice.
dude arf, you were so right on with that previous comment on that beachy girl, i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me! 😛 but lily’s koh’s butt isn’t even nice :[
dr. lee and i will never understand. i think what it boils down to is the fact that asian lovers like these kinds of petite butts, or don’t really mind about the lack of posteriors. then again, some of the pics candyman posted of “booty” were really kind of frightening.
I can’t help liking the little brown petite butts like lily’s. As long as they aren’t too big and full of cottage cheese looking cellulite stuff, I’m all always happy. It’s like I said before, there’s two types of butts, either good or bad. I guess I’m just a butt type of guy. And legs, too.
Crocodile Dundee would agree on her nice ass… 😉
christine, there was another Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, back in 2001. No excuse. 🙂
You really are an amazing guy, aren’t you Guernica? Let’s list some of the remarkable achievements you’ve mentioned so far:
1) You say you’re in New York, yet somehow you always manage to log into Asian Sirens from Everett in Washington. Amazing!
2) You say you have a runway fashion model for a wife, yet the only pics you can show us of her are tiny low res headshots. You must be married to the only runway fashion model in the world who doesn’t have her photograph taken on the job, as I’m sure if you had such photos you would show them off to us. Incredible!
3) You must be the only guy in the world who never feels the need to masturbate. Yet in spite of that, you spend a huge part of your day here, even though you obvioulsy don’t need to, as you have ready access to all these models like your wife to screw whenever you want. Extraordinary!
4) You say you entered university at 16, yet you are dumb enough to be sucked into thinking that you need to spend $25K to get your wife a decent set of implants. Unbelievable!
I’m sure there’s a lot of other stuff I’m forgeting. Anyway, I’ve had about as much as your bullshit as I can take. Perhaps I should add “bullshit” to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. 🙂
haha i agree with the doc, entering university at 16 was just icing on that shiteous cake
Dr. Lee, I think Guernica is like …… let’s say Dr. Jeckyll perhaps.
i just don’t get it – if you’re looking to stroke your ego, why not look to stroke your REAL ego instead of a crafted personality? wouldn’t that make you feel even more depressed about your own life if people were praising accomplishments/fortunes which you didn’t even have? like,
you: damn, nice lamborghini.
me: yeah… *cries* if i actually owned one :”'[
it just makes the person seem like he has an underdeveloped personality. especially when it’s this obvious. this kind of reminds me of nicholiserviaphd, except his comments were way more crude.
Yeah, I always felt these people who pretend to be something they’re not are about as sad as it gets.
lets all pretend shall we 🙂 someone is delusional here 🙂 rich, smart, doesnt have to work, and date an asian model. next he will tell us he is hung like Long Dong Silver. 🙂 you can google that too Christine :))
“Bullshit or not Bullshit” i love that line 🙂
dont make him mad doc, he will run off with his millions and we wont have any more chuckles :))
Man…you guys are so mean. I wonder what you guys would say if I told you I entered university at the tender age of 12, then had a sex change at 17 and became a fashion model myself gracing the pages of various fashion/porn magz. And then I had a reverse sex change at 26 and joined the air force and now I’m here working as a pimp on Okinawa. I’ve been living the good life…:) Right?
we’d probably call your bluff, make fun of the yarns you’ve spun, and briefly talk about how immature you were on a-s too.
but hey, unlike some people, you’re smarter than that! so you can totally celebrate the fact that those neurons up in your cranium aren’t performing at subpar “let’s fake a ludicrous internet identity” levels
then again, i wonder if it would’ve been more fun to have just let him keep going. like, “hey guys, my real name is actually Lord Jonathan the Jubilant, Bringer of Peace and Destroyer of Evil. yes, all of those epithets are on my birth certificate. no, i can’t scan it for you because they’re at my parents’ castle in Scotland. yes, a castle. i go there with my wife every year when she takes a break from her jetsetting modeling life. when we’re flying on our private jet sometimes i can take the loveswing with me.”
Sometimes I get Thai girls mixed up with Khmer girls. would like to see at least one hot khmer girl up here on a.s. – I guess khmer women haven’t had that much photographic exposure like thai women
Please enlighten us yummy_dumplings – can you cite an example of a khmer model?
Oh yes, if Guernica’s BS was as funny and creative as Christine’s, I probably would have let him keep going! But he wasn’t funny or creative at all, just annoying. A good example of a funny bullshit artist was the Texan guy who pretended to be Keade Matsushima – Marco and I had some fun with him!
Oh yes Crist..and dont forget Long Dong Silver :)) please google that, you will be in for a surprise :):)
is guerni really gone? 🙁
Looks like it sadly – NOT! 😉
And LawBoy, the correct (and non-confusing) abbreviation for Christine is Chris. 🙂
thanks..i knew i was off on that…had a mind fart i guess 🙂
Doc and Christine, I like the smaller asian butt too and maybe its because I didn’t get the chance to enjoy seeing them much growing up. I like all this girls features especially the small breasts. I may need a session with Doc about my fixation because it may really be the latent feelings I have…well I think he knows. I like the katoey pics too and some are simply too pretty to discard from the mix. I too have a Chinese wife and she is exceptionally strong physically and mentally yet feminine when she wants to be. I am spoiled I admit it.
freaking HOT! i love her, hope to meet her in thai someday!!! haha
i like these pics http://www.lilykoh.org
found these today too, nice ones