Paulei Lani


Paulei Lani is an (ex?) important model from sites like Import Icons. She’s an interesting mix of German, Hawaiian, and Filipino.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: 5’4
Ethnicity: German/Hawaiian/Filipino.
Located: LA










Import Icons
Auto Infection

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0 thoughts on “Paulei Lani”

  1. I know there are those among us who don’t care for “islander” looks, but having spent a couple of decades in Hawaii before coming to SEAsia I found myself quite enamored with the island ladies…young Lani is not an exception.

  2. All I have to say is… yum. Like the fake big boobs, and lovely butt! 😀

    Face is very… different. I kinda like it. Definitely shows she isn’t full asian… but it’s good, strangely – I usually only like exotic asian faces. 0.o

  3. She looks almost Indian to me in the first pic, not really what I would consider a typical islander look. Nonetheless she is very sexy, the boobs are a bit overdone IMO but she has a great arse and a lovely smile. 🙂

  4. Maybe not gorgeous, but she is pretty with a very distinctive look. I love her smile, and even her over-sized boobs match her framewell.

    No rhymes today because I’m not sure how to pronounce her name:-p

  5. lol Dr. I always have positive comments about implants… unless it is an implant gone horribly wrong D: Buutttt… Since I have google chrome. new tab brings up the first pic again and again… Never gets old. Love her implants. <3

  6. err..I believe her name is Pualei Lani.
    Which (according to Wingsfan) probably doesn’t make trying to pronounce her name any easier.
    Perhaps the title of the whole post needs correction?
    Oh and I think she is totally gorgeous, especially the pics that show off her delicious arse.

  7. I’m not always thrilled about the Eurasian look. But Paulei is a hit – more like a homerun. And the implants are a huge (pun intended) part of that. Interesting jawline. Eyes are exquisite. Great smile.

  8. Maybe its the strange mix, but whatever it is, it just works for this girl. She’s quite a tease.

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