Science Fiction Double Feature

In the spirit of the Halloween season, here’s the usherette (played by Park Eun-sook) with the opening number from the 2001 Korean version of the Rocky Horror Show, “Science Fiction Double Feature.”

The licensed Korean version of the cult classic ran in Seoul from 2001 through 2008 (although not continuously) with Eun-sook being the first and arguably the best, actress to fill the role of the usherette/Magenta.

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0 thoughts on “Science Fiction Double Feature”

  1. i’d like to see more of her without so much makeup…but i do understand it might be needed for the show

  2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Korea! It must be some kind of Time Warp:-)

    Pretty lady, would love to see more pictures also.

  3. Nice blast from the past.
    And yes, she is gorgeous.She has a great body. And a terrific voice!
    Would have enjoyed a little more ‘pole work’ from her and hope there are some nice stills of her out on the net to find.

  4. Wow! A stunning looking lady to be sure, stage makeup aside. Anyway, the accent and strong inflection was a hard on my ear speaking as a former RHPS hardcore fan and “performer”. Moreover I was also expecting another type of set so to speak. Nonetheless it was still a joy to see her performing the tune.

  5. @Ricky269 – Yes but that’s not a Korean production with a Korean cast. It’s the traveling production with the original Broadway cast.

    Still worth seeing, but unless it’s been extended, it’s ended its run in Korea. Here’s the website:

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