Sooyeon Lee


Sooyeon Lee is more than just a model (and not just because I could only find 5 photos of her online) – she is the number 3 ranked table tennis player in the United States.

She is also very tall. Sometimes I look at models like Tilae and they appear (in their images) like they could at least look me eye to eye, if not tower over me. But then you look at their heights and you see 5’3, 5’4 or shorter, and you start to realize that if you met them in person, they would be just as small as anyone else. Sooyeon is 5’10. With heels, she may even be taller than me. That’s impressive.


Age: 23
Height: 5’10
Weight: 110
Shoe Size: 8.5
Ethnicity: South Korean/Brazilian
Located: Los Angeles, CA





Is anyone able to find more modeling photos?


Table Tennis Photos
Sooyeong Whooping Some Dude and Ping Pong

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0 thoughts on “Sooyeon Lee”

  1. Her arms are very skinny. Probably one of the things that explains the very low weight considering her height. She does not look unhealthy – very fit, in fact – but you can tell that she both:

    a) plays a sport and practices a lot (low weight)
    b) plays a sport that does not involve much muscle.

    So she loses a lot of weight but does not gain it back in size. She is very pretty though, and in person I would not at all hold the low weight against her, but I think it may make it hard for her to land certain modeling jobs.

  2. I thought I’d be out today. But after a long night yesterday, that idea seems less and less appealing. Also, Sooyeon only has 3 photos, which makes re-sizing with Microsoft Paint a significantly faster job.

  3. The brazil in her shows through [too much]. Her name is awesome though (I know somebody named sooyeon). Isn’t it awesome? Anywho, nice body. Nice find, Travis.

  4. A girl who is hot and plays ping pong? Can it get any better than that? Its nice to see an attractive girl in competitive ping pong because there aren’t many of them. I wonder what kind of blade she uses.

  5. YES Soo Yeon is very attractive and her table tennis matches are beautiful to watch.I have seen her frustate and battle some excellent players.The matches are long and fantastic.

  6. How come there’s next to no info on her? She doesn’t even have her own wiki page..

    But ya I had to look her up after I saw her on Entourage lol

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