Susie Q


I was looking for the opportunity to feature another model that contacted Asian Sirens, and got that chance when Susie Q contacted the site. I like to feature models that are different from what you’ll typically see, so let’s meet her.Stats:
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 125 lbs
Measurements: 36-25-38
Ethnicity: Vietnamese

I also appreciate Susie for taking the time to answer the few questions that I had for her:

Me: How did you go from your previous occupation into modeling?

Susie: I started out go-go dancing and from there we started doing photoshoots for calendars and etc… I fell in love with that so I started modeling until I started my career as an Art Director/Marketing Director. Modeling took the back seat for a while until a few years ago when I decided to start it back up again. You can’t be young forever.

Me: How did you find out about Asian Sirens?

Susie: Word of mouth I assume, it’s been some time now.

Me: What made you want to be featured here on Asian Sirens?

Susie: I wanted to be featured on Asian Sirens because I think I am an example of the definition of an Asian Siren, sexy and alluring. I love to be a part of any site, magazine, etc… that helps embrace the beauty of Asian women. I also wanted to read all the feed backs from my photos whether or not they are positive or negative. This helps me realize how everyone has their own preferences or views on what is beautiful. To me everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Me: What is the typical Asian model and how are you different from them?

Susie: I think a typical Asian model is usually thin and sometimes boyish in figure. The glamour Asian models usually have big boobs and a small waist; the typical Barbie look. I feel like I am different because I don’t have that typical look. I am much more curvier and thick. I am unique because you don’t see too many Asian models with thick legs and a fat booty. I look healthy and that is what a lot of men like. Besides who wants to grab on a bag of bones or see your rib cage poking through your skin, I sure don’t.

Me: Do you pay any attention to the other thick/curvy Asian models that are out there?

Susie: Of course I do. I don’t go looking for them but when I come across one I am interested in looking at her pictures and reading her bio. Being curvy is something they should embrace and I give them props!

Me: Where do you see your career a few years from now?

Susie: I’m not sure if modeling will be my sole focus because I am trying to focus on building Striptease Houston, my business of a few years and also starting out my mobile marketing company. I do however, want to make a mark in the modeling industry as a representative of thick Asian models. I want to be at the forefront of this, hopefully, new trend of models.

Me: Are there any public events or shows that you plan on attending where fans could meet you?

Susie: Not at this moment, I never really got into the typical car import thing so I didn’t do a lot of public events. If fans would like to reach out to me, they can at my website.






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0 thoughts on “Susie Q”

  1. inb4 “ew she’s ink’d up I don’t like her blah blah blah I’m really picky”

    in all honesty, something could be done about her eye brows but I still like her

  2. Ummmmm… I’m half in the “ew she’s ink’d up so i don;t like her” boat… but also half out, thinking she’d be a mighty lot of fun.

    It’s funny but i’m not a big fan of the big-breasted curvy look- in western women. For some reason however, in asian women I like it just fine!!! Lovin’ the 3rd photo… (although still not a fan of the tatt)

    I’ll get in before dbldipper:

    It’s hard to say why
    but I’ll give it a try,
    why boobs of a size in the west
    just don’t do it for
    it’s not that they bore me
    I think just a handful’s the best

    But if she is asian
    and I have the occasion
    to wrestle her naked in bed
    then curvy is great
    and we’ll continue to mate
    until i’m all screwed in the head

  3. Petite is what I prefer myself whether Asian or otherwise. Not a fan of the all blonde hair on any Asian woman. Just does not seem natural. The other pics a great. The highlights don’t bother me. All in all she is a very good looking woman. She still has a hit of an hour glass figure. Fine with me.

  4. As I’ve mentioned in the past, very thick, stocky legs on women are a huge turn off for me, and I really don’t think they’re appropriate for a model. Her face seems pretty enough (we all know how much I love the Vietnamese look), but is this kind of body appropriate for a glamour model? I’m sorry but I just don’t think so.

  5. Depends what kind of model Doc, perhaps just not a fashion model. Is that the kind of model you are thinking of?

    For me, and at 30, she ‘models’ a sexy little package that oozes a fair amount of sex appeal. I’d be overjoyed to find her in my bed on a cold night.

    Sure, she has stocky legs. And I agree with kroos above re the different appeal for thick western women and asian women.
    But, as she points out in her (pretty neat) website’s intro, she is a role model for many Asian-American women who don’t fit that stereotype.
    I think there’s room in this world for lots of different ‘models’ to appeal to many different tastes.
    Vive le difference!

    Oh Susie Q, how I love you, my Susie Q.

