Sofie Garrucho: FHM Philippines Online Babe for July

Sofie Garrucho

FHM Philippines just released a new photoset of Filipina gamerblogger Sofie Garrucho as their July online babe. Check it out.

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0 thoughts on “Sofie Garrucho: FHM Philippines Online Babe for July”

  1. Its so not fair that FHM Philippines is good. All we have in the States is FHM doing mediocre looking girls airbrushed until they look good for the most part. She looks hot in this photoset.

  2. gamer-blogger?
    wait let me guess….

    If I was a LAN place, and if she was playing next to me. She would be playing WOW?

    wait. heck no.
    I won’t let her do that.
    I’d hit that so hard.

  3. I agree with Johnnie – the FHM guy was trying to shoot some artsy set – and managed to make a very good look Asian girl look bad.

    She need bigger boobs.

  4. fhm everywhere have nudes cept for the states lol but … i love this pic .. i guess when i look closely she’s not “cute” but i love the pic

  5. The shoot sucks… nothing against the model, everything against the person who decided to shoot her in this style.

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