Sunghi Lee – Never Before Seen Photos

Sunghi Lee

Going through some of my old photos, I came across this one of Sunghi Lee (who’s been featured and mentioned here so many times, I won’t bother with links….just use the search), taken in Suwon, South Korea on June 6th, 1998 while she was there to promote her movie A Night on the Water. Not a great film (despite a decent performance by Sunghi), but one I truly feel deserves cult status. Great soundtrack, though.I’m sure the above photo has never been seen before because I found it and the negative for it and two others, in 2001, in a envelope in a desk drawer at a former workplace in Korea. The three were taken by my former employer who was friends with the owner of the movie theater that Sunghi visited that day to meet fans and sign autographs. The top one was taken as she was signing the message that later went underneath the large framed photo you see of her in the next picture below.

Only the three photos were printed and I have them all. The two that I scanned for this entry, and the large framed one below, which is hanging on my office wall at home.

Sunghi Signed Photo
Photo of Sunghi with her handwritten message underneath

Suwon Theater
The movie theater in Suwon where the film was shown. The building was torn down a few years ago to make way for a department store. Even though A Night on the Water was shot in Canada, it was only shown at (very few) theaters in Korea.

Sunghi Lee
At the movie theater in Suwon the day she went there to sign autographs and meet fans. I was stationed in Suwon at that time, but didn’t hear of her visit until after she left Korea.

Sunghi Lee
Sunghi signing autographs at the theater. This photo was displayed in the lobby of the theater until shortly before the building was torn down.

Sunghi Lee
Still from Sunghi’s striptease scene in A Night on the Water, where she does a sultry routine to “Keep me in Your Mind” by Carolina, which is the song you’re listening to now. Read my review of the film here.

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0 thoughts on “Sunghi Lee – Never Before Seen Photos”

  1. A woman! Now that’s more like it. Very pretty lady…she didn’t need the nose job though. I’m sure there’s a thread here somewhere about the asian obsession with larger noses and whiter skin. I have dated a few Korean ladies, passionate, and hard working, but their bossiness and frequent garlic scent put me off.

  2. The only work Ms. Lee has had done is her boob job. I agree, her acting in this movie is pretty bad, it was one of her first real movie roles, she did improve over the years. She is now retired from acting and enjoying married life. She still does her website which she recently redone, and has her chats every week. She still looks great, going on 38!:P

  3. She’s a real nice person besides being hot. I used to be a member of her website and she answered all my emails.

  4. Dr. Lee, are you saying she isn’t nice? I am currently a member of her site, I was just at her chat, and have met her in person, and she is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.

  5. Yes lzbone – you’d better get out of here and come back in December! Now that I know your age, I am legally obliged to suspend your membership until then – send me a reminder to reactivate you when you turn 18 if you wish.

  6. haha that was so honest of him to just say his age. sweetheart you’re gonna need to have more guile than that

  7. On a personal level, I don’t have anything against 17 year olds coming here – if you ask me, nudity doesn’t hurt anyone at any age. But if I know you’re underaged, I am legally obliged to ask you to leave. Besides, lzbone was actually already on his last warning with regard to our forum rules – some of his comments have been quite immature.

  8. Poor lzbone.

    She’s hot enough that I could sit through that movie no problem. I wish I could have seen her back in the day hanging out with Lisa Boyle and Patricia Ford. Lisa used to always talk about them all being friends.

  9. I just love her so much…garsh! sigh! drool! slurp! wipe. Hope that wasn’t too immature or something. 🙂

  10. Hey, “Death to the Supermodels” is on cable right now and Sung-hi is in it. I didn’t know that. No nudity AFAIK, but she looks fantastic in a bikini (despite the requisite fake Asian accent). And if she’s as small as I think she is, the rest of the cast (including Jaime Pressley) is pretty dang small, too.

  11. She’s the only high profile hot asian girl ive found that is built like a fitness model. She can look like the typical fashion model type, but in a lot of her shots (& videos especially) she’s got muscles popping all over. Luv her ab’s & her strong looking legs, not 2 mention her back, shoulders, glutes etc, the list goes on!. I suppose being a bit of a fitness freak helps her, but Ive found a lot of Korean women r genetically gifted, especially in the legs. Sunghi just takes advantage of her good genes! She looks like shed leave most guys for dead in the performance stakes where they really matter! Her mix of stunning looks combinded with a bod that would make a lot of guys feel inadequet, makes her my no 1 girl.

  12. Ive spent a few hrs going thru A Sirens (my first visit) & I was hoping 2 find someone hotter than Sunghi, but it still hasnt happened, theres a lot more 2 c yet though. Looking at the comments shes probably the most popular girl on the site, going by my short visit. She may b older than most girls here, but she has that something xtra. Personally I think shes looking better now than when she first started.

  13. I joined her site recently & I agree, I like her body in the more recent shots more so than her earlier ones, even though they r amazing. She is built & very fit looking, luv her abs. I prefere her fit look over the skinnier ones that are on this site.

  14. Well I do prefer her look 7 or 8 years ago compared to now and I only say that because her right boob implant is a little off now but when you compare her beauty and how it’s held up at almost the age of 39 it’s just amazing. Most of these girls hit 30 and it’s time to pack it up. She is the woman that got me interested in Asian women back in the early 90’s and she remains my favorite of all time.

  15. Being so fit probably keeps her younger looking. Its a pity that there arnt more hot asian women hitting the gym

  16. If she did live chats the same way Felicia Tang did hers then u couldnt keep me away!!. Alas, shes a bit conservative when it comes down to the bottom line! Does anything happen at her chats, or is it just chats?

  17. Just been checking out her latest pics on her site, another great set that shows her sizzling bod off in the best way!. She seems to get more athletic looking the older she gets!

  18. Cant imagine her being the angry type, but then she dos say a few things in her site that may prove this 2 b true, being a bit of a tomboy when she was young & getting into fights with boys! Then she also has been doing martial arts a long time, I spose thats an indication that shes no gooey wimpy little girl that would take any crap from people. Combining the amount of time shes been doing martial arts with the body shes developed would probably give her a lot more confidence than your average girl, or guy 4 that matter. She’s hot, & if shes a bit angry 2 go with it then thats fine by me!

  19. I can’t get enough of that thing she does with the mango! How can a woman as tantalizing as this be real?

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