  6. I said glamour model – I think a body like this is only suitable for a fetish model at best. To be honest, I feel there’s a tendency among many lovers of Asian women to think they’re okay as models, as long as they’re Asian and they don’t wear too much clothing. But while I do have a preference for Asian women, I expect them to meet the same basic standards as we would expect a glamour model of any race to meet.

  7. I guess what I don’t like about this is that I feel it is an example of the “everyone’s a star” mentality that gets promoted in the US, and is spreading throughout the western world. We can’t all be models, just as we can’t all be physicists or whatever. This isn’t the kind of “role model” I applaud – I think we should all accept and make the most of our own strengths and weaknesses, and not pretend to be something we’re not.

  8. She probably makes heads turn in clubs or events, but as a standalone she may not be up to snuff considering who else is featured on this site. Given her height and colorful features, she sorta matches up with the way people view Snooki.

  9. I love the thunder thighs but I have a hard time looking at the dyed hair. Why o why do they dye their hair blond?!

  10. I can’t help but think that this is the end result of all of those cheeseburgers that some of the members seem to think many of the ladies featured here need.

  11. Actually climber44, I think you may have a point. It does seem to be fashionable these days to say we don’t like skinny girls, but is this really what we actually want? Still, it’s good to see a range of opinions freely expressed here (without anyone getting nasty).

  12. Of course, I like her. I love the sexy thickness and curves. That bottom photo with the fishnets on…Hot!

  13. I’m not too concerned about the body, although the legs are a little on the chunky side for my taste.
    The off putting thing for me is the tattoo on the breast. I don’t mind tattoos, in fact sometimes they look great, just not on the breasts please ladies…

    Diet certainly has a lot to answer for these days. You just have to go to Japan to see a difference…

  14. She’s “pleasantly thick”. Just stay in the gym and keep it tight. LOSE the tatts…at least that one on the boob.

  15. hallejulia – however the hell you spell it. Makes me wish I could spend more time in Texas. California people force you to take drugs or meditate….She’s a polished up version of the viet/chinese neighbor I had down in Oakland….Made a few memories with her…Share your gifts, Suz, humanity needs you.

  16. I’m torn…I actually don’t think Susie Q is overly ‘thick’ though she does appear so in some of these photos.

    I think the problem is her clothing – and not her body.

    The skin-tight, sausage dresses ONLY work on ultra skinny / bag of bones girls.

    When ‘nourished’ girls attempt this look, it comes out looking very – how do I say this so everyone around the globe will understand it – very trampy…very East LA / Mexican-momma with 14 children in one rickety stroller.

    Susie Q – if you’re reading this – you’re a VERY pretty girl, but you’d really do yourself justice by wearing clothes that fit proprly…they can still be sexy, but they should ‘fit’.

    Oh…and get naked so we can check out your curves and see how you’re groomed (hopefully you’ve left some hair on).

  17. Actually AmericanArsenal, I think you have a good point – I’d probably find her a lot more attractive in more appropriate clothes as well. I guess it comes back to what I said earlier about making the most of our strengths and weaknesses – Susie becomes more attractive the further up you go (and less attractive the further down), so she’s emphasising her weakest point, and playing down her real strength: she is quite pretty.

  18. I for one think Asian Sirens doesn’t have enough voluptuous women.

    This chick is HOT, SEXY and so plump I’m gonna nick name her “Black Man’s Treat”

    Lotta meat for the poking.

  19. Let me hurry up and steal her pics before Dr. Lee deletes this model too.

    I’m never going to forgive you for Anna Bell

  20. @nicholiservia: As I said at the time, the problem with the Anna Bell post was the poor quality of the photos. Susie’s photos are definitely of a high enough standard for this site, even if I don’t personally like them.

  21. It is nice to change the pace from the very slim and very beautiful sirens which normally grace this site. Curvy women are very attractive and Susie is quite curvy, some might say almost a behemoth. Personal taste is the rule here, to some she is midnight fantasy to others not so much. Great choice

  22. nicholiservia are you selling photos now? 😛

    Susie is quite pretty and sexy in her own curvy, voluptuous style. Plus, she’s got a brain. That turns me on too.

    Doc, she can do glamour, who said only skinny girls can do that? Susie looks great and she looks like normal girls from the neighbourhood (only sexier and prettier). I like that, reality touch.

    Susie Q, we know you are out there reading……. 🙂 Come on greet us.

