Vietanmese Bebe Pham stays fit by eating healthy and only the nutritious food. She also exercises on a regular basis. She is also an avid scuba diver who greatly enjoys traveling.

Read more at Asian Sex Gazette.
Bebe Pham @ Asian-Sirens
Bebe Pham @ iStudio.com (#448920)
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Commenting on my own post I know is not good form. But I just wanted to say that the working title for this was, “We lost Vietnam? Damn!”
I preferred that title…
She is one of my favorite sites in Cebu these days.
That would not have been very political correct Bill! 😉
(ohw, when posting pls. choose category next time, and when uploading image select pre-format, then a border will be added automatically)
Actually, the border should now be added unless you remove it – however, if you select pre and post formatting, it will now be automatically centred as well. They don’t call me the Doc for nothing. 😉
Oh yes, love Bebe! It’s nice to se a Vietnamese model who actually looks Vietnamese for a change. 😉
And redlaw, do you mean ‘sites’, or do you mean ‘sights’?
Some pix yes, some pix no. But in the “yes” pix, she looks awesome.
Also, darn Flash website designers to heck!
very nice bill…she is beautiful…see what you GI lost from the war :)) but you can go back now and taste vietnam for all she is worth…:)
Yes Curtis, that’s true – she’s pretty heavily made up in some shots.
Couldn’t agree more about Flash-based sites too.
Yeah. Sights. My fingers wear love drunk.
English is my second, maybe third language. 😉
definitely hot! btw, has anyone else here received spam mail in this girls name? i have recently, and i am pretty sure that it must be related to a-s.
just curious….
I wouldn’t exactly call it spam, but I have received it. I suspect she’s sending them out to any model photographers she knows of. Anway, in my case she sent it to an address I’ve never used on AS, so it isn’t directly releated to AS as such – we absolutely do not give out emails!
Now i’m jealous of you guys, I didn’t receive any email from Bebe! 😐
Must be doing something wrong, lol.
She is still studying in Cebu or something?
i am in love dazn…she has got the cutest face:)…good breeding stock:)
And smart also. Give her your email. 😉
dazn…i would but where would i send it to….bebe pham email me! :))
Sorry LawBoy, it’s by invitation only. 😉
Oh, and if any other babes like Bebe want to ‘spam’ me, you are most welcome to do so. 😉
Allright allright Dr. Lee I will “spam” you lol
Lawboy, she got a site, hint, hint lol
She is spamming me. I got two emails from her, the last one from her account on some site called Multiply inviting me to join.
I guess she must think you’re a photographer! 😉
One of my favorite asian models!!
She has some hot photos in this flickr account:
(I am not sure if it is hers)
Also I found her on Multiply:
Yeah I am pleased to report she offered to ‘multiply’ with me and it was an offer I couldn’t refuse.
Sometimes I don’t mind spam after all. Editor’s account on Asian Sex Gazette has led to some interesting liasions.
Exactly – how could I have knocked back an offer to ‘Multiply’ with Bebe? 😉
nice link pwies….
can we just go through the motion of “multiplying” without actually multiplying? i dont want to pay child support:)