Rio Fujisaki


Rio Fujisaki is the cutest JAV model I have seen in a long time. Interestingly though, she is one of the few models that I tend to like better when she is not smiling. She and I could never date because I might be tempted to spend a lot of time making her sad.**No, just kidding Rio. <3. Stats: Age: 21 Height: 5'1 Ethnicity: Japanese Located: Tokyo Photos:



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0 thoughts on “Rio Fujisaki”

  1. The comparison between this girl and the last one is interesting. I actually think Hinano Momosaki has a better body (though Rio’s body is just fine), but Rio has a far more striking face: genuinely pretty, as opposed to just cute. Hence, she stands out more for me – while you will find many JAV girls as cute as Hinano, you won’t find many as truly pretty as Rio.

  2. Rio & Hinano could be sisters. That’s two “Pia Zadora-Types” in a row! Don’t know what the troops are thinking, but I am ready for at least one “Man-Eater-Type”!!

  3. !!Rio should have dumped Photo #9 in the dust bin!! NOT FLATTERING! (Perhaps taken when she had not lost all the baby-fat?)

  4. So my type. Reminds me of my girlfriend who is 5′. She too is irresistibly sexy with that “What did you just say?” facial expression.

  5. Spot on comments Doc.
    What you wrote summed it all up for me in relation to Hinano Momosaki.
    Except I’d say Rio’s body is a tad nicer.
    Whereas Momosaki’s eyes reminded me of a childlike anime character, Rio’s are much more ‘womanly’. Only 21 but looks a delicious mature 30 yr old.
    LOVE the nipples in the first pic.
    She is utterly beautiful in the last pic!

  6. arf, I agree, everything is so right about her.

    Buying a plane ticket to Tokyo right now. Cause the first pic is really a winner.

    Hey Travis, nothing wrong with her smile. What on earth are you talking about??! 🙂

  7. Now this girl is no where near the fence. Her smile doesn’t bother me, but I know what you mean about the DSL’s. This girl really stands out for me against the other Japanese AV girls.

  8. Odd that you say you prefer when she’s not smiling and post a bunch of smiley pics. Last pic shows off her face very well.

  9. Dazn, I said I liked her better when she doesn’t, not that I don’t like her smile. Gold is worth less than platinum, but that doesn’t mean I won’t still take a heaping helping of gold at any time.

  10. She is a keeper to be sure. Very alluring, sultry and demure all at the same time and petite to boot! I would love be to in her private AV movies!

  11. Rio and Hinano are equally beautiful to me. They have very different face but to me they are equally alluring. A weekend three-way with these ladies would let me die a happy man.

  12. wow she is so perfect, 11 out of 10 dont give a toss about her toes she is so damm sexy,love her breasts, if she was mine i would never let her out, definitely drop dead gorgeous.

  13. smiling, not smiling…who cares???

    if i saw her on the street, i’d just propose to her on the spot. she’s perfect!!

    great find travis!

  14. OH MY GOD!!!

    That’s it guys, you’ve done it, no need to update with any more women, you have found THE ultimate girl of my dreams!!!!

  15. Gorgeous face and I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t fall in love with her cute smile (and she surprisingly has great teeth!)!

    She’s pretty close to a 10 in my books but, as mentioned before, I like them a bit taller than 5’1. But I suppose I can “slum” it for Rio-chan. ^____^

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