  23. I wasn’t going to say anything about my impressions of her, but after reading her pejorative remarks about slender women (my Japanese girlfriend is perfectly well “nourished” thank you very much, and her feminine figure is hardly “boyish” even though she weighs 27 lbs less) I don’t feel so hesitant to be blunt: I find her to be excessively overweight with way too heavy thighs. And the tats are a major turnoff.

    In Vietnam she’d be considered obese. I gotta get over there stat…

  24. I agree wtih daznlover.

    I think it’s great women of different shapes and shades can do modeling or other endeavours. I don’t think Susie said anything negative about slender women at all. All she pointed out was the typical appearance of asian models which is absolutely correct. I mean, look at the majority of models featured on this site, especially the tall ones that are almost anorexic looking. How is that “beautiful” or sexy in any shape or form?

    I think a few people in here are getting in their digs at Susie based on their own personal tastes of what they think women should look like, and some of it I find mean spirited. If a woman is kind enough to spend some time with the people on this website, you don’t need to denigrate her or say how much you dislike the way she looks.

  25. Although Susie isn’t to my taste, I have to agree with Strout that I don’t think her comments about slender women are overly negative. I do feel your comments about Susie are a little too harsh though luvjgirls, even if I may personally share your opinion.

  26. I don’t comment much anymore because the posts for most models seem redundant but since Susie asked to be posted I’ll put in my 2 cents since I’m sure there will be plenty of naysayers.

    I love the curvy girls and thick thighs equally to the thin types, and they’re something special in the lovin’ department. I think she’s pretty. Love the pink dress pic. A really nice womanly body. I’ll take this look over the anorexic girls every time. Of course, I have a soft spot for Vietnamese girls of all types so I’m biased.

  27. Hi everyone this is Susie Q! I want to thank you for your honest opinions. For the people who called me obese (luvjgirls) and other names, that is your opinion. Health wise I am not overweight I am actually at normal healthy weight. And I don’t eat cheese burgers. I actually eat less than most girls but I just hold on to it more than they do. My body may be thick but it is tight and not flabby. I am not attacking thinner girls at all. Models thin or thick are beautiful to me.

    Dr. Lee I appreciate your words but I think you are not seeing the big picture. Glamour models come in all sizes and shapes. Look at all the successful urban models right now. They are all thick and curvy but people love them. We are a melting pot of differences. If we are supposed to live up to “the basic standards” you are limiting yourselves. America wouldn’t be what it is today. That is why we have plus size modeling or sites up like Suicide Girls. It might not appeal to you but it will appeal to someone else. As long as there is a market out there for it everyone should learn to embrace the differences.

    As for the tattoo on my chest..I don’t like it either I got it when I was very young. But as for the rest of my tattoos I love them it shows you who I am. You either hate it or love it.

    As for being a role model, you guys might not see it, but for the ladies I am one. I hear it from women all the time that they appreciate that they don’t have to look like barbie to be beautiful even in the industry. Every one is unique and that is what I consider sexy.

    Thank you longtack and everyone else who showed me luv, you all put a smile on my face. Shot out to daznlover! Here is another pic for you guys…XOXO

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  28. Hi Susie Q.
    Glad to see you around here!

    I enjoyed your reply to the several issues raised on this post. To tell you the truth, I even welcome when the guys don’t agree on some girls sexyness. Less competition out there. 🙂

    That’s a very sexy photo, now that’s tight. 🙂 Puts a smile on my face too. I’ll be looking at you down the road, go get them, Susie.

  29. WOOOOOHOOOOO we got an extra pic!

    Thanks Susie! You just made my horrible day great. xox back.

    See guys, what ya get when ya nice to a woman!

    Don’t look Nancy (swoon), but I’m swooning again!

  30. That’s a very hot pic, but I must say my favorite is still the fishnet stockings. There’s something going on in her eyes in that shot. Something kinky and crazy enough to make any man smile. Zoiks!

  31. Susie, a very beautiful picture, thanks. That said, the picture of you in the pink dress doesn’t do you justice – need more substitutes please!

  32. Dear Susie, I see that you have already responded and I feel like I am late to the viewing of The World Hottest Asian Model. You look, Splendiferous in all of your pieces. I am not trying to put down all those other models, however, you are my favorite because of your natural tight curves. Then you bring out more art with tattoos which I find sexy in themselves. Not because of the pieces being what they are because you are the canvas they were painted on. I better stop, because I can do this for hours. I see something that is as beautiful & stunning as you are, and I can talk about it all day & night. Thank you for not only giving a few people a chance to see your real beauty which hides beneath but a chance for my eyes to gaze upon you as well.

  33. beautiful love the “stocky” legs that are so sexy. great tits gorgeous body and face what more could you want! Pierced tits?

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