Roley Chiu Photography

Jenny Jung (Photography: Roley Chiu)

I did not find Roley Chiu, he found us. When I visited his website after a comment he made on this site, I was impressed with what I saw. Very stylish glamour photography, but still with an artistic edge. And beautiful Asian girls! Six of them are also introduced on the site. (I may have to do some extra postings on them :-))

It was very difficult to choose a photo for this posting, so I chose three! 😉 All of 21 year old Korean Jenny Jung. But be sure to check out his other models.

Who is Roley Chiu?

Roley Chiu is 25 years old, lives in Vancouver BC, Canada, but was born in Hong Kong. He talks about himself a bit on his site.“I’m a very deliberate photographer. I try to see my shots in my head before i take them. I enjoy the styles of Z!NK, Maxim, Stuff, Victoria Secret, Willy Camden, Antoine Verglas, and Russell James. My influences are Art-Fashion, Men’s mags, lingerie catalogs, women’s fashion magazines, billboards, and commercial ads. Although I look to those sources for inspiration, i apply my own personal style to my work.”

Roley Chiu (photo by Angel Sit)

“I like to work closely with models; working together to create something we both enjoy. I enjoy working with people that are as active and enthusiastic in the creative process as I am. The results are very rewarding.

I usually shoot with people that just want to see how they would look all glammed up. Grace and I like to have fun during shoots. We see ourselves as fun loving professionals haha. However, I sometimes prefer to work only with models that have a certain look that compliments the styles I focus on. Most professional models know that some photographers like to specialize on a style and thus are selective with who they shoot. It’s really, nothing personal. I truly believe all women are beautiful.”

Keep up the good work Roley!

Jenny Jung (Photography: Roley Chiu)


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0 thoughts on “Roley Chiu Photography”

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m very impressed by the beauty of the photos on this site. They aren’t especially original (his shots are almost archetypal glamour photography in style), but they are VERY well done.

    Interestingly, the way he does things is almost exactly the opposite of how I do them on Sachiko‘s site – we shoot very spontaneously and always on location. I guess it shows there’s more than one way to skin a cat!

    I have to say, compared with Roley or the Japanese and European photographers, I’m becoming increasingly bored with the American photographers we usually feature here.

  2. I’m so honored to have my work featured here! thank you Robin and Lee. You may not realize it from her photos, but Jenny is an incredibly energetic and bouncy korean girl. I met her a few years back and we both wanted to make something beautiful. She’s a great gal and is studying medicine in toronto now.

    Lee: thank you for the comments! I’m happy you feel the shots are archetypical as i model my work off of the styles i see out there. My goal is to reproduce the unoriginal themes that sell so i can find a place in the industry. One day!

    I really look forward to updates on this site. its a great portal for me to search for asian models galleries! Most other so-called portals i’ve seen just have the same old models on them but the one thing i like about this site is that it finds the rare gems.

  3. Aftre my comments on Sonny’s photography, I’d just like to point out that Roley’s work is an example of what would consider to be good ‘stylised glamour’ photography – very different from the naturalistic style I prefer, but still beautiful!

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