Tech Babe Asia

Asian Tech Babe

Every once in a while we feature Race Queens. Of course there are many shows, events and exhibitons throughout Asia that feature beautiful models that present to us cars, motors, and tech-stuff. We can’t feature them all, so if you want to see more of those girls there is They used to be in blog format here.

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0 thoughts on “Tech Babe Asia”

  1. Wow such a nice collection of pretty girls. Most of them have the classic asian look I prefer too. The photographer was checking out Subaru and Mitsubishi girls quite a lot. I agree with his taste. Very nice indeed.

  2. I’ admit, im guilty!
    I go for motor shows mostly for the girls 🙂

    Nice sites there, too bad he seemed to stop updating it. I vote for the Fujitsu girls!

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