The fourth Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival themed “building moral sexual attitudes” attracted over 60,000 visitors to its first day according to China Daily. For those who missed the festival, I found some interesting pictures and video (slow but nice). Anyone more?

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Damn, that second pic is hot!
doc…would have been better if they didnt have the granny panties on under the see-through body suits…
True. 😉
well that makes sense…now that Chinese men are hornier…since girls are decreasing …the men to women ratio is 118 to 100
But I thought sex was illegal in China! (Wait, maybe I’m thinking of Singapore.)
Haha, the first pic with the uneasy security guards is very funny… Seems like a novelty to them. 🙂
Are there Asian phone sex lines? I mean like in Asian…where horny Chinese men can call for a good time? Or is that illegal? Or is basic phone sex so primitive to our hi-tech Eastern brothers that they don’t even bother with it? Does this count as a “Sex Culture” comment?
well the attitude and perception towards sexuality in china is a lot different than here in north america. it’s not neccesarily a bad thing there but k well im in canada, every day here sex is brought up with my friends. we’re all trying to get laid//getting laid — but in china it’s a lot different, i doubt my cousin is as big of a horndog as i am x).
It’s crazy here in Peoples Republic of Massachusetts too. Sex is frowned upon by straight people…….I gotta get the hell outa this state! :p
darklighter1 that sure looks like you’re in jail lol
yangbwoi, your cousin is probably as horny as any other guy. Only the chances and perspectives are a lot smaller I guess… Let him meet some canadians and you will see 🙂
Never trust a Peoples Republic with that many letters in its name.
I defected to the Peoples Republic of T&A many, many years ago. It has served me fine ever since.
Actually, this Chinese Sex Culture Festival is very similar to one held in Canada every year: http://www.canwestshows.com/sexshow/vancouver/index.html
Used to be called the “Everything To Do With Sex” show but recently changed its name. They happen in a number of different cities across the country and have been very popular since their inception almost 10 years ago.
Safe but fun.
curtis, sex is not illegal in singapore, but prostitution is. I notice all the viewers are men. Where are all the women?…other than the ones on the stage….
they are hottttt very nice all the pics
i thought prostitution was legal in singapore. i am pretty sure that it is….
it is: http://www.worldsexguide.org/singapore.html
btw, this URL is blocked here in the land of smiles, but it’s blurb on google seems like it backs me up.
From the guide:
Singapore’s Court of Appeal ruled in 2/97 that consensual oral sex is a criminal offense unless it is part of foreplay leading to proper intercourse.
So… oral sex is a crime. That’s why Singapore is so weird!
oral sex is a crime if you dont get any:):)
i thought prostitution is illegal in most if not all southeast asian countries. just tolerated…
Guangzhou is in the south very hot and humid…Now its also Steamy….