Playeur Magazine


There is a new magazine in Singapore called Playeur. “A stylized magazine that is sophisticated and sexy in the same breath” as I am told. So: Esquire meets Playboy? (buy it for the articles? ;-))

Unfortunately their site is far from ready yet, but they promise a revamped website complete with video will be launched some time this fall. Untill then those of you with a Facebook account can check out photos here.

Though most of the models are Asian or of Asian decent, they do on occasion shoot others as well. Nira Chan is the covermodel for the virgin issue and Dawn Yang is in there too. No nude, but sexy photography.

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0 thoughts on “Playeur Magazine”

  1. She’s cute, although there’s something about the way her face is built that bugs me. Nothing I couldn’t get over. 😀

  2. Curtis G. – I think it’s because she looks too Korean to be Singaporean in a majority of her pictures. There’s nothing wrong w/ looking Korean, it’s just a surprise; I, for example, look Korean and most people would have never guessed that I am Chinese/Viet. Anywho, she’s very cute, I dig her.

  3. i bought the feb and march edition. good mag. and way sexier compare to fhm n maxim, which i believe more ‘fashion sexy’ .

  4. It seems she didn’t like the negative comments, and asked CEC32 to close her post, which he did do. Neither Robin nor I agreed with this, but as it was his post, it was his decision.

  5. Dawn Yang likes to alter everything, from her face, to the pages talking about her. Next must be wikipedia. She should just assume she had surgery and move on, a lot of women did.

  6. Here’s the story on Dawn Yang’s entry:

    I contacted her about being featured here and told her that I’d let her check out her entry before I posted it, for her OK. She didn’t say yes or no but asked to see what I had written on her. After I wrote her entry, I sent it to her to see if it was cool with her. I didn’t hear back from her for several days so I thought, since I received no objections, it was, so I posted it.

    A day later she sent me an e-mail stating that she was away and hadn’t gotten to her inbox for awhile, and politely asked me to remove her entry. Turns out, I was away for a few days myself and hadn’t gotten to my inbox to get her first e-mail and there was a second one from her, still politely requesting her entry be deleted.

    She didn’t state why she wanted it removed, but I assume it was because nearly all the comments were about her obvious plastic surgery and, since I posted her entry without getting her okay first, I obliged her and removed it. However, that was my choice and NOT the policy of Asian Sirens.

    If a girl’s not a celeb or nude model, I’ll ask her if it’s cool to feature her here before I do. If it’s not, it’s her loss and I don’t waste any more time on her.

    I asked to for Dawn Yang’s OK before featuring her because I considered her a non-celeb but in hindsight, I called that one wrong. She’s done her share of modeling and has gotten enough net exposure to make her as “fair game” as many of the other cybergirls we’ve featured here.

    If anyone wants to see more of Dawn Yang, a simple Google search will do the trick, but she’s not deserving of any more free publicity from us.

  7. While Dawn does little for me, I really like Nira Chan’s look. Hopefully, we will be seeing MORE of her. Her friends look to be pretty cute, too.

    I think what CEC32 did, was nice, fair…and probably the right thing to do. However, I can’t help but notice the hypocrisy of many “celebs” (major and minor). They rely on the media (or blogs) to fan their fame, yet complain when they don’t approve of the coverage or cry foul when the coverage isn’t all on their terms.

  8. Dawn was lucky because CEC32 is a nice guy. But as a celeb she won’t get many nice people to attend her requests. She better start growing some thicker skin. It’s the media, baby!

  9. wow the cover model is gorgeous … hmm i noticed someone mentioned “hope it doesnt turn into another maxim”

    i thought maxim is a good thing i mean they always have pretty hot pics

  10. I bought this issue when i was in Singapore simply because the cover drew me in. Nira claims that it was the #1 selling “cover” for that month in singapore.. which can mean many things, but there’s no disputing the fact that this magazine is one of the best magazine’s i’ve read and re-read. So much so that the style has dramatically changed my photography style.

    Both Nira and Dawn look amazing in the mag. I think Nira will be getting an encore photo session in the Feb or March editions. Not sure yet as i’m having the March edition mailed to me from SG to Canada. This magazine has huge potential.

    Early rumors hinted that the mag was going to be an asian version of playboy, but there is no nudity. The photography is done by SG Maxim regulars such as Ivanho Harlim. (I even stayed in the boutique hotel in the same room which they shot one of the features during my time there lol). Interestingly enough, the Editor in Chief: Dylan Tan was the long time Editor of SG Maxim and recently ported over to lead the vision playeur’s editorial content. the GM of the magazine is on facebook: Holman Chin.

    The mag is published by Viscion and they already have a few other titles in the works. Looks as if Playeur will be their flagship.


    – RoLLs

  11. Oh as a side note, in the subsequent issues, the magazine will now be working with more ‘agency’ models as opposed to Blog Queens… or so i’ve been told from a trusted source.

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