There are plenty of explicit photos to be found on the web of Nikki Chao, but you will find the best photo’s on 24mainstreet.com. Yes, they have something called the X Files there (I wonder how did they come up with that name? ;-)) You will find the wildest uninhibited pornstars, photographed in style in that section.Some facts:
Birthday: March 09
Ethnicity: Chinese
Height: 5′ 4″
Bust: 32B
Waist: 24
Hips: 34
Nikki on the web:
Nikki Chao @ glamourmodelsgonebad.com (1)
Nikki Chao @ glamourmodelsgonebad.com (2)
Nikki Chao @ qualityebony.com
Google search (if you have some time to spare 😉

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she’s cute in the black but my girlfriend has a booty kind of like a black girl have anyoneelse heard of any other asain girls wit big booty’s hit me back
I’ve heard Nikki has retired. Never really thought she was “all that” – but I guess she’s cute in her own way.
I seem to remember that Tia Kai got pretty pissed at her at one point after their girl-girl shoot because Nikki & Co supposedly published nude(ish) shots of Tia, even though they agreed not to.
She seemed to also have a pretty solid connection with asiandreamgirls.com which fortunately seems to have gone by the wayside (and morphed into the ever-nauseating asianmodelpalooza.com). But I remember her splitting from them in anger a couple of years back and starting http://www.prettynikkichao.com – wise girl.
I’m a huge fan of Nikki Chao. It’s about labia.